
A Heart Summoned

What happeneds when you are taken from a world you loved, then being forced to live in a world of magic.The Hero in this story takes on this new world using what he was taught in the other world and what he learned from this new one. Follow him as his journey goes from being a novice to ultimate knight and villian to most.

JacobMWierzba · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter Three

We had arrived to the main room in the castle, I saw that Dianna was waiting for me and she had a straight look on her face. "Young human, you seem to of chosen a light armor instead of regular ones we give to the others?" King Verith said to me, he was sitting right next to his daughter, I felt like his statment had a open question to it. I was going to tell him that I would be fine with it but Dianna spoke up for me instead. "From what I can see father he should be fine with just that on, I feel that if anyone wants to fight him are dead men." King Verith agreed with his daughter with the last statement she made.

Then King Verith asked me, "Why did you choose the colors and that creast you have marked into them is very strange." I looked down at my chest plate and remembered before we came into this room I had drawn my families creast into it. "This is the emblem from my family from the other world, I wanted to honor them some how and I thought why not protecting Dianna here and wearing it on my chest." The colors though I just love them, I wore them alot back home and I didn't see a problem with them." King Verith smiled at me and just said, "Alright, an answer I can live with."

The king leaned back in his chair then he told me about my duties down to the letter. "Every weekday you will be Dianna's main gaurd for the morning till dusk, you will be with in her area at all times no matter what. You are not to leave her side till you're releaved by the night gaurd when it's time for her to sleep. On your days off you can do what you want under the law." I nodded to him telling me everything I needed to know. I was let to go with Dianna after that to gaurd her while she did her duties for the day. She went all over the city with just me and a few servants of hers.

I stood back from everything and I let her do her job, I was still was able to see everything from the little movements from the people to a yellowed eye'd demon getting to close to Dianna. He pulled a knife and I moved infront of him letting him stab me instead of Dianna. I then grabbed his hand where the knife was and then I crushed it with my hand. "Ah, where did you come from!?" The guy yelled and he fell to his ass, then he crambled to get up and run from me, but he was stopped by the cities gaurds who saw him pull the knife.

"Sir, is that knife his?" they asked me and I shook me head, "Yes" and then I told them. "He was going to stabe Princess Dianna with this but luckly I stopped him, and he managed to stab me in the stomach." Dianna heard that part and came running through the crowd of people who blocked me from her, once they noticed her they all gave her room. She came over and checked my chest and stomach, "You protected me on your first day Jacob, you really don't mess around do you?" She saw the cut on my armor but nothing on my actual skin, "It's my job to protect you, I would give me life to make sure you were safe Dianna." I told her and she blushed for a moment, then she looked at eh city gaurds.

She then told them to take the attacker away, "Yes princess," they said bowing to her and ran off with the man. After that moment we went back to the castle for noon tea, I sat with Dianna for the tea and I saw everyone was watching me. Dianna took my focus off of that with a question, "Jacob, what did you do in your world, for work I mean, you seem to have a vast mind of knowlege. you have this strong side of you but a mysterious part of that pounders intrest in you." She said to me and I leaned back in the chair for a moment, I took a long sip of tea and at this point everyone in the room including some of her siblings where paying attention.

"I use to write books for a living and articals for our local new paper, I traveled a bit as well and I've met people of all kinds" I told her and she blinked at me, "You're telling me that you got paid in gold or silver for you writing. Also you seem to have education, did you have some kind of tutor?" she asked me and I nodded "Yes" then she told me that a certain little green woman told her that I could speak many tongues of this world. I smiled at her, "Yeah I know a few tricks on who to learn how others speak. My time with the Elves helped me learn all that I needed, you could say I don't really need this necklace anymore."

I watched her get up out of her chair and she walked right to me and grabbed the necklace off me. "What are you doing Dianna, I need that!" I said in a Demonic tongue, and she sat me down and said to me. "This isn't a regular necklace, this one not only helps translate but it takes half your power and tracks you from it caster, you've been watched ever since you left the Elves." She gave it back to me and with out hesitation I crushed in my hands. For a moment we sat there looking at the dust that once was the necklace, then I said, "did they give that me to help keep me safe or to do something later if I turned out not to be a benif..." Then when everything seemed to be fine all the dorminate power that was hidden in the necklace came rushing into my body all at once. Alot of the power leaked out of my body so everyone could feel it from the front of the city to the center. The whole city could feel the monsterous amount of power for a moment, "Jacob I need you to look at me and breath." Dianna said to me and then I started to breath slower and I contained what I could.

