
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Võ hiệp
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58 Chs

Chapter 25

<Shin P.O.V>

My muscles ached with every single movement my body made..

It was so painful to even breathe.

My body felt glued to the sea floor… like a piece of gum that fell splat onto the ground being a nuisance for peoples shoes.

I couldn't feel most parts of my body for some reason.

I-it's so hard to think..

Shin couldn't take the pain of what he felt and passed out.

He found himself in the void again but he felt no pain this time.

Taking this chance he looked at his body and was horrified.

Literal chunks of his flesh, organs, bone literally everything was mashed and bashed up.

His spines were mostly broken, he was missing his chunky right leg and his left arm.

His entire rib cage was exposed showing more organs and a strange heart like orb.

Horrified by his looks at what had happened to him shin couldn't bear it and closed his now formed eye lids wishing for all of this to go away.

In the real world, shins body was bleeding in incredibly vast amounts but his regenerative properties and abilities were slowly healing his body.. but that won't fully heal the scars already done on his body and mind.

Back in the void, shin was crying to himself quietly… a Godzilla crying like a baby.

If shin took the time to notice it he would see that most of his body had reformed and regenerated while other parts were still taking time, for example his spikes on his spine and his tail which got dislocated and pretty much destroyed.

However, he didn't notice.

While slowly crying away, his body healed slowly and slowly covering up vast wounds, reforming new limbs that would take time to recover, his tail reforming like a salamander.

[Ding! Most Hp regained! Time estimated to fully heal the body- 34 Days.]

Shin slowly opened his eyelids and carefully looked towards his body.

His heart slowed its beating as he saw that everything was mostly back to normal except for the large scar going through the middle of his chest through the spike and the rest of his body to the base of his tail held small scars here and there.

Heaving a sigh of relief, shin felt his vision around him fade before he found himself back in the crater of the real world.

The first thing he was met with was the system.

[Ding! Quest: Follow the Creature.. Completed!]

[Rewards Pending… Success]

[Ding! Quest: Destroy and Conquer… Completed!]

[Rewards Pending… Success!]

Shin then finally opened his status page and was met with crazy numbers.

Name: Shin Gojira Inbox: 0 {System Store},{Basic Information},{Codex: 17},{inventory: 14}(New!)

Level: 4,627

Age: 5 Days old

Race: (New!) Godzillius Primordialus

Gender: Sigma Male(New!)

Bloodline: Distortional Corruption(New!)

Strength: 10,382

Defense: 25,739

Health: 31,300

Stamina: 547,321

Intelligence: 5,829

Luck: 500

Mana: 100,000,000

Weight: 150,000 Metric Tons

Height: 289 Meters

Length: 500 Meters

[System: A worthy champion.. still a long ways to go!]

Divine Wheel Ticket: 10 (New!)

(Passive Abilities: Undersea gills [Level 54], Swim [Level 57], Night-vision [Level 58], Sensor [Level 48], Defense counter-attack [Level 63], Radiation [Level 134], Ultimate Transformation [Level Inf.], [Level 45] A Means to Survive, (New!) Vile Aura [Level 50], (New!) Eater [Level 8], (New!) Energy Control [Level 57!)

{All Current Skills Evolvable!}

Passive abilities can be store bought by the system with a wide variety of options and unique choices or can be gained by evolution!

(Active Abilities: Piercing Bite [Level 74], Tail whip [Level 82], Radial Arrow [Level 55], Radial Breath [Level 99], Liquidizer [Level 78], Molecule [Level 68], (New!) Plasmic Aura [Level 30], (New!) Cosmic Disruption [Level 22], (New!) Reformer [Level 100])

{All Current Skills Evolvable!}

Active abilities can be store bought by the system with a wide variety of options and unique choices or can be gained by evolution!

[New Section Added!]


Evan Emily [Level 10], Golden Fredbear [Level 1](Warning/Multiple/Beings/Interfering!), (New!) Farmer [Level 1]}

Required Bio-Mass to next Evolution:

Bio-Mass: (1.5 Million/10 Million)


(Follow the Fish!)

(Rewards: Random skill, Random transformation!, 10 levels of XP!)


(Destroy and Conquer!)

(Rewards: 10 Divine Wheel Tickets, Strong Item, Holy Crusader Helmet, Blood Eye Addition!)


Shins eyes widened as he scanned over everything, chuckling at a few things like the sigma male gender which made him feel pretty proud.

All of his skills were leveled up by a lot making him gulp slightly at the power he held, he would definitely need to try the new ones out later and evolve every single skill as well as spend the the divine ticket rewards.

When he got to the newest section he had a few questions and they were really confused ones.

'Evan Emily? Isn't it Evan Afton? Who's Emily… wait a minute Henry?!'

Thoughts and theories scrambled through his head as he tried to find pieces but ended up not finding a single answer to why Evans last name was Emily.

