
Chapter 5

Kuma didn't know much about the world outside the valley only the bits and pieces his parents told him about. The city in the east was a story his mom always told him when he asked about the outside.

"Sanafay" the main city of the "lands of the ancient" A place were the walls seemed to reach the heavens, cultivators flew high in the sky while other rode majestic beast, even people of the native race could be found there! A place of culture and prosperity the land where fortune can be made.

Sanafay was Kuma's destination he was hoping to find or create what he lost. He looked upon his gray world with little interest unmoving and uncaringly. Carrying Kylo on his back he made his way through the "Dragon Spine" mountain range. Traveling a few miles in the day and making camp at night. With there speed it would take a few months to leave the mountain range.

"Wow big brother you're so strong that beast didn't even stand a chance" Kylo's excited voice yelled out, as Kuma killed a beast that jumped out from the bushes.

"It's just diger" Kuma nonchalantly spoke as he began walking past the tiger like beast.

"Big brothers your naming sense is so bad" kylo made a face hearing Kuma call the fierce beast a diger.

"Hmm you think so?" Kuma questionably asked looking over the beast one more time.

"I don't think so... see the dog like face with the body of a tiger what else could it be called except a diger" Kuma muttered after thinking for a bit.

"He hopeless" Kylo thought. He was used to Kuma's bad sense for names by now. It just makes him feel a little weird when he hears it. The journey wasn't a quiet one they came across plenty of creatures during their travels. Klyo grew numb to it after the "storse" incident. Where they saw a large spotted stag with a horse like lower body. Such a majestic creature labeled as a "storse" was too much for the small child.

Ignoring Kylo's dumb look Kuma continued walking. Other than the occasional fierce beast they had a rather safe trip. Making it out the mountain range in four months. Kuma was now 16, his striking black hair now went down to his back. There was a cold and detached look in his dark eyes, his jade white skin a little tanned from the sun and his handsome face still looked young but their was a seriousness in his expression that didn't match his age.

Coming out of the mountain range they came across a wide forest. The trees were spaced far apart from each other. The grass was low going up to the ankles and there were no people in sight.

"Once we get passed this forest we should start to see a city" Kuma spoke.

"Ooh I cant wait I miss taking baths also I want some real food" Kylo said while sniffing himself.

"Don't get your hopes up to soon Kylo. We're broke plus with the way we look right now they might not even let us in" Kuma sighed walking forward even though he said that no worry could be seen on his face.

Kylo on the other hand looked like he got hit by lightning.

"No that can't be... it can't... yes.. it can't be one must hope" he muttered. Trying to convince himself.

Walking a bit through the forest they started to see groups of mercenary's, merchants and lone travelers. when they looked over and saw how Kuma and Kylo were basically in rags the people would ignore them. Treating the boys as beggars. Making Kylo even more worried about his appearance.

Following the people's direction out of the forest they kept walking until the reached the exit an came to a field. In the distance was a huge city wall. caravans pulled by beast and people could be seen going in and out the city. It was heavily fortified, guards posted at the gates stood like statues. The words " Palmbridge City" were inscribed on the side of the walls.

Walking towards the city they were met with a few peculiar stares some filled with pity others filled with disdain but other than that no one stopped them from entering. The guards just gave them a glance before regarding them as trash one would see on the street then looked away.

"Phew we made it in" a relieved Kylo spoke as he glanced around taking in the sights

There was rows of shops and houses on every side of the street they were on. Little stalls set up showing trinkets and food. It was a lot to take in compared to their village that was only a couple shacks and a town center.

"Where do we go next?" Kylo asked unsure what to do now that they made it into the city.

"First we got to find a way to make some money then find a place to stay." Kuma said looking around for someone to talk to.

" little brothers if your looking for a place to make money you just have to complete a mission at the mercenary guild hall." A lovely female voice rang out from behind the two.

"Woww big sister is so pretty.. even Suzuki in the village isn't as pretty as you" Kylo gaped when he turned around. Forgetting all about making money. staring at the female looking her up in down.

"Haha little brother you jest.. can I ask where you guys are from it's rare to see two people as beat up as you two?" She asked a smile on her pretty face and her eyes shining with a little concern and curiosity.

Hearing what she said Kylo's face changed. He quieted down no longer looking at her as enthusiastically as before. He was lost in his thoughts as his eyes turned cloudy.

"we're from a small village west of here. Could you be kind enough to show us where the mercenary guild hall is please." said Kuma politely noticing Kylo's troubled look.

When the beauty turned over to look at Kuma her eyes lit up. Even though he was dirty and wearing ragged clothing. She could see a peek of his handsome face, sword shaped eyebrows and his eyes carried a mature charm that made him look like a prince. He had broad shoulders, toned muscle, and tanned skin he was a true "Lady killer" she thought.

"Uhmm" Kuma coughed once When he saw her blank look.

"Ah yes... my bad follow me little brothers" she blushed a little coming back to her senses she began to lead them someplace.

As they chatted along the way they came to know the girl's name was Lexi, she was a rogue mercenary that stopped by the city to resupply and try her chance at a few missions. She had blonde hair, emerald colored eyes, a beautiful face like a noble lady, and her large chest left Kylo drooling time to time as he watched her breast jump up and down as she skipped.

Lexi came from a small town five times the size of their village after her grandpa died Lexi decided to leave the town to go seek treasure and adventure like the hero's in the books her grandpa read to her when she was little. During her travels she escaped the pursuit of many bandits all who wanted to capture her when they saw her beauty. Lexi soon ended up in "palmbridge" city to try her luck.

Talking a little more they came to a stop at a huge building there was a sign that read "mercenary guild hall" hanging above this was their destination.

"Come in with me little brothers" Lexi called out excitedly as she walked inside.