
A Generic Multiverse Story

A while back I read a fic about a pysker in mha. It only had a couple chapter. I do like psyker abilities so y not. Eventually MC will be able to go to other worlds but he starts in mha. Additional tags: |yandere| First world: MHA(Current) second world: Danmachi or Genshin p.s I own nothing but my MC and any OC if I use any

HanabiBestGirl · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

A Short Test


Toru and I decided to split up for the test. We wanted to have a friendly competition of who could get more points.

It may have been unfair since Toru's quirk was invisibility. Except it wasn't.

It took me a while to notice, but she actually has a form of light manipulation.

She was a little doubtful when I first told her my suspicions, but when she accidentally shot a beam of light during one of our training sessions, we found that I was correct, as usual.

I just hope she has kept up with her training.

Because I sure have, and there Is no way I am losing.

"Time to smash!"

Warping to the top of a building for a better view, I found a spot with four 2-pointers.

Warping in between them, I snapped my fingers, pointing at one of them, sending a bolt of lightning at it, which bounced to the other 3, destroying them.


Sounds like someone needs help. I may as well help. Considering what this is for, it will probably give me points.

Warping to the sound, I saw a girl about to be hit by missiles launched by a 3P. Instantly I created a dome around her. The impact caused the area to be coved by a cloud of dust but left her completely unharmed.

Levitating her to safety, I launched a molten beam at the 3P, melting a hole right through its chest. To stop any buildings from being destroyed and harming those that were nearby, I enclosed the explosion that followed my attack in a force field.

This is so much fun! I wonder how Toru is doing?

General POV

Unknown to the participants of the exam, their every action was being watched and judged by a group of Pro heros, that if they passed, would be their teachers.

"There are a bunch of promising ones this year."

"Yes, there are. That boy, Katsuki Bakugo was it. You can tell he has put a lot of work into his quirk. And it's quite strong."

"Yes, Cementoss put his personality needs a lot of work."

"I, for one, am more interesed in Toru Hagakure. I underestimated her. I thought she only had an invisibility quirk. Turns out she has light manipulation."

"How about you, Midnight? Who do you have your eye on."

"Ha, that's obvious. Eto Nao. Not only does he have a high mastery over his quirk, but it is also quite powerful and versatile. Not to mention he is insanely hot."

"Ignoring that last part, I agree he is not only strong but is attentive. He limits his power when others are near and protects buildings from collateral damage. He has the makings of a great hero."

"Oh, look! Something interesting is gonna happen."

While most of the teachers were focused on the screen, eagerly awaiting the battle, one was not. A tall blond man built like a tank.

"Young Midoriya, It seems you have a lot of competition. You are going to need to work even harder."

Back with Nao, he was currently facing a giant robot, the 0P. It was huge, even taller than all the buildings.

Nao was extremely excited. He finally had the chance to let loose a little.

Before it could get any closer, Nao summoned 3 giant columns of flame surrounding the 0P in a triangle formation.

As they slowly closed in on it, Nao raised his hand palm facing the 0P.

To everyone watching, it looked like the 0P randomly started getting dents, crushing in on itself.

But to Nao, he was focusing his power. At the center of the 0P was a swirling force of indescribable colour. It would be aptly described as purple.

Once the pillars hit the robot. The fire combined with the swirling force. It formed a vortex of flames that exploded and then imploded, leaving no trace of the giant robot.

Everyone who was watching was left speechless in awe and fear.

"Welp, that was fun. Time to go home. Guess I should say bye to Toru first."


After saying bye to Toru and getting her number, I went home, but not before picking up some carrot cake and whipped cream.


"I'm home."

"Welcome back."

Ah, there she is, my sexy bunny.

Making my way to the couch, where she was. I put my head on her thighs and let her spoil me.

Let me tell you, there are few things better than resting on the thighs of your lover as she stokes your hair. Total and utter bliss.

"So, how did it go? Did you kick some robot ass?"

