
A ninja in Marvel

A 25 year old teenager is reincarnated in another world that is both, similar and different of his own in many ways.

IGDL · Phim ảnh
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20 Chs

13. New York

[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]

*Time skip 1 month*

*Mc's POV*

*Airplane sounds*

We arrived in the U.S without any problem, it was my first time on a plane so I was a little scared, not for my own safety but everybody else's, I could fly so I'm going to survive in all cases.

As we are headed towards the exit, people start to take picture of us, I kinda expected this, I mean my mom and dad are good lookinh enough to have people turn their heads, or at least my mom, dad's just huge so he's ought to get attention, but me having the looks of my mom, my dad's eyes and a smaller more compacted version of his body, wearing dark blue jeans, a tight button up black shirt that show my muscled arms, with 2 buttons open showcasing my chiseled chest, a black and gold Rolex, 2 chains, one is a simple gold chain, that my dad bought me when I was 12, and the other chain was special. It was given to me by my grandpa before he died. It's a black gold chain, with a cross made of silver, and, has patterns draw in it with a really small diamond in the middle.

Kira was in my moms arms, but Rocko being the champ he is, standing at a 4'7 height, his muscled legs and mean face, scaring those in his way, wearing a simple black collar with a small tag with his name hanging down, to my side making me look badass.

Every body (my family including Sebas, Alfred and Olga) shaking their heads at my display; I like attention what can I say.

Anyways we exit the airport after getting our luggage, we head to the limo, the first person te get in is my grandma, than comes my mom, followed by my grandpa and than my dad, as I was about to step in, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to find a gun barrel on my face, Its a dude with a skymask, and a 9mm on his hand.

"Give me your shit"

He yells, I had my hand up in the air, he reaches to to grab my chains with his hand, as soon as his within my reach, Rocko jumps and bites the hand holding the gun, and I punch him right on the face.

*boom* *bam*

I heard a gunshot, but it was too late, he was already K.O by my punch, I can lift more than a tonne, a punch on the face is going to hurt.

And than I felt something warm on my leg, as I look dawn, I see something red damping my leg. I suddenly felt my knees buckle, so I leaned back on the limo, I got out of my chock, I instantly start to put pressure on the wound, my dad jumps out of the car, looking like he was going to kill somebody, followed by Sebas and Alfred.

As soon as he saw me, his on his knees beside while Sebas and Alfred are calling for help, my mom is crying hugging my side and Rocko is liking my cheek.

*Time skip 5 hours*

It was only a scratch, although I lost quite a bit of blood, I'll be good by tomorrow, my grandparents went ahead with Sabas, Olga and Alfred to the mantion since they didn't allow animals in the hospital, and Rocko and Kira couldn't stay in the car.

Dad's outside talking to the police, trying to put as many charges on the poor robber, and my mom is reading a book, she hasn't left my side since we arrived in the hospital. Aftet dad finished talking with the cops, he steps inside the room, and looks at me than at my mom.

"I'm going to the gas station around the block, do you want anything?"

"An Iced mocha coffee and some Oreos" I said.

"I'm going with you, I want to see is they have any kind of tea". My mom said.

As soon they walked out, I turn to the window to my left. 5 minutes later I hear my door open and close, "Did you forget any-"

As I looked at the door; I see a bald woman wearing yellow robes, with a small smile on her face.