
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Notice. this is in fact my first rodeo.

Name 3 DDG songs NOW.

Nah but fr.

Its me, your brother in christ, your fellow dao diciple, the author of your possible future favorite novel, and most of all a fellow novel reader and fan.

Im here to let thoes of you who might have enjoyed the first few CRUMBS of this story that im making up in my head some clarification on future developements and the direction i want to take this story.

As a wanna-be successful author, i believe most other authors would say they would treat the mc as their child, or in my case, a way to escape their terrible reality by putting themsels into a story and creating the fantasy that they wish they could live.

And personally i wish thst story was perfect, or as close as passible at least.

So in doing so, ive reflected on the story so far and know that it is trash to put it simply, or if you're a D1 hater you could rank it worse than mtl garbage.

But def still above NTR and YURI gross bullshit, right?

Idk, but personally i could feel that the way i portrayed Osiris, Aria, Eris and the other dudes name i cant remember at the moment's personality much better and lifelike then this dull husk of people ive shown so far.

As ive layed in my bed like the lazy, procrastinating pice of lard that i am

Ive continued to read novels as ive always had, but this time theres always a comparison in the back of my head with these novels against my own and the diffrence is like "heaven and earth" as yang kai or any other harem protagonist would say.

And after noticing that, ive begun to reason why that is.

And what ive concluded is that i simply dont have enoughf life experience, like literally im only 19.

Its not like you're expecting some 19 year old virgin to write a sex scene, shit would be like a kid who has never drank trying to explain to an adult what alcohol tastes like.

Simply put, i would fuck it up royaly some way.

But its not just about the sex scenes but the personalities of the characters themselves, im a shut in trying to write the personality of an outgoing Eris, what the absolute fuck do i know about being outgoing.

The only personality i could best portray would be that of a dude trapped in his own home with an anger-filled opioid-addicted older brother, living in fear that one day hes gonna wake up to someone killed by one of his druken rage filled stupors.

And im pretty sure that shits not that intresting and would be at most a pity party for me to trauma dump.

Anyway back to the story.

I got a job!!!

Well im about to have one, which means im going to be going outside more and meeting new people everyday hopefully.

So what does this entail for the story.

Am i dropping it?

Not really, more like a hiatus

Bacically im probably gonna treat what i got as a roughf draft and use it as a skeliton for the future rewrite that im going to make.

Its still gonna be the same story, but just more fleshed out.

How long will this take?

Shit idk.

But what i do know is that seeing as its august and getting close to the end of 2024, i believe the shortest ammount of time i think it would take before i feel like i might be decent enougf would be the beginning of next year.

If you as a reader liked this vision and possible future of this story that much, leave a comment or reveiw on this novel to show your love and support.

Dont give me power stones or anything like that as it would be a waste since im just gonna be starting over but if you leave a review or even just a comment on this chapter, that would mean the world to me.

You dont even gotta say anything in particular, just drop a number 1 or some shit and ill know whats up.

Your comments mean the world to me, as without them it just feels like screaming into the void.

It would feel demoralizing to put your passion and time into something, never to even get a thums up or good job.

I dont need your money right now, all i want is your voice and thats it.

So, with that all being said.

Thank you to thoes who have commented on my novel and to thoes who spent their power stones.

I. WILL. be back.

Thats a promise.

My passion is being a novel author, but first i need to get my real life in order before anything.

I gotta be happy before i can make sweet eris and aria happy after all :)

Shoutout to Walmart, big corperate just gained a true martial dao warrior.

also ive really gotten into creed lately, so if any of yall got some good rock suggestions simmilar to stuff like arms wide open or heart on my sleeve let me know in the comments too

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts