

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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My words had barely left my mouth when a sudden hiss of metal against leather filled the air. Almost all the members of the king's guard had swiftly drawn their swords simultaneously.

but it was Ser Barrister's blade that reached me first. I felt the pressure of its razor-sharp tip pricking my throat.

The general's calm but dangerous eyes were on the king. One word from the man, and I knew I was as good as dead.

However, despite the terror that was gnawing inside me, I kept a stern look on my face. a look of a man who was more than willing to die for his course. (even though I fucking wasn't).

This was necessary for the success of the next facet of my plan. If I broke or showed terror at this point, everything would come crashing down on us like a loose avalanche. I was not ready to die yet. and certainly not by decapitation.

The silence seemed to stretch forever as the king's burning eyes ran over me restlessly. Sincerely, even the feel of Ser Barrister's sword in my throat was not as scary as the king's look of fury. But I had planted a seed of curiosity within him, and I hoped it would grow into a full-blown obsession.

Thankfully, it did.

Robert Baratheon raised his hands, indicating his soldiers to sheath their swords.

His cold gaze was calculating, and I suddenly realized I was facing a master of mind games. At first glance, it was easy for someone to think that the monarch merely ruled through his cock and belly. But nothing could be further from the truth, and no one knew this better than I.

To have ruled that long over seven powerful kingdoms, and with Cersei as your queen, you needed a strategic brain. and the king definitely excelled in this.

"So you are a spy, then, aren't you?" The monarch said with fury laced in his tone.

"Well, well, well, it looks like the cat's out of the bag, Your Majesty," I mused with a sly grin. The king's anger was palpable. I knew I was trending on delicate grounds, but I wasn't about to back down.

I let out a sarcastic laugh that I had borrowed from the Joker.

"Took you long enough to figure it out, huh! I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

I could see the veins bulging in the king's forehead, but I didn't care. I needed him to lose his cool so I could make my move.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I've been running through the seven kingdoms for months now, sending hundreds of ravens to my queen."

"Your queen?!" Robert exclaimed, cutting me off. His eyes were wild with anger, and I knew I had hit a nerve.

"What do you mean, your queen?"

I took a deep breath and decided to go all in. "Just because you sit on the iron throne, it doesn't make you the rightful king, does it?" I yelled with a fake hatred of a staunch subject.

"Even if you kill me, Queen Daenerys Targaryen will come for what is rightfully hers."

The name alone was enough to elicit a murmur of hushed voices from those gathered around. But the king was now beyond the sanity line. "Silence!" he yelled like a devil, and everyone went mute. The playground was now for the two of us only.

I couldn't help but revel in my skillful acting. How the hell did Hollywood miss having a talent like mine back in my world? Well, it's their loss.

"Ah, the mad king's curse lives on?" Robert asked with a dangerous smirk playing on his lips.

I again spat on the ground in contempt.

"I don't serve the mad king. I serve the rightful queen, and I' would have sent her majesty the final message had this scumbag and his friends not interrupted me." I cursed nodding towards Will who looked like he

was seeing white walkers all over again. Lord Stark was about to say something, but the king cut him off with a wave of his hand. I noted that the warden of the north had begun catching up with my game. which meant I had to play fast. However, luck seemed to be on my side. The king was so hyped that he had no ear for anyone else but me.

I also noted that Will had realized that I was playing at something. As cowardly as the guy was, I felt a newfound respect for him for not interrupting me. any contradiction and the spell I had weaved around the king would break, and then it would be off with our heads.

"So you murdered them and...wait!" The king stopped mid-sentence and suddenly began pacing like a possessed man.

"You just said you were about to send a letter, which means you never got to send it, huh?" The monarch was now raving like a man with a fever.

I bit my lips and feigned an angry countenance. much like a man who was furious with himself for letting a precious piece of information accidentally slide.

He suddenly turned to Lord Stark with eyes that were flaming with curiosity.

"Where is this message, Eddard?" Robert asked impatiently. I noted that he had addressed Lord Stark casually before his men, something that he only did when they were alone. This motivated me further; if the king was now neglecting protocol, it meant my plans were working.

Lord Stark, who did not know what the king was talking about, turned to his captain of guards Jory Cassel.

"Did you retrieve any such message, captain?" The Lord of Winterfell asked in confusion

"We retrieved nothing like such, my lord. Both of them were unarmed when we found them. I did not see the need to search them.

"fools!" The king suddenly screamed in fury, making the poor soldier tremble in fear. "You did not see the need to search for a man who could be a spy. Did it never occur to you that he could have other hidden..."

He again dropped his admonishing yell mid-sentence and slowly turned to face me like a man who had just seen a divine revelation.

I bowed my head and refused to meet the king's eye. 'If this works, I swear I shall make an Oscar award and name myself the best actor of the year.' I mentally swore to myself.

"Not so meek anymore, eh?" Robert coaxed. "I wonder, could it be that you are hiding something within those pathetic robes? mmh!."

I violently began shuffling with the chains on my hands as if I were trying to break them.

"Search him!" he screamed, and Ser Rodric ordered one of his men forward.

I shut my eyes in fervent prayer; this time I was not faking it. I was now at a pivot point for my entire escape plan. If it failed to work, well, bye-bye Westeros.

From my knowledge of the Star Wars show, I knew that one did not have to be force-sensitive to wield a lightsaber. Once they activated the button, the Kyber crystal would power the blade.

One of the most famous instances of a non-force-sensitive being using a lightsaber is when Han Solo used Luke Skywalker's lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun on the planet Hoth in "The Empire Strikes Back." While Han was not trained in the ways of the Force, he was able to use the lightsaber effectively.

Another example is when Finn, a former stormtrooper, wielded Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber in "The Force Awakens." Although Finn had no training in using a lightsaber or the Force, he was able to hold his own against Kylo Ren in their duel on Starkiller Base.

So yes, as the soldier frisked me through, I knew full well what I was getting myself into once they found the saber.

All my plans now hang on to one tiny mistake I had forgotten to correct before leaving the Jedi Temple. a mistake that was now the only rescue for us.

The soldier suddenly withdrew his hands from my robes and held the lightsaber high for the king to see.

"Seven hells," Robert Baratheon cursed in ecstatic delight as he greedily reached for the polished silver hilt.

"Seven hells indeed ', I too cursed mentally.

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