
a life sentence words from the pen

"Will the defendants please stand." I stand up and check out the courtroom, so many of my loved ones came that some had to sit where the victim's family supposed to sit at. I scan the faces in the crowd, dad ,brother sisters GrandPa homies exes and my girl . I dont see mom and automatically assume her anxiety cant take this . I look at the Jury. My peers. My 30 Years my senior , white Suburban peers. I laugh under my breathe, i never seen any of these people in the hood before how the hell could they be my peers? I look at the one black guy on the Jury hoping i can get an answer from his face but he wont look my way . Matter fact nobody is looking my way, Like they are purposely refusing to lock eyes with me. My heart hits my stomach. I knew by picking this Jury that my co defendant And i would get found guilty. IT was nothing like the first trial, with young people with a Mix of diffrent races on the Jury. nope . When they started striking off the young and black folks "my peers" off the Jury i knew what what was going to happen. I look at the only young girl who looked my age on the Jury. She avoiding my gaze but i see Tears going down her face. Damn. I look down at my hands and bite the inside of my cheek. No matter what im not going to cry in front of these people . "Have the Jury found the veredict?" the whole courtroom goes silent to hear my fate. "Yes your honor , we the Jury find the defendant guilty on count one...... my soul died right there at that moment. I couldnt hear anything over my heart beat. The doors swing open and i see my mom, she dont even realize that she just walked in to her son being auctioned to the state. She got my niece with her, i guess my suprise for me coming home. *Im sorry mama*. I look down and see my niece we locked eyes and she instanly gets that big grin and scream "hey bam bam" *im sorry babygirl* "On count three guilty" i watch the soul leaves my mom eyes and she looks at me and say "oh no" i look at my dad and he couldnt even hold his head up . *pop come get me* when they are done convicted me to the state the court room screams out and protest. The room is filled with screams, sobs and the judge's gavel. The D.A have the happiest smile on her face her job protecting the public is finished. Another menace gone off the street. The young juror looks at me and mouths "im sorry" *yea me too* As they Grab me to take me back to the cage i see my girl sobbing her sister is holding her up. "Baby its okay im one step closer to being able to hold you" she can barely muster up a "ilove you" with out chokin up. as the officers walk me out i smile at my love ones. A job well done i didnt let anybody see me shed a tear. But once i walked out the courtroom alone with just myself and the officers i break down . Because i just witness my own death in front of my family. I just watched people mourn me. The only thing i have now is faith and a life sentence--bam

Bambino_red · Thành thị
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Once you come to prison you enter a different world. It's a universe just like the free world just different lifestyles and rules. For example, a cigarette in the free world is 50 cents from a gas station who sells singles. In this world, the prison universe a cigarette is going to run you about three dollars. A Newport 100 can make three chain gang cigarettes. Yeah, three dollars don't sound like much but in prison the currency value is totally different you don't realize how many wars and fights have been caused by a honey bun or other zoom zooms and wham whams. Getting caught with a cigarette is like getting caught with a dirty pistol on the street. You're going to the box, get fined and all that. What's legal and normal in the free world is taboo and forbidden here. Not only is the prices and rules different culture and slang is too . List like New York, prison is a melting pot. You're going to hear, "Wassup thug, zoe, round, way, blawd , G, cuzz, phonk , shawty and more. It's so many sayings and slang that if you never traveled the world or you are new in prison it can all be confusing and too much . Eventually you'll get it because the only way to survive is to adapt . To survive is to adapt and to adapt is to survive. But if you're not careful you can watch yourself slowly start to lose and forget who you once were. I believe that's one of the hardest things to do in here. Not to forget who you were before the courtrooms, the concrete rooms and the beneath society treatment. That's also the benefit of this different world. You can be who you want to be. You got pastors, imams, football stars, comedians, poets, writers, drug lords, big homies, pimps and killers. The main ones saying they're killers be really just in here for burglary but let them be great right? No matter what you wanna be that option is giving to you. It can be a good thing. Sort of therapeutic. It's who you want to identify as. Somebody you wanted to become. The dream you the one you used to imagine being before the courtroom told you who you were. The house was never poor, the Bill's was always paid on time because of you the savior . It's a memory that makes you smile . Something that says I'm not just an inmate I was this and that . Though when you actually think about it and look into it it's actually sad cause deep down you know it's a smoke screen. No matter who we say we are we are just inmates property of the state of good ol' Georgia. We wear the same thing eat the same thing damn near dream about the same thing. We all want to be accepted loved again . deemed acceptable as a human once more. Because nobody wants to just accept that there is nothing special about them. That we are just the monsters under the bed Nobody wants to be who the courts showed them to be. As like everyone else here I'm in the same boat. I've gone from kid to adult here. Dreamer, super banger to finally thinking I actually know who I want to be. I wanna be loved accepted. I want to be able to laugh, like a real life one from the gut. I want to be desirable; I want a chance; I want to go outside and hear nature seduce me in to loving everything about the earth . Just like everyone else in this grey and white, place I wanna be free.