
Ready to guide others

Eldrian stayed and meditated for another hour after Constantin left. He wasn't in a rush to return to his small room when the game was still down and he wanted to explore what him being able to sense his surroundings meant. 

Unfortunately, even after an hour, he failed to manage anything other than increasing his sensitivity to what was around him, slightly. 'Can't expect all things to just fall in line once inspiration appeared.' Eldrian mumbled as he stood up and looked at the tree and plants nearby with a strange look. 

They all seemed more vibrant, or the rest of the world now seemed less so. As if a gray filter had been placed over all but these plants. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts however also caused this filter to disappear. 

'Was it my imagination?' Eldrian wondered as he headed back, checking his phone and confirming with Erik that they were still going out during the weekend.