
I want...


Griselda and Yasaka walked slowly towards a certain area of the Yokai faction, Griselda had hidden the book she had found under her clothes, it was not that she was a thief, it just that she was very curious, she had never read anything about seven superior dragons, and to find it in the Yokai faction she could be sure that it was some historical fact that she didn't know about

('This is weird ... How come I don't recognize something about this seven dragons?... there were no words about the universe? ...' ) Griselda felt very dazed and her interest in for the book intensified more and more.

Yasaka, who was at her side, gave a slight smile "Aren't you somewhat distracted? Is something wrong?"

Griselda: "Ah ... No, not really, but ... Where are we going? You haven't even told me where we are going" She turned away the thoughts about the book to the back of her mind and decided to ask

Yasaka: "Well, it's a special place for us, but first, tell me something, are you happy with your work?"

Griselda got a little confused "Am I satisfied with my work? ... Ah, I understand ...yes I suppose"

She wasn't slow, she had previously told Yasaka how much she was exhausted by following and trying to convince Gabriel only to have that woman make deaf ears

Remembering that she couldn't help but sigh

Yasaka: "You guess, uh ... how about you join us? It would be great to have you around, you know?"

Griselda: "uh? Join you?..." She had to admit that she felt very tempted, after all, the Yokai faction did 'real' jobs, not like the ones Gabriel forced her to do.

Even Griselda had been helping a little with the sales of the 'Magic Pills' and actually it seemed too good, many treated her with love and respect, not because of her strength, but because she did a good job and that made her feel happy

However, she shook her head in denial "I'm sorry Yasaka-san, but I can't leave the Heaven ... I don't want to fall"

Yasaka nodded and then raised a finger "Although I understand your feelings, I'll leave open this offer to join us for a week, if you really don't want to leave your faction, then it would be a shame, actually I would like to have you around"

Yasaka liked Griselda a lot, she was quite hardworking and friendly, and after all, she didn't have many friends to talk to except her 'sisters'

Griselda: "I understand ..." She only gave a brief response

As they walked they came to a restricted area in the back of the mansion, Griselda was somewhat surprised, previously Gabriel also wanted to enter this place, but was stopped by the guards, even Griselda had tried to stop her, not because Gabriel was childish and could cause troubles, but rather because she felt two really strong presences in the restricted area.

She immediately cast a confused look at Yasaka, but Yasaka just shrugged her shoulders before signal with her hands to move forward with her, Griselda was nervous, she walked slowly and could feel the eyes of the guards looking her

Although she was strong, it was silly to fight against so many people and of course, without forgetting those two enormous presences that she could feel closer and closer every time her footsteps go forward

In the end, she could not resist and asked when she came to Yasaka's side

Griselda: "... Where are you taking me?"

Yasaka: "Uh? ... I told you I'd show you something interesting" She just responded with a nice smile

In the end, Griselda couldn't do anything and was dragged to that place


Koneko was currently walking through a forest, the presences were moving away immediately when they felt her aura, they were not stupid, each one of the animals or variants ran for their life, it was as if Koneko was their natural predator

But she didn't give importance to those things, she was dressed in a white 'Tai Chi' suit with a golden rope that wound her small waist, her expression was peaceful when she walked as if she didn't care about anything, soon she reached the end of the forest

Contrary to what was expected, at the end of the forest, there was a big city, it had high brown walls, there were trees and beautiful flowers decorating the entrance that was protected by guards, at the top of the entrance, there was a symbol, It was a snake wrapped in a spear, this was owned by the Naga Clan, why would Koneko come here? That's easy ... Kaliya, the Patriarch of the Naga, had many interesting materials and she needed one in particular.

The guards at the entrance did not take long to realize that the person was approaching, at first they were going to stop her, but when they looked at her closely and realized who she was, their faces showed an expression of astonishment

Immediately they came running, not ... Dragging? After all, they had huge queues on their bottom.

They bowed to give respect while shouting in unison "Greetings to the Queen!"

Although everyone in the Fairy dimension knew that Koneko was not a true 'queen', however, it would only be a few years before she took her throne as one of the wives of their King.

Koneko: "Can you take me to Kaliya?, I need to talk with her" She spoke seriously, her matter was important, well at least she thought so

The Guards didn't dare to deny her anything, and they just nodded and two of them offered to guide her

Upon entering, you could see that the city was quite beautiful, decorations and numerous houses, shops and many people who walked the busy streets. Contrary to expectations, even among the Nagas, there were elves, dwarves or Semi-Nagas, after all, love between different species was not restricted in this place (E / N: it smells like an orgy)

The most unusual race in this world would be the Giants, Fenix, Titans and of course the Dragons

As they walked, they soon arrived at a grand palace, the black metal doors were opened and something called art was seen, a giant ivory castle, diamond ornaments and large windows that gave a view from the top towards the city.

Koneko walked and entered that place, opened several doors before standing in front of a Throne

On the throne there was a woman, she had a creamy white skin, straight blond hair that came down to below her waist, beautiful blood red eyes and a small nose, it was a beauty, and her top was the same size Grayfia, while in her bottom there was a long white tail, She was Kaliya, the Patriarch of the Nagas Clan

Kaliya took her glass of wine and smiled as she looked at her 'guest'

Kaliya: "I guess you came for 'that'? But are you really sure you want it?"

Koneko shook her head in denial "I do not want it anymore"

Her answer surprised Kaliya, she got confused and tilted her head "If you do not want it ... why are you coming here?"

She didn't understand, if Koneko didn't want something from her, she could simply send a letter and reject the request instead of coming personally

Koneko took a step forward and with her aura made the guards recoil, they got scared thinking there would be a battle, but Kaliya understood what she means "Please guards, retire, we'll talk about private affairs"

She emphasized the word 'Private', so her guards were not nervous

The Guards nodded and left, they would warn others not to interrupt them for the time being

Kaliya fixed her gaze on Koneko deeply before finally asking "So, what do you really want? ..."

Koneko: "You, you can control the Time and space and I know you're a great sorceress in addition to an excellent artifact maker"

Kaliya: "I really like your compliments, but what do you want?"

Koneko: "I want...." She stepped forward and extended her small hand as if she wanted something to come in. "A ring of Time ..."


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