I pictured a happy memory and I put a lid on my power on my own, My mind only focused on Dianna's smile. As my power came back under control everyone began to go back to their normal day life stuff. I went so far that Dianna couldn't feel my precents even though I was standing right next to her. "There you feel better know, you should train when you can to help you control that better at a later time. I understand why they put that on you know but the tracking thing is kind of weird for me," she said. "Do you think they put the tracking part on that to find me if I was taken by someone or..." I was saying but was intrupeted by Dianna when she said, "Destroy a city or Kingdom, most likely." We looked at each other then we laughed for a moment when she sat back down but this time she was clsoer to me.

After that, I followed Dianna all over the Castle till it started to get dark outside. It was time for me to head back to the Inn, when I got there I went right upstairs to rest and to write up a work out plan for when I had time off. It was a bit crazy but this plan would maximise my time to get stronger and train myself to be a god among the Demons. So when I had thoughs days to myself too, I would train harder to the point where I pass out from the lose of energy. I increased my levels beyond what they were and I even made a new magic spell where it was like spider web but I could feel the air pressure change by the heat passing through it. I could even send out a pulse that I could pin point my target, this was to help me do my job even better.

This spell made it possible to find attackers even in crowded places or even from outside the castle. I could even catch kids pick pocketing adults in the city center. Dianna thought that I was training too much when I forgot to sleep one night. I came home and I worked on my power leveling output, I increased it and lowered it all night till the sun came up and I knew I messed up. When I got to the thrown room that day both King Verith and Dianna could see how tired I was. "Son, go get some rest in Dianna's room for a bit," King Verith said to me right as I fell to my knee to the ground from exhaustion, "Sir I can keep going, I've only just been training myself harder as of late but I can handle it." I said to him but he slammed his hand down, "Go rest Jacob," King Verith said loudly and then he lowered his voice, "You work day in and day out protecting my daughter and even the city, and not Dianna tells me you've been pushing yourself even after your duty. You need to rest once in awhile or you won't be alive long enough to keep her safe."

I began to argue with him a bit but he then made it an order for me to rest in Dianna's room for a bit. "No use in killing yourself at such a young age, no get out of my site and rest up." King Verith said me and I was brought to Dianna's room. I sat right on the bed and when my head hit the pillow I passed right out. Dianna for the most part watched me till when her older brother came into the room, "Whats that human doing in your room dear sister, and why are you not down by the slavers house?" He said to her and she only looked at me and never turned to her brother once, but she said back to him. "He's not slept in a couple of days so father made him sleep in here till he's well enough to move around. He's been training to much just to keep us safer," She seemed to be sad but then she saw Lusifer was looking at me.

He watched me sleep for a moment then he said, "He seems alot stronger than he was a couple weeks ago, hit power and Ora is much different than from before." Dianna got up off her chair and pushed her brother out od the room saying. "Can you leave before your loud voice wakes him," Lusifer started to laugh at his little sister, Make sure that our friend here gets plenty of sleep sister." I slept all day till the next day, it was early morning to when I opened my eyes. I saw that Dianna was next to me and she was reading a book, I could tell she had slept next to me because I felt the bed was warmer. I sat up slowley and watched Dianna put her book down. "Are you ok, you've been sleeping for the whole day." She asked me and I cleared my throat, I paused for a moment when Dianna put her hand over my forehead. She was checking my temp and with her being this close to me I got to see her features up close, her eyes were the only thing I could focus on. I looked up and saw her small but sharp looking horns and how smooth her skin really was.

"I'm fine Dianna, you guys were right about me needing to sleep, thank you for forcing me to rest." I said to her and she got up off the bed, "Lets go then, oh wear your normal clothes for today, we are going to have a fun day for you." She said to me and I got changed then she took me to a place that I had never been to before. It was a huge manor much like the Nobles of this Kingdom lived in and then Dianna said, "This is your new home, we will have you pick your own servants in a day or so but this whole place is yours." She told me and I asked, "Can I hire anyone I want, or do you guys do that for me?" Dianna told me after I asked that I was free to find my own servants and pay them as much or as little as I want. Then she told me since I technically a noble I could sponser or own my own business, I looked at her like she was crazy, how was I a noble was it because a gaurd?

She told me after I had that weird look on my face, since I was the first human to be employed by the Demon Kingdom, to make me official he had to make me a Noble of his court. Dianna looked at me smile then I went into the building. Dianna followed me to my bed room and we both saw it looked more like a rustic cabin, the rest of the manor was classic Noble marble with gold accents. For my room was different from the rest of the place, it was like my old world's modern but rustic touch. "We thought that you might love this part for your room, a place were it's a world away from the rest of this world's problems. We also thought since you're the first Willow and our first Human Noble, we believed that you should get a home that mirros your Rank. What do you think about all of this Jacob?" She asked me and I didn't say anything for a moment. I walked over to my new bed and touched it for a bit, then I said, "I think I'll hire some of the Goblins at the Inn that I've been staying at and help fund that Inn as well."

