
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

46. True training pt 4

"Good, but just so you know, i only released the aura of the early first order, don't get too confident after passing this small test".

Osiris said with indifference while he stared at Adam as he struggled to catch his breath and regain his bearing.

Watching Adam's eyes constrict as he heard what he said, Osiris felt joy as he watched Adam realize the hell he would be going through.

"Now go over and fetch me that sword"

Osiris said while pointing to another weapon he had carved from regular plain wood that only had a trace of mana within it due to it growing in the outer ring of the mana-rich forest.

Setting aside his spear nearby, Osiris looked up to see Adam slowly walking over with a slight tremor within his step.

Looking at the sword in his hand, Osiris appreciated his own craftsmanship and design he had carved into the sword.

The design being of the draconic nature, which was very much unique compared to the elven design he had made for the spear. 

Its characteristics being that the grip was etched with scales reminiscent of a dragon's body while the lower end towards the pommel taking on the design of a dragon's tail wrapping around the base to form the pommel.

Towards the blade, the guards were shaped into two scaly wings that protected the user's hand and the chappe was formed into the head of a dragon that bit onto the blade.

The blade itself was the standard blade of a longsword while etched onto its sides were letters in the draconic language that simply spelled his name,  'Osiris'.

Should Osiris possibly lose this sword that he planned to keep as a memento for his first craft, it might someday be returned to him.

And Osiris didn't feel the need to name every weapon that he ever uses, as a weapon should only be named should one be willing to carry it with him till death do part.

Taking the blade from his first official disciple, a name only given to Adam since his wives diddnt count as official disciples but pseudo-diciples due to the nature of him being their husband, Osiris waited a couple of minutes for Adam to finally fully recover from the shock of Osiris's aura.

Seeing how long it took for Adam to fully recover surprised Osiris as he didn't think the miniscule amount he released was that potent, however he would have to rethink and train more in the art of aura manipulation so that this won't happen during training again, and wasting precious time.

But time was never truly wasted for Osiris, since with all the knowledge stored within his inheritance just sitting a thought away, he was always constantly learning something new.

Gaining his bearings, Adam somewhat felt embarrassed at how long it took himself to recover, after hearing that the aura Osiris released was only of the early first order.

His and his sister's cultivation had recently reached the peak-mid first order after the many meals that they had with peak first order beasts that Osiris brought home every night.

Two or three more days and they might reach peak first order, which brought the three much more confidence since other than Osiris, they were the strongest people in the village whose chief was only a retired mid-first order war veteran.

Now however, Adam felt a reality check before arrogance even got the chance to fester within his ego.

A slap in the face that told him the actual strong people could still crush his ant-like strength with just a glance.

And though he also recognized that maybe Osiris was just a monster in his own right and was a bad comparison to make for himself, someone with even half of Osiris's strength was still daunting.

And why not compare yourself to the strongest, if he was going to be a warrior in the future, he must steel his resolve to compare himself with everyone and become the strongest he can personally make himself.

Getting into an attacking stance, Osiris inwardly smiled at Adams' determination and the strengthening of his will he could sense when looking into the depths of his eyes.

Getting into a defensive stance, Osiris shouted.


And with that, Adam pushed off the ground with one foot and launched an attack on Osiris using his full power, a privilege of having a monster of a teacher.

Sweeping the blade from the right, Osiris deftly parried it by meeting Adams blade and guiding it along the side of his blade, effectively guiding the strike to completely miss its mark.

Being thrown off balance by the power he had put into that one strike, Adam wasn't prepared when Osiris struck back with an upwards slash of his own.

Getting struck in the ribs by Osiris's slash, Adam pulled a couple feet away from Osiris while reeling in pain.

Though he didn't feel it broke any bones, it most definitely hurt like hell and would leave a massive bruise in the morning.

Looking up at Osiris in shock, the man in question simply stared back at Adam with a cold look.

"My wives are the only ones who have the privilege of not getting hit by me, you do not have that privilege".

"If you do not want to get hit, then use your head to fight".

Looking into his cold eyes and feeling the pain radiating from his ribs, Adam began to take this training even more seriously than he already was, for pain was a big motivator to anyone.

Who in the hell likes getting hurt?

Except maybe those masochists who hide whips and chains in their bedrooms, nobody truly enjoyed pain.

Definitely not Adam at least, so as he got back into stance, he began to map out a battle plan within his head, treating Osiris as a true enemy and not some wooden dummy that would take all his strikes and give pointers at the end.

dont do pills guys, at least not when your an insecure disappointment with anger issues that destroys your house every day and makes everybody you know hate you.

not when your younger brother prays every night that you finally overdose and stop tormenting him from this hell that you put him through, ruining even his childhood because you wanted to go pop pills and get messed up for fun.

but who knows, maybe you think everyone just forgets the next morning about everything you did and everyone is all happy again.

but while maybe others still talk to you like everythings all good, your younger brother still hasnt spoken to you in 3 years even when you still live in the same house and your bedroom doors are not even a foot apart from eachother.

that younger brother whos walls are paper thin and can hear all the holes you punch in walls and all the food and furniture you destroy in your drunken rage.

whos entire bed shakes from the vibration of the stopms of your feet as you try to get his dad to fistfight with you in an attempt to show that your not a dissapointing embarrassment of a human being.

22 years old, or at least thats how old the younger brother remembers him to be, and still that same child who finds it funny when you lie to peoples faces and treat everything like its a game.

"the only one who thinks this is a game is you, and you're losing".

heard the younger brother as he sat in his room listening to his father yell through his paper walls, at the blood sucking leech who for the past 6 days was popping pills and drinking a bottle of vodka.

and you may ask, why doesnt the younger brother try to stop it himself?

well the answer is he did, getting into fist fights multiple times.

even fights a day before his highschool graduation, a moment of accomplishment he was excited for now turned into a day where he had to stop his older brother from hurting his mom.

but eventually he had to stop since his parents pleaded with his to stop hurting himself and just stay away from the leech.

and as good ol boy he was, he listened to his parents and stopped involving himself.

now he was only able to sit and listen as the the world and his family outside his bedroom door was torn appart every day, helplessly crumbling as he sat and waited for the eventual end.

weather that be the older brothers death, or the younger brothers after he decides his weak heart cant handle the cards he was dealt.

somethings going to change soon, and only time will tell.

gn, I'll see ya ltr

whenever that may be.

but what i do know is that i will keep updating this novel as long as im still breathing.

after all, this is the only place im free

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts