
A deadly Romance

Cecilia the daughter of the mafia boss in the American mafia has only one goal in mind ,To find her missing mother ,But what happens when she is suddenly put into an arranged marriage with Lorenzo Ricci the most ruthless mafia boss in the underworld who may be involved in the disappearance of her mother .will they live through their marriage peacefully or will they end up at each others throats find out in this book!!!

Nightowlann · Thành thị
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8 Chs

~Fake ass bitch~

~ Cecilia's POV~

The moonlight illuminated my room .

I was at the balcony of my room smoking a cigarette while staring at the moon blankly.

I stared at the sky with eyes devoid of emotions,I kept looking at the moon as I muttered some words that were inaudible,I felt blood dripping from the fresh cut I had made on my inner thigh ,"shit!! "I hissed and grabbed a bandage from my desk and tied it around my abdomen .

I scrunched my eyebrows in pain but didn't make a sound despite the pain instead I sucked it up and laid on my bed and closed my eyes forcing myself to fall asleep.


The next morning I was woken up by the blinding lights of the sun reflecting on my face .

'ah geez '

The maid who had just opened up the curtains bowed her head and greeted me "good morning young miss"I just nodded my head in acknowledgment as I yawned so loudly that I'm pretty sure the maid thought I was gonna swallow her"young miss um madam has asked me to tell you that you should get downstairs that breakfast is ready" The maid said as she turned around and Left.

After the maid had left , i stood up took a look at myself in the mirror I had a beautiful figure that any man would die for .

'and if you were wondering yes i am praising myself cause it's damn true '

My beautiful long ass jet black hair with red streaks at the end was ruffled because i had just woken up making me look like a cute cat that just woke up I pursed my pink lips as my chestnut brown eyes stared at my beautiful figure in the mirror and couldn't help but smirk " God Dayum!!! I'm really good looking even when I just woke up minus the drool "i say narcissistically as I wipe my face and then go to take a shower.

After 30 minutes I came out in a towel that was as white as snow

'haha just kidding I haven't washed this shit in like two weeks'

I think to myself as I walk in my closet that was the size of two rooms

'i could probably fit a whole pool in here oooh~~ ,I could swim and pick clothes-oh yeah I can't swim even to save my life '

I change the bandage I put on yesterday and stare at the cut for awhile.

I pick out an outfit that was casual I wore a simple white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans that hunged to my body perfectly.

"ooh my ass looks so nice in these jeans"I say out loud as I check myself out.

Once I was all dressed, i picked up my phone and just as i was ready to leave I bend down and looked under my bed and bring out a small box ,then I bring out a key from a secret drawer in my room and unlocked the small box and inside the box was my beautiful shappire pendant I looked at the pendant with eyes filled with nostalgia.

'One day I'll find you' I think as I let out a sigh

Suddenly my phone makes a bing sound bringing me out of my trance , I check the notification on my phone to see I have one new message I opens it to see it was a message from Zoey.

Lovable whore:HEY BITCH!!! watsup wanna hang out"

ME:"Sure it's been a while since I've gone out"

Lovable whore"yayy finally you hermit !!!! okay text me when you get to my place "

Lovable whore:"byee bitch love you

ME:"Okay whore"

I then grab my small handbag and keep my phone inside and leave my room .

As I walk downstairs I see the two people I despise the most in the world ,my evil ass step mother Nicole who I can literally swear was brought straight out of the Cinderella movie and her fake bitch of a daughter Sophie .

Nicole was sipping her weird ass jasmine tea in the cup elegantly while Sophie was smiling all obediently and chatting with her mother .

I didn't hide my irritation and didn't bother to greet them as usual knowing it would piss them off, I sat down and started eating this delicious ass pancake.

'ooh ice cream would be so gooood with this '.

I think to myself completely ignoring the stares Nicole and Sophia was giving me.

My actions unsurprisingly caused Nicole to get annoyed but Nicole didn't show it but instead said "Cecilia it's already been 14 years now and you are still giving me this rebellious attitude your 24 now please refrain from these silly habits of yours and why can't you be more like your sister Sophia....."

" Sister....oh please NICOLE don't make me laugh I don't have a sister I only have a Fake bitch living in MY home because she is the fruit of a Whore of a mother who drugged MY father into sleeping with her and having her as a baby" I say almost wanting to laugh by the obvious steam that was practically coming out of Nicole's ears.

Immediately Nicole gets angry and was about to say something when Sophia holds her hand and says in her all so fake ass bitchy voice"no mother she's right I'm not a real member of this family "Sophia says as she holds her dress tightly with tears hanging from her eyes making her look pitiful.

'this little bitch has been using this same ass move for years now and honestly it's revolting'i think to myself almost rolling my eyes at her lame ass acting skills .

then she turns to me and says "but even still I still see you as my sister Cecilia even if you don't accept me "Sophia says as she tries to 'hold back her tears ',while her lips where trembling pitifully .

Nicole couldn't help but comfort her as usual"No of course your a member of this family your the daughter of your father and that's all that matters , Cecilia look now you've made your sister cry apologize to sophia right now "she angrily says as she points at me.

" It's okay Cecilia you don't have to apologize okay it's not your fault " Sophia said with her face facing down while hiding the evil smirk on her face.

I didn't pay her any mind but instead got up and walked straight out of the door then I went to my personal garage and passed my many cars and went towards my baby ..... My hot black motorcycle and got on it and drove out of the mansion.


As I drove my motorcycle enjoying the breeze hitting my face I felt free ,relaxed but of course that just had to be ruined as I hear a gunshot.

I swerve my motorcycle away as I literally see the bullet past just inches away from my face.

"Alright who the fuck just shot at me " I say as I pull out my gun from my boots as I face the asshole that just shot at me -- 'A really Hot Asshole '.

I look up at this Hot---I mean Asshole

'definitely not hot ----okay he's hot but still an asshole!!'.

He looks at me with a unfazed look like he didn't just almost blow my brains out.

"Hey you fucker what the hell!!!! "I say with a pissed of look on my face as I look up at him trying to be intimidating ,but it's obviously not working my 5 '0 ft height does me no justice at all.

"What??"He says as he looks at me with a unamused look .

"Are you FUCKING kidding me you?? little fucker how FUCKING Dare you huh ?? Your FUCKING bullet almost hit my face and your asking what??"I cuss him out as I fight the urge to beat this motherfucker up.

When I'm done I look up at him only to realize he wasn't paying attention to anything I said but was focusing on my Damn tits .

Word count:1358 words


Heyyyyyyyyy , cuties and the many masses how are y'all,so this is the first chapter hope y'all enjoy it leave a comment don't be a quiet reader !!! thanks!!!