Dianna looked annoyed that I had ignored her, then she said, "Hey I'm talking to you Jacob, can you respond to my question?" I turned to her and she looked more demonic with her being mad at me. That form scared me for a moment. "Sorry Dianna, I was lost in my own mind about beautiful this home is, I just never thought I'd have something like this in my life time in either world." Dianna looked concerned about why I said that and asked, "What do you mean by that I thought you were a wealthy book writer in your old world?" I looked into her eyes and I dodged the question with, "People who truly cared for me and gave me a chance to become something like this. That really shows me who I need to be loyal too, There will be nothing that will pull me away from this Kingdom."

After about an hour of looking at everything I left my new home and I headed to the Inn, Dianna was taken back home by the night Gaurd. I gave Miss Leera the offer for her people to work for me and a decent wage and I even offered to help with her financial side of things for her Inn. Leera was hesitant about the offer but one of the other Female Goblins begged her to take the offer for her people of the Inn. "Everyone here who's a Goblin has a place with me at the Manor, you can live a safe life with me as my workers and get paid one gold coin a week. I'll even have a new Inn be built next to my home so you all have a place to sleep while not on duty." I saw everyone look at me, everyone but the one who wanted to work with me where questioning my word on workers. "When you say workers you really mean servants right?"

I looked to the floor, "job title wise, yes, but I can tell you be more free than the others around the Kingdom, you have your basic right and I will never hurt or abuse you. Plus I'm offering you money to do house and groundkeeping work for my home or do you hate easy money?" Right when I said that everyone signed up to by my workers and I watched Leera get everyone to get there for their new line of work. She took charge and told everyone what their job were and she even had everyone clean themselves up and change into nicer clothes. Leera even gave everyone schedauls to report to work, I left after that and I headed to home, my real home for the second time today. After this crazy day of me reciveing all of this is just to much for one man. I went to bed that night dreaming of what was next for me, "I should try to get a girlfriend or wife next someone I can share my happiness with."

When I got up the next morning I saw there were a couple of Goblins cleaning my room up, I got dressed and I saw more were cleaning the hall. I walked to the kitchen and I made myself something to eat and tea. Leera came into the kitchen and saw when I was making the tea I was looking out the window, I was thinking about finding love or that someone I could spend the rest of my life with. Then I was thinking about training again but my mind stopped when I remembered that I had to take it easy. I saw Leera place a pie on the counter, she cut a slice then she gave me it, "I made this myself please enjoy." I grabbed the pie slice from her and I said, "I don't really eat sweets but since you went to the trouble on making it for me I'll try this piece." I ate the whole thing right infront of her and to my suprise it was really good.

"Oh I do hope it was to your liking sir, I've only made a few before that one." She said to me and I smiled at her, "Leera it's the best pie I've had in a long time, it's just like my grandmother made it for me." I told her and I saw her smile at me, I patted her on the head for a moment. The three goblin women that were in the room looked at me like I just signed my death warrent, I looked down to she was steaming red with anger. "Can you stop patting my head like that sir!" She said almost yelling at me, I laughed and I pulled my hand away, "Sorry about that, I use to patt my siblings head like that when they impressed me with something. You remind me of them," I told her and she now looked sad for me. "Did you have many siblings?" She asked me and I looked at her with a smile still on my face, "Yes, I had two, a younger brother and a little sister, I do miss them sometimes." I told her and she asked if I was close with them, "Yes, when we were younger till I left home to chase after my dreams, I haven't seen them in years."

Leera placed my hand on her head then she said, "if it's you I guess I can let you pat my head, but all the time sir." I patted her head again then I smiled at her once more. "Since I arrived here in this city you've treated my kindly, thank you Leera." I said to her and then I left for my morning duties for the day. I went right to the throne room as I did every day for the last two months. King Verith was the only one there and I was confused. "Sir, where is Princess Dianna today?" I asked him and he looked up at me and said, "She became ill after she ate dinner last night and she is not doing very well." He watch me leave and I headed right for her room.

