
A Dragons Heart

boymom29 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

royal letters

It was a hot summer day, I had the hem of my skirt tucked into my apron while hanging laundry to dry. In the distance I could see Micah running up to where I was.

"Ellie!" He panted, clearly out of breath.

"Um are you ok? "

"This came for you. " He said as he handed me an envelope. I turned it over and revealed its seal.

"Its from the queen." I said calmly while making my way to the cabin, Micah close on my heels.

Once inside I set the envelope on the table while I fetched Micah and myself some water.

"Aren't you going to open it?" He eyed the envelope suspiciously.

"Of course I am, It's probably just an invitation to afternoon tea so we can discuss some matters she needs advice on." I said shrugging as I handed Micah his water. I took a large drink before grabbing the envelope, cracking the hard wax seal.

I carelessly removed the letter inside and unfolded it, scanning my eyes over the letter my mouth dropped. I fell into my chair, covering my mouth with my hand.

"What is it?"

"The queen, she's deathly ill and has requested our presence immediately. "

"Us? As in both of us? "

"Yes, she specifically mentioned both you and I are to be at the castle immediately. "

"Let's go then." He said jumping up from his chair and grabbing my satchel from the hook by the door.

That evening we left our cabin in the care of his brother Anthony.

"We'll be back in a few days. Send word if you need us back sooner. " We bid Anthony farewell and set off toward the castle.