
A new era of Evolution

After multiple scraps of a gigantic and mysterious meteorite fell on earth, changes started to spread and the world fell into chaos. Follow a group of people into the journey of survival and evolution in this new era full of novelties. ---------------------- The story will start quite realistic before moving to something more fantasy-like. The new era will go through different phases before stabilizing to something new. ---------------------- Here is a bit of drama: for me, writing is not easy at all since I am dyslexic and English is not my mother tongue (editing takes me hours). Since I am doing this for fun and mainly to challenge myself, I want to make sure that my style and story is worth the time I spend on it. I hope you can give me some feedback! :) I am testing the water with this story. I'll go first with the equivalent of the 1st book of the saga. Then, if I see people are enjoying it or not, I'll be making my decision to continue or drop the project. Expect about 4 chapters a week. Enjoy your reading! ------ Cover background credit: The last days by NoiZe-B

Heliard · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Raiding the armoury (3)

Jimmy, Stacy and Terry took positions, one knee on the ground, and started to shoot with precision.


The sounds of the raining bullets could be heard at hundreds of meters. As the three policemen were shooting, the gunpowder was added to the burnt smell of the fire.

One, two, three zombies fell, blood splashing everywhere. Slowly but steadily their numbers were reducing as heads were exploding and guts were exposed.

While the massacre was taking place, Nicolas approached Baptiste and whispered, "here take my bag, I have something in mind, I'll go to the harbour with Geoffrey, don't wait for me. Also, here is the meteorite, if needed you know what to do." He then left in a hurry.

Baptiste felt helpless, 'what the hell is happening, why leave right now?!' he asked himself.

Jesper saw Nicolas run away with an assault rifle in hand but did not say anything, since he was leaving he should have a good reason, but this did not mean he approved the move.

After a couple of minutes, half of the zombies were down, while the other half were rushing toward them.

"God damn! this is difficult, only the head seems to be fatal." Jimmy was gritting his teeth in anger.

"We can't stay here! We need to move forward," replied Terry.

They began their slow walk toward the boats, shooting sparsely to remain as precise as possible. They still had not noticed Nicolas was missing.

Baptiste and Jesper followed while starting to think about a strategy for their next move.

"Where did Nicolas go?" Jesper was not happy, that was not the right time to play around!

"No idea, he told me not to wait for him and to handle the situation."

"Oh? Ok… he's leaving the hard work for us... What do you think we should do? Once we are on the boat we can only follow them," said Jesper pointing discreetly at the team in front of them.

"I know! I am thinking of a solution. Killing them in cold blood feels wrong, and we can't steal another boat as we have to idea how to operate them." Baptiste was pondering.

"Also, Nicolas gave me his meteorite." He pointed toward the container start to his chest.

"Ohhh." The eyes of Jesper was looking at Baptiste like he understood where the story was going. "At least he is not that heartless," however he was still grumbling about Nicolas leaving them.

After a while, they reached the pontoon. The zombies were all lying motionless on the ground.

"Good job team!" Terry was happy about their performance, "let's go pick one boat!" He turned around and asked in surprise, "where is your friend?"

"We don't know! He suddenly dropped the bad and left in a hurry! I think he was scared to death by the zombies!" lied Jesper.

"Should he not feel safer with us?" Jimmy was frowning, this behaviour was way too reckless!

"If you don't know, how am I supposed to know? I am not in his head!" Jesper had no boundary to mock people.

"Hey keep it low, we just saved you lah!" Jimmy did not like those foreigners.

"It is not the time for infighting, let go!" Stacy held her teammate.

They went toward the boats and after a dozen metres, Stacy screamed! "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

A zombie just grabbed her ankle and she fell face first, her breath was cut short, and she was in pain because of the rifle that hit her ribcage. Also, with the weight of all the equipment on her back, she had to chance to quickly get back on her feet!

Jimmy wanted to shoot but Jesper and Baptiste were blocking his line of sight.

"Move!" he forced himself forward and jumped at the zombie before it could assault Stacy.

Just as he reached his target and was ready to shoot, another zombie assaulted him. Both zombies had their legs in shred and could not move standing, but crawling was still an option! Hidden behind a huge crater full of furniture, they took the opportunity that this confident group of people did not see them.

Jimmy got his calf bitten! He turned around and shot at his new assaulter.

Terry eliminated the one assaulting Stacy just a second later.

The two zombies were now dead for good, but Jimmy was feeling bad right now, and fell on the pontoon, he fainted!

