
A Dragons Heart

boymom29 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

A New Heir

We arrived at the castle in the mid afternoon, the hot sun beating down on us. Micah so generously took the horses to the stable as to avoid an awkward encounter with Eric, I still shudder whenever I think about him. To my surprise I found the court physician waiting for me on the palace steps.

"Ellie my dear, you've made it " Worry was creased into his brow.

"Edisson, How is she? " I embraced him as I spoke.

"She is not well I'm afraid." We discussed the queens health as here led me to her chambers.

"She is waiting for you. "

"You aren't coming with me? "

"She specifically requested you, and you alone. "

I gave a shakey sigh as my hands rested on her chamber doors, It had been years since I've lived here but the memories were still fresh. Shaking my head I gave the doors a mighty push before striding in.

There room was dark and cool, the curtains remained closed.

"Your highness? "

"Please Ellie, call me by my name. There's no need for formalities. " A weak voice called out from the dark.

"Annabeth...How are you?" I asked as I approached her bedside. She lay in her cotton nightgown, the silk sheets tucked tightly under her arms. Her once lustrous brown hair lay in a matted, dull braid. Her eyes sunk in and her cheek bones protruded slightly, I've never seen the queen look worse. Grabbing a hairbrush I slowly started to undo her braid in hopes to comfort her.

"Ellie I'm not doing well. " She coughed into the handkerchief she held tightly in her hand, when she placed her hand down I could see fresh blood speckled on the cloth.

"Edisson believes I'm not long for this world. "

"Psh, what does he know? " I scoffed,

"The man barely knows how to birth a child much less diagnose a sickness. "

She grabbed my hands forcing me to focus on what she was saying.

"Honey, I'm dying."

"No! There's gotta be something we can do!" I jumped up tears pricked at my eyes.

"There is something you can do for me."

"What? Anything!"

"I no longer have an heir to the throne. With Flora dead I need you to find the next living heir. "

"But who...."

"His name is Toraq. You can find him at the Dark Sea." She said softly handing me a small wooden box. Upon opening the box I found several papers proving who he was.

"Please promise me you'll find him and bring him here. He'll need your guidance. "

"I..I promise. " I dropped my head tears were flowing freely down my face, she was the closest thing I had to a mother. How can I possibly go on without her? When I looked up again she was sleeping quietly, I grabbed the box and snuck out of the room. Waiting for me was Micah, seeing him I wrapped my arms tightly around his waste and sobbed into his chest.