"Oh, so you did know what the test was. Yeah, it was a blast. You should have seen their faces when I erased the big one from existence. It was priceless. Oh, Rumi, you'll never guess who I saw. Toru. Man, she sure got beautiful."

"Of course, I knew. I just couldn't tell ya'. I knew you would ace it no problem. Toru huh? I haven't seen her in years. So you gonna go for her."

"Probably. I mean, I'm not a dense idiot. I know she's obsessed with me. I won't lie. I find it insanely hot. But that's for later. Right here, right now, you are all that matters."

"Hehehe. You must be tired."

~~~~~~Slight R18~~~~~~

Rumi, who was stroking Nao's hair, started rubbing his shoulders. Soon she moved lower, to his chest, then stomach, and finally she put one of her hands into his pants, waking the sleeping dragon.

Starting off slow and gentle, stroked Nao's cock and played with his ball as they shared a deep kiss.

As their tounges fought for dominance, Rumi's increased the intensity she stoked him. Once she felt Nao was close, she stopped.

Breaking the kiss, Rumi stared lustfully and lovingly into Nao's eyes.

"Fufufu~ Can't have you finishing so soon now, can we."

"Hey, Rumi. Can I do the thing?"

"Sure~ go ahead, you pervert."

Nao always took great pride in his quirk. It was strong. Some would say too strong. But, Nao believed he had an EX-ranked quirk, not because of its overpowered strength, but because he could control his and other peoples' hormones.

Rumi dropped the straps of her tank top, exposing her beautiful brown perky breast and delicious nipples.

Using his quirk, he massages her breast, controlling 3 very specific hormones. Once he had finished, her already big breast seemed fuller and perkier.

Latching on to her tantalizing nipples, Nao drowned in the pleasure of drinking the smooth and sweet fluid that now flowed into his mouth.

If ambrosia was real, this was it.

Despite calling him a pervert, Rumi enjoyed it just as much as, if not more.

Moaning under Nao's relentless attack on her breast, she removed his pants. Wetting her hand with milk from her free breast. She went back to furiously yet gently stroking Nao's cock.

"Rumi, I'm close."

"M- Aghh! Me, too. Ahh!"

"I-I'm cummming!"

"Hey, Rumi. I bought carrot cake and whipped cream. Why don't we take this to the bedroom."


Not giving her a chance to answer, Nao picked her up, and princess carried her to their room, not forgetting to warp the bag of treats to the room.

---- 2 weeks later ----

While waiting for his letter from U.A. there wasn't much for Nao to do.

He spent the time training, lazing around, and going on dates with Rumi and Toru, sometimes at the same time.

Toru was happy to see Rumi again. They got along really well. They were seducing Nao every chance they got.

Currently, Nao and Rumi were cuddling in the living room watching some shitty teen drama they secretly loved.

*Knock knock knock*

"I'll get it."

Nao got up and came back just as quick. In his hands was a simple envelope bearing the U.A. logo.

"Hey, Rumi, guess what arrived."

"Well, what are you watin' for? Open it."

Inside was a letter and a projection disk. Throwing aside the disk, Nao read the letter.

"Welp, you are looking at a new student of U.A. university."


Rumi was genuinely happy for her lover, kissed his cheek, and hugged him.

"This calls for celebration."

"Oh, we will. Tonight though. I have a drive to make. I wanna tell her, come with?"

"Of course."

First, let me tell Toru.

[Hey Toru. Guess what.]


[I got in.]


[Hey, Nao. Guess what.]

[Haha. What?]

[I got in.]

[We are gonna be in the same class. I can feel it.]

[I would love that. Hey, Toru. I gotta go, but you should come over tonight. Rumi and I are gonna celebrate. Join us.]

[Ofcourse. I'll bring the caramel sauce.]

[See ya.]

"Rumi, you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

And with that, Rumi and Nao entered their car and took off to see someone very special.