
Chapter 28

After taking a closer smell, I confirmed it.

It's a furry... no- in this world they call them Beastmen.

I took a closer look and the speaker was indeed a beastman while the other cloaked figure was a rather small figure.

A dwarf?

"I guess we're quite far now, Ferris.."

The small cloaked one spoke and he sounded like... a kid? No wait- that's a child.

"Nya~ Uri-sama, we'll soon be th-"

Suddenly, I felt like the cringewoman I mean probably catwoman, she somehow looked as if she's staring at me with her creepy cat eyes.

What's this called again? Sneering or Leering?

"Hou... what's this nyah? A little mutt is eaves dropping to our business."

I've been found.

"I-is it them?"

The little kid however, looked as if he's been traumatized.

"I'm not sure young master nyah, but don't be afraid! Ferris will protect you, Uri-sama!"

With that, the kid stop trembling.

Huh, seems like they've got a problem of their own.

Well, not that I'm interested or anything but might as well look at their stats.

[ Name: Ferris Femmumi

Level: 87 EXP:

Status: Alive (Alarmed)

Race: Cat-person

HP: 1200000/1200000

Mana: 800500/800500

Attack Power: 1350000

Skills: Athleticism (1-Star Lv. 6), Assassinate (2-Star Lv. 1), Cookery (Lv. MAX), Dagger Mastery (Lv. MAX), Interrogate (1-Star Lv. 2), Maid (Lv. MAX), Disguise (Lv. MAX).

Titles: Phantom Night Cat

Blessings: N/A ]

... Yes of course, an assassin maid. Why not?

Sigh... how about the kid?

[ Name: Uriel Hargrieve

Level: 14

Status: Tired, Anxious.

Race: Human

Skills: Entice (Lv. 4), Trade (Lv. 2), Successful Trade (Lv. 5), Haggle (Lv. 5), Profit Seller (Lv. 7), Stock Manager (Lv. 3), Maximum Profiter (Lv. 2).


Blessings: N/A ]

I see, a money making kid.

"Uri-sama, we might have to move carriages later so please be prepared nyah, since there's a lot of unwanted attention here."

Is she talking about me?


Probably not.

Suddenly, about four carriages shifted it's position from behind and started approaching after the carriage where the two cloaked figures stayed.

Are they getting chased?

"Kinoko, it's best not to get involved with other's business."

[ B-but! but! ]

"No means no, besides, you'll cause trouble for Haru."

[ Awwww. owkie... ]

It seems that the two of them already know but Ruri is right. We don't need to get involved with their affairs.

I started to speed up my pace and leave the carriage behind.

Suddenly, from one of the carriage that was going after the carriage of the two, scram and said,


With that, multiple figures jumped off the four carriages and headed towards their target.

The catperson however, reacted faster and was already out of the carriage along with the kid.

Everyone else on the same path panicked and started to run at a quicker pace.

Naturally, I already ran before getting caught up in any of those.

It was then did I suddenly hear rushing steps from right.


It was the catgirl carrying an unconscious kid.

I knew because I could smell her but I was afraid to look because... she might not be the catgirl I thought she was.

And I think we might get caught up in their troubles so I sped up even faster.

However, this catperson was still keeping up.

What the hell, Im pretty sure I'm about as fast as 60-70 km/h right now and also I could feel from behind that the people chasing them was getting closer.


I sped up even faster but then this girl, she too sped up to match my pace.

Fucking hell, stay away from us.

Having no choice but to warn her, I angrily growled at her and looked her in the eyes.


Thank god, she was really a catgirl, you know, the one who's human but has cat ears and tails.

She had a bright brown shoulder length hair, slender legs and waste, her chest however, was quite considerable, about C? I guess?

She had yellow eyes that's similar to the stray cats you see on earth.

The kid on her back was about 7-8 years old?

She had black short hair and peach skin. I couldn't tell much since we were moving fast.

Anyway, 'Stay the fuck away from us.'

Ruri then decided to translate for me since this woman cant take the hint.

"Catlady, please escape somewhere else."

"I would if I could nya, but if we did, we'd immediately be caught."

"But that isn't a reason for you to keep your pace with us, with you capabilities, you should be able to go even faster, no?"

Hm? does Ruri know her?

"Oh.. it seems that you know of me, little girl."

Ruri scoffed.

"Be careful Haru, thus woman is strong enough to assassinate a King in a strong fortress without getting caught."

Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

'It's fine. But why is she running if she's strong enough to do that?'

"It's probably because of the child on her back."

'I see...'

I then stopped, causing the catlady to stumble in surprise.

"W-what are you doing?!"

This girl- You have the gall to ask that when you're literally trying to push your troubles unto us.

"Haru, let's wait this out on the forest."


The catwoman however, looked pissed with her crumpled face that literally says "SHIT!".

Her chasers were getting closer and so she was starting to panic.

She looked left and right, and then sighed heavily.

"Can you please help us nya?"



[ Yes! ]

'Kinoko you-'

The catlady's face then brightened up and went towards us.

"You guys don't need to help on the pursuers. Can you just please take care of him for a little while I go and take care of them?"

She then pointed towards the multiple people who was rushing to this way.


[ Please boss? ]

'....fine. Just looking after the kid right? we're not helping you with those chasers.'

She then happily agreed and handed the kid over to us.

The kid had a black short hair, quite a pretty baby face. Almost looks like a doll-

Wait.. did she say him? This is a guy?!

No way... I almost got trapped.

'Ehem- alright then, we'll wait here.'

"Yeah, thanks."

With that she went to fight off the pursuers.

"Ferris.... help me..."

This kid then suddenly started to sleep talk. Like of course- most cliches of the traumatized kids.

But hey, It's not their fault and I don't blame for it.

Kinoko suddenly started rolling towards the kid who was lying unconscious and resting his head on Ruri's thighs.

Kinoko then used his heal skill which proved to lessen the pain that the kid is feeling.