
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs



1.A type of rocky planet that can be inhabited by various kinds of life forms that are found throughout the omniverse . The species can live in this type of planet and thrive in.

2. A species or a group of species who are evolutionally mentally and spiritually advanced and are able to comprehend the consecutive events that the angels bestow upon them are called the chosen ones across the galactic space or the omniverse.

3. Different kinds of "energy" are bestowed upon the planet and the other species around who are not chosen can use these energy forms and themselves sooner or later become chosen ones.

4.It is possible as the innate quality of the energies would give a strange kind of sensation to the species and these sensations when prolonged would give them better level of consciousness.

5.Generally speaking "Human" like species who walk on two limbs such as human beings , elves, orces , orges ,etc have better chances of being chosen ones as they are thought to be made from the image of "GOD" . " GOD" is the god of all the gods

6. Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse

There it was , a beautiful home which was floating in mid space in which relatively peaceful species lived in. It had an amazing landscape and was very suitable for living in. Human beings inhabited this space and their species are relatively common across galactic space.

The humans beings went on with their relative and routine work unbeknownst of the menace and boon that was to be bestowed upon them

It seemed like a spaceship. It was floating in mid space surprisingly and not moving at all thanks to its advanced propelling technologies that allowed it to go against gravity. It was floating opposite to earth and from its magnificent glass window at its front it seemed like one could see every corner of earth .

The spaceship was made up of titanium , one of the most durable metal in the world . It was colored in a matte gray colour. Its outside had weapons from all its side depicting it was battle ready.

The interior of the spaceship was extravagant and spacious . There were control centres and spaces reserved for some special technical departments such as air compression check room, propelling fuel analysis room, etc.But the most important of them all , the energy imbuer centre.

It was in a secret chamber kind of that was sealed from all the sides. It was being protected by walls of ceramic as if by chance the energy should leak. The important area that was located in the centre of the ship was spacious and mostly empty. It was filled with machines and Angels.

Yes thats right the angels were on a mission and that too an important one.

The spaceship was hidden using magic so as to prevent the humans from seeing them by using advanced radar technology. They had done their homework before arriving.

An angel who looked like the leader and commander of the spaceship was sitting in a modest "gold" chair whilst being accompanied by The so called assistant of her who was also an angel. The leader's name was Yuri and the other' Nino. feminine and angelic names.

Three angels controlled the communication centre 2 which would be later on used and currently was on standby. There were other angels who were mostly scattered and seemed like doing sophisticated and technical works.

Yuri wore a pink dress and her hair was pink too. Her gracious smile was that of a goddess but still she was an angel . Her face so beautiful and she definitely fitted the image of an "Angel"

Nino was not the loser either. She too in her own right was beautiful and even contested Yuri in terms of beautiness. Nino looked like a little girl while Yuri had a mature air around her. Apart from beauty these two were geniuses and ranked highly among angels and the general hierarchy. Their power couldn't even be comprehended by normal races . Nino had a file on her hands accurately depicting the image of a personal assistant

The two were in front of a giant screen which showed the live image of earth . The angel yuri began to talk.

" Its about time for them as well huh" said Angel Yuri "time sure does fly by. Even though They were given a handicap from the start they have managed to grow up"

"It sure looks like it mam" continued Nino "it sure is a sight to behold as this kind of event happens not in a century or milenna but only in a billion of years. Personally its my first time and I believe its your second personally as you have lived for more than 6 billion years .

"It is indeed my second time" continued Yuri "but I feel like this time it will be special as they say 'second time's the charm' "

" Maybe I will write that down mam" said Nino diligently . Their relationship seemed like that of a student and a teacher.

As Nino was writing it in a paper taken from her dimensional pocket which was a skill that was only readily available to high ranking races Yuri questioned her. " If you are writing it down it means that its something important from which you could learn . Other than the fact its a rare event, what other knowledge are you getting from this Nino?" She asked

Nino looked up at Yuri and answered " Mam as you know the first time it happened the race which got chosen are now in a higher position and are competing for galactic hegemony ." "That's why I think maybe this event will turn into something interesting as well" she answered diligently . She was polite and responsive not only due to the fact she admired her but Yuri was an angel that ranked higher than her in the general hierarchy .

Suddenly as they were talking to each other , Yuri got a call through communication magic from the Energy imbuing centre. Communication magic directly connected the caller's and the receivers' end. Whatever the caller of the receiver speaks is directly delivered to the other end. It doesn't connect the consciousness as it is only a communication spell of lower tier. Instead they had to speak up just like regular phones.

"Mam everything is ready and everything's checked. We will proceed once you give us the signal" said a man-angel who wore a scientist coat and gas correctly depicting a nerd.

Yuri on the other end gave a satisfactory nod and gave the signal to everyone to start the process.

"Then ,then ,then , isnt this exciting , how about you Nino do you feel the same way as I do?" Questioned Yuri to Nino

Nino gave a nod as well. She was a cold woman and was very self conscious.

Yuri casted a magic on the iron floor. A button on top of a pillar came up. She then clapped her hands to which a timer started to go off.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 -

Yuri pressed the button to which came out A big raygun out of the lower bottom of the spaceship . It seemed like it was aligning itself and looking for the best shooting area.

It was about to shoot Mana, Qi(Shakthi) in Earth number Unknown

After sometime it aligned itself and then blasted a shot which hit Earth directly.