Shin would have to find answer to this later as when he was last in the game world and checked his status his name was literally Evan Afton of the Afton bloodline.. well the first part of it was glitched or something..

Sighing in frustration he looked to his next transformation which was also surprising, Golden Fredbear or in other words Golden Freddy.

'Warning multiple beings interfering… Does it mean Cassidy?' Shin thought with confusion.

'I would think so Shin..'

Hearing Azazoth speak spooked him but he regained his composure when he remembered that she was apart of him now in a way and that she now knew everything he's saw in this world so far and a few things from his past life that she didn't quite understand yet.

'Are you feeling alright now? I couldn't speak to you for some reason.'

Shin could hear the sadness and grief in Azazoth's voice making him feel bad.

'I'm feeling fine.. much better actually.' Shin said with a half smile in his mind.

'That's good! After that battle with the Liran you got a lot of rewards and benefits!' Azazoth said with glee clear in her voice.

'Liran? Is that what that was? How do you know that..' Shin asked with confusion.

'It's a copy of my species that some being other than that creator made as an attempt to replace me but that's a story for another time, let's continue whenever your ready.' Azazoth said before going silent once again.

Shin was left alone in thought before he moved from his spot in the crater swimming up into the ocean above.

Looking in a random direction shin tested his molecule skill and manipulated the surrounding water to move himself forward.

I'm not lazy.. Just tired.

As he moved forward he tested some of his skills and the new ones as well.

Most were super dangerous to even use like the radial arrow that made some orange rings around his mouth which then generated a large orange spike that shot towards a nearby mountain shin saw.. let's just say that the explosions shockwave was still expanding thirty minutes after shin left that area.

He decided to wait on evolving his skills as they were already quite powerful and would only evolve them when things started to look tougher.

As he moved forward he just went into deep thought about many different things like his mom, games, how things would continue when he went back into the fnaf world, etc.

At some point he started talking to Azazoth about her experiences and what she did before being captured and even when she was captured.

It was sorrowful and.. a bit boring to say the least.

While swimming or I guess floating? Through the ocean, shin suddenly felt a weird pull in a certain direction.

'This is what we've been looking for!' Azazoth said with happiness.

Shin nodded to himself and hastened his speed with molecule and liquidizer at the same time to literally zoom across the ocean.

In shins view, as he zoomed through the water he passed by so many different things that his eyes barely had time to process.

He saw large sea life not bigger than him obviously, vast mountains, etc.

But there were three main things that he payed attention to.

First he swore he saw bright lights and buildings of sorts a bit a ways from him with what looked like fish and humans..

Second, he thought he saw two dolphin like creature mating..

Lastly, that mountain he saw getting closer and closer..

Oh wait a m-


At lightning speeds the massive lizard collided with the equally massive underwater mountain which erupted into tons of small rocks.

Dust and dirt was spread out like a gas bomb across the water.

To say how large the impact was, let's say that you were a human at Mount Everest… imagine that a large avalanche that started from the peak barreled its way down to the base and kept going for miles.. it was like watching death come for you in a cloudy form.

The impact was sent all the way to the surface of the ocean erupting outwards from the water like a nuke going off.

Water flew everywhere going high in the sky before falling back down in massive waves.

Massive tidal waves formed from the erupting water that went up to 1,720 feet in height.

At the center of all this destruction and havoc, shin rubbed his head with both of his buff strong arms and scratched his head with his massive claws making screeching sounds of metal on metal to try and ease the pain and dizziness he felt.

His eyes swirled around in circles like a cartoon character before refocusing on a random rock.

'Damn… That hurt..'

Shin could hear Azazoth chuckling in the back of his mind as well as some weird buzzes and gurgles that sounded robotic.

Sighing to himself he moved his body up with tons of rocks, sand, and dirt falling off of his back as he rose up to stand on the sea floor.

It was like a waterfall on his back but instead of water it was dirt.

Shaking the rest of the grime off his body he looked back at the mountain he rushed into.

Now that he looked at it, instead of a mountain it slanted from the seabed to what seemed like… the top of the ocean!

Excited shin climbed on the slanted rock wall like a lizard running to catch its prey.

Heading to the top he could see the ocean around him go from bright, which would've been pitch black but thanks to his sensory and night vision it looked like daytime, to even brighter nearly blinding him.

Turning off his night vision he could see a large round circle illuminating his way upward.

A happy smile was plastered on his face as he could smell different things other than the salty ocean and… dead bodies of fish and sea life.

Climbing and climbing he felt his snout pierce the surface before his neck and chest did as well.

The surface of the water was pierced as a monstrous reptilian head with large teeth and horrific features with water falling off of it looked around surveying its surroundings before it took it first breath…

The sea turned red surrounding the creature.

Where did the red color come from?


Where did the blood come from?

The lizard.

To be continued

Author: Chapters should be fixed now to go in order :)