
A new life in High School DXD

This is a young man of twenty years who was reincarnated in High School DXD carrying with him a system to ascend beyond its limits. The first time I make a fan-fic note is that some characters will not be present. ----- The High School DXD does not belong to me, nor any character. English is not my language

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164 Chs

I did not go


Yukio had spent his free time chatting animatedly with his two lovers, he felt somewhat reluctant to leave them in this place, after all, these two women were always encouraging him and almost none of his wives knew about them, only Saemys and Kuroka were aware of their existence, but he was hoping to find a body for them and present them to the others

When he left, they both simply gave him a breath of how he needed to become stronger and that they would wait patiently

Upon leaving, he returned to the real world and opened his eyes, possibly only about five hours have passed since he arrived there

He had said he would be uncommunicated for two days, why? Because he wanted to visit the Fairy World, he felt he needed to go there for some reason

His plan was to take Great Red with him, he wanted to show her a place where she could go crazy without needing to restrain herself, after all, there were some beings of equal or similar strength in that place

As for Ophis ... Actually, she had asked to have a date and he would gladly accept it, he planned to take her to a special place

Leaving his thoughts aside he got up from the bed and patted himself before starting to walk towards the surface, upon reaching the surface, the three beasts were sitting around the place

The Wolf turned his head and seemed to bow. "My King, no one has come, but a presence has been loitering nearby, shall we take care of it?"

Obviously, this place was a forbidden area and nobody was allowed to enter, there were many reasons, one of them it was that this place was where the King used to do his research

Yukio: "Presences? Uh?" He extended his 'Perception' and instantly felt a headache

It was not because an enemy had appeared or something ... It was that he felt a familiar presence that was raising and lowering its power, this meant a battle or possibly it was just trying to get the attention of these three beasts

The Serpent Beast was the first to come forward "My Lord, I can take care of this person, you don't have to bother about it"

Yukio looked at it carefully, he was going to refuse, but suddenly smiled, he felt it was better to play for a while "You have my permission"


Great Red had been escaping from Ophis, at first, she found it somewhat difficult but after all, she was still stronger than her, finally she could escape and now she could be considered 'free', she was so delighted that started to have a lot of curiosity about this place

She entered cities and villages, some welcomed her in a friendly way, some were hostile or even neutral

After all, everyone said that they didn't recognize her and that they didn't know where she was from, but they didn't attack her or anything, so she did not give it to much importance.

On her way she tried countless snacks, games, and things that she considered fun, If Ophis liked children too much, then, she started to love sandwiches (E/N: Can't Blame her tough)

Her trip continued to take her to her current destination, it was the northern area, and she could vaguely feel that only about ten presences live in this place

Great Red: "Why are there so few people?" She asked herself while eating a toothpick with sausage and drinking from a can of juice, she could see that the north area was full of trees and they were beautiful, their leaves seemed to shine or something similar

All in all it was a very nice place to live, even though there were only ten presences, that was weird and her curiosity was triggered

Great Red: "Huu ... Anyway, if it's a nice place ... I'll take it for me!" She said happily as she smiled, suddenly she saw a sign in front of her

[Restricted Area, please return]

Great Red: "what's this? ... It seems like some kind of warning ..." She felt somewhat curious

Obviously, she could understand the words, but she just ignored it, who was she? A true dragon god, who had no fear

Taking big steps, she started walking on a forest path, suddenly found herself in a desert place, there were no trees, there was a single flat land for approximately 10,000 meters, it was as if it were the place of a camp previously

Great Red: "Isn't this place perfect??? A beautiful landscape in front and flat land where I can create a house to live in!"

While fantasizing about creating a beautiful house, she felt a sudden presence approaching, she instantly jumped from the place where she was standing


Just at that moment, a beam of earth had appeared, if she had continued standing there she would have been impaled

The thing is that it wouldn't have caused her much damage ... The problem was the position emanating from there

Her beautiful face was distorted in shame and anger, if she had taken only a little longer, that would have been something humiliating

Great Red: "¡Who was it!?" She screamed in anger before visualizing the whole place

But suddenly something scaly began to cover her and roll up as it squeezed her

Great Red: "Ugh!" She let out a moan at the sudden attack, suddenly saw a beast like a snake that was coiled around her

Great Serpent: "This is easier than I thought, how absurd" The snake seemed complacent as it tightened its grip to pulverize the bones of this beautiful lady it had caught

Possibly it wasn't necessary to kill her, but he knew that he had to at least seriously hurt her because he could feel that this woman was strong and it would be a problem if he let her go.

Great Red: "Easy?! You big ugly worm!" She got even angrier and exerted pressure between her thin arms

This caused the Serpent to feel that an impacting force was trying to tear it in half in desperation to release herself, but the Great Serpent tried to bite her in order to have the first attack.

Even so, it didn't work, Great Red had moved her palm up and hit the Great Serpent

The Great Serpent's body flew a few meters before falling gracefully and his gaze fixed intensely on the woman standing

Great Serpent: "What an amazing force ... What race are you?, You should know that this place is a forbidden area, how dare you to break the rules of the King?"

Great Red who was looking at his waist where a slight red color had appeared, raised his angry eyes "Forbidden?, Nothing is forbidden for me! Leave your absurd nonsense and go to die!"