She was laying in her bed and she was still sleeping when I walked in to the room, Her personal servant was with her taking care of her. The servant was Dianna's Miss Dasy, "Hello Dasy hows she doing this morning, her father told me she had fallen ill last night." The servant girl smiled at me and then she told me everything that was wrong with Dianna, "She's running a fever, she also has been complaining about her stomach." After I heard that part I check her head myself then I new she had some kind of food posioning and I had a remedy to get her fever under control. "I need you to go to my home and grab a jar of meds from my bed stand. They might help but they were made for a human I have no idea how they will work on her." Miss Dasy looked at me like I was crazy then I said, "My house keepers will stop anyone from enterinh so be sure you till them that I sent you. Now go before she gets worse!" I yelled and Dasy ran out of the room and headed to my home to get the meds, I while she did that contacted Leera about the situation and she got everything ready for when Dasy arrived. I told Leera that if she had done all of what I asked she and the rest of the Goblins would recive a meal made by me.

/entering the point of view of miss Dasy/

"His home isn't that far this should be a quick in and out right? I said to myself", I hope those meds he spoke of do the trick and save Princess Dianna. I opened the gate to the his home and I saw a bunch of Goblins, "they seemed to be cleaning up and doing lawn care. How strange, oh look they are even cleaner than the others I've ran into, how did he get them.." I was saying to myself when they all noticed me and rushed in my direction, I held up my hands trying to stop them as I said. "Sir Jacob sent me to get something for Princess Dianna, I'm not here for trouble." They all stopped and thats when I saw a female one walk right up to me, "You must be the person Jacob said was coming to grab the meds, here take these and hurry back." I looked at her and I grabbed the jar from her, then I said, "Thank you miss, I'll head back right now." I was about to leave when I heard the Goblin scoffed at me but I let it slide and I ran all the way back.

/Back to Jacob's point of View/

I was sitting in a chair over looking Dianna and to me she looked like a angel with how still she was sleeping. Her brother came into the room to check on her and saw me. "Ah you're here watching over her, I can rest easier with you on duty." He said to me as Miss Dasy came rushing through the door behind him. He saw Dasy was holding some kind of jar with a red liquid, he grabbed it from her saying, "let me see that servant girl." He was about to hit her when I got up and took it from him, "This is medicine from my world, or its the same from there, it's going to help with the fever and the stomach pain. You can trust me Lusifer I would never hurt her, I use the stuff on me when I'm not feeling good." He looked at me and I said this to him to let me give it to her, "If she dies you can kill me and I won't even fight back." He backed off and I walked over and gave Dianna the meds, She woke up a bit and looked right at me. "Ah, Jacob what brings you here to my bedroom?" She asked me still sleepy from her being sick. "I'm here to help you, I have this medicine to cure your illness, so please drink it." I said to her and I warned her that it was going to be very bitter, I picked her head up and she drank the half the bottle and thats when I said. "I used some magic on this one so it will help you faster, I hope it works."

Dianna passed out right after that and everyone but me left the room to let her rest a bit longer. I sat in a chair till I fell asleep in said chair, it was about first light when when I woke back up. Today was supposed to be my real day off, and last night I was supposed to make dinner for all of my workers. I leaned over and I cracked my back and joints to see that Dianna was up and she was getting dressed right infront of me. "I'm kind of hungry from not being able to eat anything all day from being sick, what should we do about that?" She asked me and I just had a big smile on my face, "I was suppose to make dinner for my Goblins at home last night so I guess we can go have breakfast at my place."

I told her that and she gave me a excited look on her face, "Sure I've never had human food before this might be a fun experience, are you any good making food?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe" then we left the castle and we headed to my home, when we came through my front door Leera was waiting for us. "Sorry for last night Leera, I wanted to make sure the meds worked on her last night, I fell asleep in a chair." I told Leera and she smiled at me and Dianna, then she bowed her head to Dianna, "We are just glad that she's ok, the people of the kingdom adore her very much and to see she's healthy is a good thing." I saw Dianna blush after Leera said that and then I told her to get everyone up and ready for breakfest.

"Are you going to have them join us?" Dianna asked me looking confused, "Yes, I feed everyone no matter what race or rank, keeps the peace and you'll understand when you eat the food." I told her while I went into the kitchen and I started to make the food. I was making a meal I loved as a kid, simple eggs, bacon, pancakes and hashbrowns, some of the ingredients were called something else than I was use to so finding them was hard. It only took me a half and hour to make and when I came into the dinning room I saw that Dianna was sitting next to Leera. They weren't talking to each other till they saw me come through the door with the food.

