
A new era of Evolution

After multiple scraps of a gigantic and mysterious meteorite fell on earth, changes started to spread and the world fell into chaos. Follow a group of people into the journey of survival and evolution in this new era full of novelties. ---------------------- The story will start quite realistic before moving to something more fantasy-like. The new era will go through different phases before stabilizing to something new. ---------------------- Here is a bit of drama: for me, writing is not easy at all since I am dyslexic and English is not my mother tongue (editing takes me hours). Since I am doing this for fun and mainly to challenge myself, I want to make sure that my style and story is worth the time I spend on it. I hope you can give me some feedback! :) I am testing the water with this story. I'll go first with the equivalent of the 1st book of the saga. Then, if I see people are enjoying it or not, I'll be making my decision to continue or drop the project. Expect about 4 chapters a week. Enjoy your reading! ------ Cover background credit: The last days by NoiZe-B

Heliard · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Life and death choices (2)

While the group was pondering about what to do, Nicolas was in the kitchen preparing a snack. He was wondering if he was making the right choice, after the discussion, he was now doubting himself.

Then suddenly a thought crossed his mind!

"Hey! my shoulder does not hurt at all," he muttered to himself.

He started moving his arm, testing it.

This was weird, even if he put the shoulder back quickly, he knew that usually, this kind of injury would be bothering him for at least a week if not two.

After pondering a bit more, he realized that even after all these runs, stressing moments and fighting he did not feel that much tired either, just a bit hungry.

'Was it related to the meteorite?' he wondered.

He did not have the chance to think about it more as suddenly Lexie joined him inside the kitchen. "Hello BB, how are you?"

"Good! I was just realizing that my shoulder doesn't hurt at all!"

"I was talking about how you feel."

"Oh, I feel ok lah!" he answered in the Singlish way. "To be honest it would be easier if we don't all go to France, as if the group is too big, we won't be able to move freely."

"About that," Lexie said bothered, "I know we did not have much time until now, but I would have appreciated discussing it with you. I don't really like how you take my answer for granted!"

Nicolas looked at Lexie speechless. He indeed took it as granted and for a good reason! "But, you did not say you did not want to go, and we had plenty of time in the car to discuss about it!"

"In the car, you were stressed so I did not want to bother you, and most importantly you never asked me directly!"

'Shit!' Nicolas cursed internally. He made the 1.0.1 couple mistake without even realizing. He did not ask his girlfriend first! Acknowledging that he was in trouble, he tried to make it up in a hurry. He took her in his arms, "My little baby, of course I care about your opinion! What do you think about the idea? You know that it will be good for our future, right?"

Lexie started to relax in his arms, while he made another mistake and she tensed again. "Are you asking for my opinion or not? I am not sure when I listen to you!"

Nicolas' was panicking again, facing this situation made him uncomfortable. "Yes, yes, I am asking for it, please tell me what you think about it" he then kissed her on her head and hugged her even more tightly.

"I don't know what to think about it, to be honest." Hearing his girlfriend's answer, Nicolas' face fell, was she not about to tell him her opinion? Was this an opinion?

After a few seconds, she continued, "I understand why you want to go to France, but I can't forget about my own family. Right now they are facing the same situation in Shanghai, and I feel bad because I can't help them. I am scared about not being about to meet them again in my life," she started to sob.

This kind of discussion was happening all around the place as crying could be heard in every corner of the apartment. Friends and couples were discussing what to do, and what should be the next step for their survival.

Facing the meteorite was something they feared, but it was not the worst! Even if they choose not to get exposed, from now on they still have to face the apocalypse and it was not something they were prepared to do.

A few minutes later, he went to the living room entrance and said, "guys I won't stand on ceremony, we are all grown people so I won't try to convince you more. I will be outside, at the BBQ pit on the far left. Those who want to get exposed to the meteorite, go there."

At this moment, a voice raised from the back of the room and asked the question that was not to be asked. "What are you going to do if someone turn?" It was Stacy, a Singaporean girl, the girlfriend of John.

An awkward silence followed.

Nicolas looked at her in disbelief, shrugged his shoulders while saying, "what do you think will happen?" then, he left.

He took the bag full of guns and moved outside with the meteorite still in the bag close to his chest.

In the building corridor, Arthur and his group of 6 people and a baby was standing waiting for Nicolas.

"We won't follow you, we want to go to France, but most of us don't want to get exposed to the meteorite. Right now we know nothing, maybe you are fine now, but what about in one week? Or one month? We'll wait to see how things are going. We know people at the embassy, hopefully, we can organize something from there." Arthur was apologetic, if it was only him, he probably would have gone with Nicolas, but the majority of the group was totally against it and he too was a bit wary of the meteorite.

