
A Hitman In One Piece

A man gets a Hitman System and transports to One Piece to become the best and feared Hitman. This is my Original and I only own the OC and nothing else Also plz give me Infinity Stones ;)

Joyboy2023 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs

Chapter 2

[Great! Just lay down on your bed and take a deep breath and try and fall asleep]

The system told me to follow his instructions and lie down on my bed. I followed his orders, breathing slowly and deeply, letting myself drift off. A few moments passed before the world disappeared around me and darkness overtook me once more. When I awoke again, my eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly.

[Welcome back, Levi. I apologize for the abrupt awakening. You are now in the One Piece world.]

"Where are we?" I asked.

I ask as I look around an see nothing but sea as I appear to be on a small boat. The sky is blue and the sun shines brightly overhead, reflecting off of the water. In the distance, I see land, but I can only make out a few buildings from where I am seated.

[We are currently on a boat ship. If you look ahead, you could see a small village, it's named Foosha Village]

"How long will it take until we arrive?" I asked as I look towards the village.

[It will take approximately three hours for us to reach Foosha Village.]

"Alright. What should I do in the meantime?" I ask as I stretch my arms and legs, feeling the ship beneath me rock back and forth.

[I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the system, call out stats]

"Stats!" I called out, curious to see what information the system would provide. A holographic screen materialized before me.



[Name: Levi]

[Age: 19]

[Strength: 5/100] (Average human is 5)

[Endurance: 8/100] (Average human is 10)

[Agility: 15/100] (Average human is 10)

[Intelligence: 20/100] (Average human is 10)

[Skills: Basic combat, survival, navigation] [Inventory: Unlimited bullets, ICA19 Silencer, white ski mask]

[Observation Haki: 0/100] (Subtype 1: Future sight 0/100)

[Armament Haki: 0//100] (Subtype 1: Hardening 0//100) (Subtype 2: Imbuement 0//100) (Subtype 3: Emission 0//100) (Subtype 4: Internal Destruction 0//100) (Subtype 5: Tribal Haki 0//100)

[Conqueror's Haki: 0//100] (Subtype 1: Infusion 0//100) (Subtype 2: Observation killing 0/100)

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Stat Point: 0]

I continued to explore the stats screen, taking note of the different haki types and their subtypes. "What's haki again? I don't really understand all these subtypes." I asked the system.

[Haki is a power that exists within every living being in the One Piece world. It can be developed through training and practice, and can manifest in various forms.]

"Can you explain each subtype?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

[Armament Haki has multiple subtypes. Hardening allows the user to make their body parts harder than steel, Imbuement allows the user to imbue their weapon or object with haki, Emission allows the user to project their haki outward, and Internal Destruction allows the user to harm the inside of an opponent's body. Tribal Haki is a rare and powerful type of armament haki that only a few select individuals possess. Conqueror's Haki is a rare and powerful type of haki that can cause fainting or even death in weaker individuals. Infusion allows the user to imbue their surroundings with their haki, and Observation Killing allows the user to sense and target the weakest point of an opponent's body.]

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed. I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible range of haki abilities that existed in this world. The thought of being able to inflict internal damage, possess a rare and powerful form of armament haki, or even cause fainting or death with just a mere presence was mind-blowing. The ability to infuse my surroundings with haki or pinpoint an opponent's weakest point with precision, that would go great with me being a hitman.

"System show me my ICA19 silencer" I said

A holograph of your ICA19 silencer appeared before you. You could see that the silencer was in prime condition, ready for use. The silencer was designed to reduce the sound of gunshots and conceal your location, making it the perfect tool for an assassin.

[Well, now that you're armed, I recommend you get some new attire as soon as we dock.] I thought about the system's recommendation as I looked down at my shabby outfit. "Right..."

****3 HOURS LATER****

As the boat approached Foosha Village, I could see the bustling activity of the villagers going about their daily lives. The sound of seagulls filled the air, and the smell of saltwater mixed with the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted towards me. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as I prepared to step foot into this new world.

Once the boat docked, I stepped off onto the wooden pier and took a moment to soak in the sights and sounds of the village. The buildings were made of wood and had a rustic charm to them. The villagers were dressed in colorful attire, going about their business with a sense of purpose.

I turned to the system, eager to explore this new environment. "What should I do first?" I asked.

[I suggest you find a clothing store and upgrade your attire. It will help you blend in better and give you a more professional appearance.] the system replied.

"But I don't have any money or Belli specifically," I stated as I checked my pockets.