
A Mistake In Creation

billions of angel years ago, God, the divine entity, created the universe based on the principles of chess, with each entity assigned a piece value. God created angelkind to balance the universe, but discord arose when Lilith, endowed with vast knowledge after consuming forbidden fruit, rebelled against submission to Adam. She seduced Lucifer, and together they incited a rebellion, leading to the fall of angels and a celestial battle. God, fearing defeat, empowered Saint Michael as the God Eater to vanquish Lucifer and his followers. Lilith and Lucifer were imprisoned, and the fallen angels were cast to Earth, cursed with hardships. Redemption lies in repentance, offering a chance to ascend once more.

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2 Chs

Gaijin Arc

A teenage African japanese girl from a poor family named Suzume Himari is living with her parents in a certain country somewhere in Africa, they had grown fond of the place and had a great and decent life.

Growing up Himari had a good decency life with her parents and they taught her life was like a game that needed to be won, with the help of each other just like a chess game, and they played chess and Himari was good at it.


In a flashback Himari's mom had falled I love with a gaijin, an outsider, a black man, and her parents couldn't approve of them. And all her family members disowned her. So they left Japan while she was pregnant with Their oldest and first son who they named Mikki.

Mikki had a rough childhood growning up as interracial student in Africa, even here he was ruled as gaijin by some of the black students jealousy of his looks.

He was often bullied and got home bullied and beaten to pulp he don't talk to his mom or dad and kept smiling, and so one day he went to school and didn't return home and so his father and mom got worried and they went out to look for him passing dangerous streets of thugs

They found him getting beaten by other of the bigger students who had affiliations with the gangs, his father tried to intervene, and so he was also beaten and his mom was down with knees praying they let them go.

The boys continued beating them, and Mikki was on the ground bleeding and near to death and for a moment everything froze around him, and a man appeared, and after introducing himself as acquaintance of the devil (PAWN) he said he could save him and his dad and that they wouldn't have to suffer, and all they had to do was just ask for help.

After reflecting so much Mikki knew the world was Harsh and you have to give if u have to take, so he agreed to get help, a bright light appeared and the man disappeared, one thug tried to hit Mikki's mom who went to beg them yo spare them, as he was about to hit her Mikki was already up and murderd the guy.

He killed all of the thugs, but one escaped and Mikki Mom and dad had fell unconscious so after a great massacre in which the help he was given was enhancement by demonic powers which granted him supernatural powers.

He took his parents home and laid them on bed, and reflected to what he had done, which was impossible to o comprehend, he had grown into super demonic powers. The man later appeared who introduced himself again as the devil's acquaintance (PAWN) appeared to Mikki and explained that he made a deal with the devil and so he was debted to them, and that in order to pay the debt he has to join the DEVIL'S PALM as ROOK because he had good skills and mind and had to do the devil's dirty work, so he was ready for anything and asked the devil acquaintance (PAWN)

to help him look ater his parents and NY that time Mr Suzume was pregnant with Himari

The devil's acquaintance (PAWN) moved his family somewhere far and when they were conscious, he told them Mikki went away and they won't see him again and that they need to go on with life, Mr Suzume panicked and started shouting at PAWN and Mrs Suzume fainted. Pawn left and while he was leaving he had a short flashes of his young life with his parents and he stopped a little but continued on his way.


Present Day

Suzume's Family sold Sushi and made a living off it, since it was the only Japanese restaurant in the area given in an African ethnicity.

Everyday Himari was on her way to sell sushi on the road, despite all those 20years passing the family kept looking For Mikki as Himari delivered sushi, she also handed papers for missing person as her brother Himari Suzume, she had a friendship with this old man she used to pass by often. The old who sat on an old tree with his friends and they played chess along with her too some days, and gave him free sushi everyday for they were friends and had a very good chemistry the man had lost his wife in some satanic ritual, the wife got possessed and went bersek ultimately ending up dead. He had told Himari the story but they took it not serious as since no one was buying it so she could t care either or take it serious.

One day Himari was passing on the morning to take sushi to the old man she couldn't find him, and that was unusual so she asked around and nobody had seen him either.

She later went to his home, and on the way an old lady appeared and told her she should go home and quit the investigation which would get her into trouble, she was curious and asked her what was the matter.

The old lady went on and told her to go away and none was her matters to care, she had life to live and she does that instead of losing it to some random guy. She persisted but when she turned around to ask another question the lady had vanished.

Himari went home and the things the old lady told her couldn't get off her mind, she brainstormed without qns. And after dinner, Her family was a religious family and they would pray everyday before sleeping.

She laid on her bed after prayer and fell asleep, and she woke to the nag on their house an rushed yo check it out,

There almost 7 feet tall stood a abnormal creature with a hooded appearance and a long sickle, and it had pierced himari' s Mom while her father rushed to get the family guarding katana to try and fight back.

She was terrified and couldn't move a limb, she was shook as her mother blood was all over the floor, and she was slowly dying and she couldn't do anything. She froze the creature looked at her started it's way to her. She froze as her father tried to stop it, he was pushed aside.

The creature looked into Himari' s eyes and starred for seconds as Himari fell down to her knees still froze in fear trembling, and the demon went on to land a blow onto her face blowing out her eyes with the sickle, while she bled slowly onto the ground.

Her fathr met the same fate as her mother, and was struck with the sickle, an one blow the demon creature killed him, then absorbed their souls amd it went outside and vanished into the skies.

It will become to be known that it was revenge for the former gang boss son that Mikki had killed back in the day who was bullying him. since the family had moved to a different street they took many years and hunted them, their boss had also made a devil's promise and sent a (KNIGHT) to kill the family once they discovered their whearebouts and the souls the pawn collected he used them to gain even more power.

The world turned red and Himari who was slowly bleeding from a dismemberment of face parts was dying as she was bleeding slowly. Her parents were still on the ground dead. he was brainstorming still not even knowing what she did to deserve what she was going thru. a man appeared and took her as her eyes closed and it was pitch black.



The devil's acquaintance which is known as the devil's PAWN. Visit people who are in desperation and near to die and seeks help, and so of u he gives a second chance at life again with demonic superhuman powers. And in exchange you become the Devil Palm, an elite fighting off and doing Satan's dirty job while he is chained underworld far from reach, and so he need hands to do his work,and each time you kill a human being or an angel you get powers that can make you climb the ranks.

Think of all the famous people in the world thta theyve made the devils promise and are given their past angelic powers back and so they get so rich, they are geniuses and professional models and athletes even the musicians and world biggest corporations.

Think of all the famous people in the world that they've made the devil's promise and are given their past angelic powers and with them the rest of us dont stand a chance as they get so rich, they are geniuses,professional models and athletes. they even make all of the musicians and world biggest corporations

FeodoraDreamcreators' thoughts