She just wanted to make a house in this place, but this stupid snake started attacking her, which made her feel very angry

Great Serpent hissed "I see ... In that case, don't blame me for being rude" It was funny to hear him speak like a mother

His body shone in white and then disappeared, it was an excellent speed

But Great Red noticed it, she raised her palm again and her small palm hit the face of Great Serpent

She had stopped him with only her hand, yet the Great Serpent suddenly started wanting to roll around her again, but before he could Great Red s raised her leg and kicked it


What she didn't count on was that the Great Serpent took the thrust of the kick to make a turn in her body and his tail hit against her sending her to fly a few meters

Great Red rolled on the floor and then got up anxiously, in the distance she could see the Great Serpent who had his mouth wide open

"Hyper Poison!" the Great Serpent hissed and a green bolt shot out just to hit Great Red

She felt something and instantly moved, successfully avoiding, the green beam hitting the ground, suddenly it began to corrode and a greenish gas appeared when the earth disintegrated horribly

Great Red gulped nervously, that could possibly have done her some damage

('Yeah ... I better kill this stupid snake fast') Great Red made the decision to eliminate this thing, although she remembered Yukio's order ... She wasn't the one who started attacking, did she?

She took a few steps and breathed deeply "Beautiful skill ... Do you want me to show you one of mine?"

The Great Serpent felt something ominous hearing those words, but still not intimidated "I'm sorry, but it's time to eliminate you, it's my job after all"

Without waiting for anything, he launched himself towards Great Red with the intention of ending her life

But Great Red snorted and raised her finger forward, a small sphere was created and she smiled "Dragon S-"


Her words were cut off as her body flew a few meters into the air while the dust stirred everywhere

The Great Serpent stopped short and his body seemed to sweat, when he saw Great Red's attack he felt that he was going to die, luckily he was rescued on time

Winged Wolf: "What have you been told before about your imprudence? It will one day lead you to death, don't underestimate the enemy ... That woman is hiding something and I don't know what she is"

The wolf who was the leader of the group had appeared and scolded his subordinate, but his eyes were fixed on the direction of Great Red.

He could feel it, Great Red had a really powerful body and one that attack wouldn't be enough to defeat her

Great Red got up while her head was spinning, she was taken by surprise "Shit! Is there more of them?... I just want to build a house for the love of…." She muttered angrily

Suddenly he felt a presence on top of her and she instantly move out


A thunderous sound echoed and a huge dark Fenix appeared as he screamed and threw fire towards the direction of Great Red

Great Red immediately expels all the air in her lungs creating a huge torrent of fire, the fire hit and warmed the area, the wolf frowned as it noticed the distinguished attack of Great Red

However, he went straight to attack her again, it was an opening

Great Red saw his actions "What beasts without morality, unable to fight one by one" She knew that without transforming herself she couldn't fight against these three together

But she didn't want to cause so much destruction, besides if Yukio could defeat her simply in her initial phase, she should then become stronger to take her sweet revenge

She lifted a finger towards the direction of both attackers and roared "¡Dragon Shout!"

Immediately a laser-like line shot from her finger right in the middle of the two enemies, the Wolf was in shock before jumping, the Great Serpent did the same but it was too late


Both bodies shot out due to the impact, their bodies rolled on the floor but didn't receive much damage

As for the Fenix, he took the moment and flew directly to Great Red impacting her and causing it to back a few steps

Dark Phoenix: "Bastard! You dare to attack my companions!"

Great Red: "Is that what you care about?! You start attacking first me stupid!" She squeezed her fist and slammed it into the face of the Phoenix which caused him to retreat

The Wolf stopped and raised his paw when he saw that Great Red was planning to hit the Phoenix again

Winged Wolf: "Great Earthquake!" His leg crashed to the floor and began to shake and crack open before it collapsed

Great Red didn't have other option than jump to dodge, but the Great Serpent take advantage of it to hit her with his tail on the back

The Fenix waved his wing and hit her again, it was like a volleyball play between friends

The wolf used its tail to lash her hard to the floor, then jump on her but suddenly realized something

Winged Wolf: "Huh?" Great Red disappeared, the three searched and saw her farther away, she had some injuries and her clothes were somewhat torn, but her expression was not good

Anger? ... Fury? ... Attempt to kill? All that was spilling and her aura was rising every second

The three nervously swallowed saliva...

"Dragon ..." More like a word, they said it like nervousness and terror

Who were the Dragons? They were superior existences, not only that ... A Dragon in the Fairy world, there were only five that originally lived here and all were far away in their clans

But there was one, you didn't have to be smart to realize that ... It was a woman related to their King

Great Red: "I'm going ... I'm going to kill you, damn it!" She raised her aura and her presence also increased bathing her aura with intense killing intent

Her body was going to start to change when she felt a very familiar presence, her beautiful face went pale before turning red.

Her aura quickly went down to normal and she started walking with a red face and an uncomfortable smile

Great Red: "I ... I swear I did not start ... It was them! Ask them right now" She started to say and accuse the three previous enemies

Yukio who had been hiding to teach a lesson to Great Red smiled and patted her head "Yes, I believe you"

Great Red: "I'm serious !! It wasn't me !!"

And although Yukio's words sounded so sincere ... Great Red misinterpreted them as if he did not believe her ...


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