I put plates infron of everyone with my magic and they all looked at me like something was wrong with the food. Being in a Demon city their food looked a bit scary but it was all good, so seeing something a human looked suspicious. "Yes, I know it looks a bit different than what we eat here but trust me, it's really good and won't hurt you." I said to them as I sat down to enjoy my own food. I took a bit and then I watched Leera and Dianna take a bit themselves. With in a few minutes I watched everyone destroy their plates of food, in a good way, then they all grabbed seconds, well everyone except Dianna and me. For me the moment where people smile when they eat my food is why I cook or like to. "Can you teach my chef to cook like this, I know they are the best in the kingdom but this beats anything they make." Dianna said to me and that put another smile across my face, "Sure Dianna, I can give them a few pointers on making human style food."

After that morning I spent my days for over a year protecting Dianna and her family as her loyal Gaurd. The person Who was going to marry Dianna was going to take me as a slave or thats what she told me. Everyone who were in the room looked at him like he was the dumbest person they've ever met, even King Verith thought so. "If you think you can get him to submit in a fist to fist sparring match he will be your slave, but if you lose to him Dianna is not going to marry you." King Verith said to the Smug prince as he winked at me, he's been trying to find a way to get Dianna out of the marriage arrangnment. So I was brought to the arena to fight him and I was told to give him all I had to make the Prince leave the family and me alone, to scare the crap out of him and humble him.

There was a huge crowd to watch me fight the prince and yuo could hear them talk about the Prince. "Oh is that really the Prince of Neen, that Kingdom near ours, yeah I think his name is Rill, why is he fighting Jacob? Oh I thinks he's fighting for Dianna's hand and he has to test his strenght against him." People said and I laughed to myself, I shook my head and then I looked right at the Prince, he was wearing his Royal get up and held out his fists lazly. "When this is over Dianna will bear me a couple of children to improve my bloodine." Rill said to me and looked away from him and at the King's box, I saw Dianna and she smiled back at me. "Alright, time to get into that place again," I said getting into my boxing stance and jumping softly back and forth while letting half of my Ora and power leak out of body.

I began to laugh a bit and that pissed out Rill a lot, as the bell rang I rushed him with speed much like a comic book speedster. Rill paniced and tripped on his ass, I threw a punch and I knocked him deep into the ground. The Prince got up out of the whole then he launched a fire ball at me, I let it hit me and it consumed my body for a moment. Everyone thought that was end of me but for the Royal family, they all just smiled at the same time. Then like a superhero stepping out of the flames I walked out not even fazed by the attempt and I casted my own spell at him. It was a ice and steel spell that sent Rill into the wall of the arena. I then hit him in the gut and made him hit the ground, he was done but not dead, "Boy that kid thought he could beat Dianna's Jacob with a cheap shot, well I guess he learned that lesson." Said a person from the stands, you also could her Dianna laugh a bit at the kid as he laid on the floor.

I watched the medic core run by and take the kid away, King Verith and Dianna met me in the hall when I was washing my face. They gave me a boost in my pay and Dianna gave me the week off, "why would you not need me for a week Dianna?" I asked and she hit me int eh back of the head then said to me getting quiet, "All you do is train and work, you need to take some time off to recharge and relax for a bit. She and I argued about me taking a break then she hit me with, "You've been with use for a full year, take sometime off and get out there and relax or explore for a week. Do it for me please Jacob." She said to me she got closer to me, she grabbed my face as she liked to do when she was trying to get me to bend to her will. I looked right at her and she blushed with me, "Ok, alright Dianna, I'll take some time off, I can't say no to your sad cat eyes can I?"

I left the arena after that and I headed home to plan my trip or something to spend my time off. When I got home, I started to pack for a small trip. When I was on my way home I over heard a village of humans that were huting or killing passing by Spiderlings and Vampires. "The village was in the east and being a Gaurd for the Kingdom I should go there to check out that village." I said to myself as Leera heard me and told me that might be dangerous to go there." Leera said looking at the map I had on the bed side table, on that I had marked where the village of Humans were living at. They were about a day or two's journey.

"Leera, yuo call me by my name you don't call me sir if you don't want too, We've been living in the same house for a year now and it feels weird for me." She nodded, letting me know she understood then I explained why I was going to that location. "I heard those villagers were attacking people passing by, I want to go there to stop them or do what needs to be done." She covered her mouth trying not express her concern for me, "Those Humans are not like you, they will attack anything not Human, since you're ora almost screams non human they might attack you Si, Jacob." I opened the door after she told me that then I turned to her, I patted her on the head then I left. "I understand, but this is what I must do and i'm allowed to take my vacation how I want, I'll be home in a couple days Leera keep everything clean for me." I said to her when I closed the door and I headed east to Human village."