"That's quite sad, but I guess it is better if you stick all together, and I understand that with a baby this will be a very complicated trip." Nicolas had made a dream team in his mind, and Arthur was in it, but of course, he could not decide for others.

After a minute of farewell, they took the direction of Arthur's flat that was on the other side of the condo.

"You're not following them?" asked Nicolas to Emmanuelle who was there.

"No, with Fred, we decided to follow you." Emmanuelle and Fred were good acquaintances of Arthur too.

"That's great! Is one of you ready to help me?" Nicolas made a quick look at his bag.

"I'll come with you," Fred stepped forward, "Emma will handle the different supplies with Lexie," he knew that both girls were still not ready for the difficulty of the task, and as a man and the oldest here he thought he should take responsibility.

Nicolas started to head to the gathering point, his hands were shaking. He was behaving like a tough guy, but the idea of having to kill one of his friends terrified him.

After a few minutes, they were quite a lot of people in front of him, fifteen in total! Only four people, besides the group who already left, decided to stay behind in the apartment, two from Georgy's group and two from Jesper's group.

Nicolas was worried as fifteen was still too many. "Have you all decided to go to France?"

"No, we won't go," John made a sign, he was on the side with Stacy and two other friends.

"Me too I won't go," said Amber who was part of Georgy's group.

Nicolas nodded, he was curious about why they decided to get exposed to the meteorite without coming with them, but at the same time, what was the point?

That left a potential party of fourteen people if he included Emma, Fred, Lexie and him.

"So, I guess they are no proper procedures for these kinds of things," Nicolas scratched his head pondering, "So I propose we hug each other, say a proper goodbye, pray or whatever before getting in place." He was not trying to bring some drama, he thought this was the most humane way to do it. "If anyone has second thoughts, you can go back. But don't forget about your future."

This cheering speech was bad, as currently, most of the audience felt, in addition to scared, very gloomy.

Without waiting, Nicolas went to hug Baptiste and the group realized he was serious about what he said!

Then follow a lot of cries and cheering.

After a couple of minutes, Nicolas spoke again. "Guys, it is time, you all go on the stairs below, sit while trying to keep some distance between you. On my signal, I will expose all of you to the meteorite. Be careful, when you wake up, if you're aware of your surroundings it means you're good, but even if you're good, your neighbours might not. So try to keep your calm and don't move as much as possible, with Fred we will…" Nicolas tried to look for the right phrasing, "make sure you stay safe."

At first, he thought of splitting the group in smaller ones. This way they could secure the process, but he realized that it would have been psychologically inhuman, and decided to do everything in one go.

Everybody took positions in the outdoor stairs. These stairs were leading to the road outside the condo, they did not have an open exit, and were long enough to set the group. Anguish and fear were plastered on most faces.

He then threw a few bats and golf clubs to the group. "Here, just in case, when you wake up you can have something to rely on. And smash the camera, it is probably best if nobody records what is happening." Nicolas was pointing to the condo CCTV.

"Also, I was thinking, when you wake up, try to point one finger far toward the sky, this will help us know you are good."

Then, Nicolas picked two guns from the bag, checked if they had bullets and handed one to Fred. Fred checked the gun like they use to do in the movies and removed the safety.

"Ok, ready? I am opening it, stay still and strong, I love you guys!" While saying those silly things, he opened the container of the meteorite and pointed it toward the group, and without surprise, it took a few seconds to have the first person fall asleep.

At that moment Nicolas heard a voice not far from him.

"Hey, Nicolas! What are you all doing?" It was Stephany, a friend, she had just arrived at the condo. Following her was Markus her boyfriend and two other guys.

Nicolas was startled and faced the people coming. Sure enough, they too fell unconscious in a matter of seconds.


A lot of things happened here!

First signs of supernatural change! (ok, a tiny one)

I know some of you might be a bit impatient about seeing the fantasy part of the story but it will take a bit more time. Most of the web novels start at least a few years later the changes, if not centuries. Here I decided to follow the changes from the beginning. Bare with me, our MCs will strive to become great evolvers!

Cheer for our group to survive their escape from Singapore!

Happy reading!

Btw! Today is my Birthday! It would be nice if a few of you could give me reviews or write some comments. I am wondering if you like the story and the writing :-)

I have worked hard this week, and I will release a bit more than usual. I just need to finish a lot of editing -_-'

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