"Not good!" Baptiste was ready to take action.

"What are you doing kid!" Terry did not like his colleague being pointed a gun at.

"This is too late, he got bitten, now that he fainted the chance of him becoming a zombie is very high!" Baptiste did not leave Jimmy from his line of sight.

"Terry what he says is true, Adam died this way!" Stacy tried to calm the situation, as she was too pointing her gun at Jimmy.

After a few seconds that were nerve breaking, the body of Jimmy started to twitch, and suddenly his eyes opened, they were red!

"It turned! No need to debate shoot him!" screamed Jesper.

BANG! BANG! Stacy did not wait to be asked twice and she shot him.

"What a miserable way of dying…" Terry felt dispirited.

Picking the firearms and backpack on Jimmy's body, they finished the few metres that were separating them from the boat they wanted to embark.

The boat was 12 metres long, the cabin was white while the hull was blue with a stripe of white and red colours of the Singaporean flag on the side of the boat. At the back of the boat was a small zodiac ready to use. They all entered the cabin and put the bags on the floor.

"Time to go!" Terry sat on the imposing seat of the captain while Stacy was assisting him.

Jesper and Baptiste were looking very attentively at what they were doing, trying to remember every step.

After a couple of minutes, the boat went slowly toward the sea.

'It is indeed more complicated than a regular boat, but nothing impossible to manage,' thought Baptiste.

200 metres before they were about to go out of the long and deep seaport Baptiste opened the meteorite box. In a matter of seconds, both officers fell on the ground.

Baptiste stopped the boat in a hurry and with Jesper, they used the cuff hanging on both officers tight to restrict them and then laid them on the floor.

After a short moment, both officers came back to their senses.

"What is happening!" Stacy knew she just fainted and she could feel the handcuff, she was becoming very anxious!

"AAARRRH" while Terry lost his mind and tried to bite them.

Baptiste kicked him, and taking him by his foot, he threw him on the deck outside. Not taking any chances he shot him in the head.

"What!" Stacy was trembling under the shock of the gunshot.

When Baptiste can back inside she exclaimed, "please don't kill me! I'll do whatever you want!"

"Whatever we want?" Jesper had a teasing smile.

"Come on! Look at her, you're being cruel now." Baptiste approached her and continued, "don't worry, we cuffed you for safety reasons, you both fell unconscious, so we did not want to take any risk in case you turned, and actually, Terry did". His voice was filled with a slight sorrow as, even if it was short, he came to appreciate this old man.

He wanted to uncuff her, but she kept crawling away. "How you did not fall unconscious?" She was very suspicious of them.

"We…. already fell unconscious before we met." Baptiste answered.

"But I thought we would become a zombie when we fall unconscious!"

"It depends, not everybody turns. Unless it is a direct bite from a zombie, in this case, almost everybody turns. Common! I am not a zombie expert, so I can't talk more about it. Here I am trying to free you." Baptiste wanted to finish with this masquerade and go to the harbour to join the rest of the team.

"Tell me how we can drive this boat, I would like to help," he said when he finished untying her.

"Oh, it is easier than people think." She then spent five minutes explaining the basic to drive this boat.

After a while, Baptiste said, "thanks a lot, let's go to the marina now".

"What marina? I need to go back to my team!" suddenly Stacy realized she was a police officer on duty! And here she was teaching some foreigner civilian about how to drive the boat. What was happening?

"We have some friends that are waiting for us at the Marina next to Tuas link." Answered Baptiste like everything was normal.

"Oh, I guess we can go there since it is on my way. What are you planning to do after that?" She was being curious.

"Probably leave Singapore, now that this happens, we don't want to risk staying on the island." Jesper and Baptiste did not care about telling her they were leaving Singapore, their only concerns were to join their friends, keep the firearms, and if possible the boat.

"What is the max distance you can travel on this boat?" asked Baptiste innocently.

"Around 300 miles lah," she answered.

"300 miles! That's less than 500 km! This is not a lot." Exclaimed Jesper, he was internally quite disappointed and Baptiste was sharing the same feeling.

"That's pretty decent! We don't need that much for Singapore!" she objected, she was proud of their equipment. Considering the size of Singapore, they had one of the best coast guard's naval fleet in the world as far as she knew.

"This makes sense," answered Baptiste.

Followed some chitchat, it took a bit less than an hour to reach Raffles Marina where the others were waiting for them.

Did you like this small adventurous raid? :)

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Happy reading!

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