
A deadly Romance

Cecilia the daughter of the mafia boss in the American mafia has only one goal in mind ,To find her missing mother ,But what happens when she is suddenly put into an arranged marriage with Lorenzo Ricci the most ruthless mafia boss in the underworld who may be involved in the disappearance of her mother .will they live through their marriage peacefully or will they end up at each others throats find out in this book!!!

Nightowlann · Urban
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8 Chs

~hot asshole~

I glare at him as he keeps staring at my tits"hey !! my eyes are up here "

"I'm aware of that love"he says as he looks up at me with a smirk .

I glare at him and our altercation is suddenly interrupted as someone shoots at us we both dodge as we turn around to see some guys shooting at us and then I see the tattoo on there necks and I realize their from the Russian Mafia .

"Remember he wants her alive"one of them says in Russian as they starts running at me.

"Shit not again"I say as I start firing at them,so does hot asshole as we shoot and fight against them.

Just as I'm firing at them ,someone trys to attack me from behind,so I dodge and kick them in the stomach as the guy grabs his abdomen,I punch him and he passes out.

"Weak"I say as I shoot him,I then turn to see hot asshole fighting against them with so much ease as he kills them all and I hate to admit it but his moves are impressive.

He uses his leg to kick the last guy and then stabs him multiple times with the guys own dagger and spits on his dead body.

As I watch him another guy grabs me from behind ,"Your coming with me","Yeah no thanks "I say as I use my  dagger and stab him right in the balls.

He shrieks in pain and immediately passes out .

'yeah I'm pretty sure he's dead'

When we're done I turn to him and he just shrugs and starts to walk away

"Hey get back here where not done yet hot assho- "I pause when he turns around and smirks.

"ugh why did I say that now he thinks I think he's hot .... But I do think th- not the point!!"

"You do know you said that out loud right" he states in amusement as he raises up an eyebrow at me .

"Fuck...um of course I know that why wouldn't I know that ,I'm the knowest of them all ,wait is that even a word" ,he just scrunches his eyebrows and rolls his eyes and goes into his expensive ass car.

"Hey you little shit  don't just walk away from me" I yell at him ,"I'm not walking away amore I'm driving" he says as he drives off speedily .

"Tch bitch" I fumed as I get on my motorcycle and drive off.


I park my motorcycle and step in Zoey's mansion.

'She's basically a free range assassin so she makes alot of cash '

I walk into Zoey's front door which is completely wide open "this bitch gonna die someday" I mutter as I walk in Zoey's room to see Zoey buck naked walking around.

"Heyyyyy girrlll you made it " Zoey says as she tries to hug me but I move away."aww I thought you love hugs"she says with a pout.

"yeah I do ....when the person I'm hugging is FULLY CLOTHED Go put some damn clothes on!! "I say shaking my head in disapproval she just shrugs and goes into her closet

After a few minutes we walk out of her house and go to a cafe to chill,"sooo hows it going you gotten a boyfriend yet ??" Zoey asks wiggling her eyebrows obviously knowing the answer to her own question.

"Yeah I do....his name is Barney and he lives in a place called our imagination,... ooh and guess what he's a dinosaur "I say laughing at my smart thoughts as she looks at me with the most unamused face ever .

"Oh haha very funny..... Well unlike your lonely ass self I have a boyfriend "she says proudly as she stuffs a cupcake in her mouth .

'Im honestly not surprised Zoey is very attractive to both boys and girls so her love life is practically not a problem for her , but all her exes either cheated on her or were not good enough for her ,but she still dates anyways like a ...a wild goose... yeah this girl is a wild goose she likes to have fun like a goose.'

'wait do gooses even have fun?'

"Your a goose" I blurt out unexpectedly she just shakes her head at me and scrunches her eyebrows "hmm you looked just like that hot asshole "I accidentally say as Zoey's eyes burst in interest.

"ooh did I hear hot~~"she wiggles her eyebrows and winks at me" no you didn't...uh.. you heard um....pot "I say internally facepalming myself .


I tell Zoey everything as she looks at me like I'm the biggest idiot ever "girlll you have the brain of a 6 year old "she says in a matter of fact tone as she shakes her head.

"what it's not my fault I say shit like that"I defend as I fold my arms.

"gurll you could've had the most amazing romantic story ever !!!!but you just had to cuss him out"she says as she fantasies about my non existent wedding with the asshole.

"Bitch he fucking almost blew my brains out"

"Yeah almost but he didn't hehehe"she winks at me ,just as I'm about to say something my phone starts to ring I look at the caller id.


A frown clouds my face as I pick up the call and become serious"hello father"I say flatly,there is a little silence over the phone before he says "Get home now" And he hangs up.

I immediately get up and tell Zoey I got to go she nods as I see that pitiful look she always has when my dad is involved.

I get out of the cafe and drive off.


As I park my motorcycle ,I walk towards the front door with a cold look on my face as I enter the house .

I get in to see the man I hate so much that I am forced to call my father sitting on the high chair exuding power and demand of respect by his presence, I look at him with no emotions in my eyes trying my very best to hide my hatred for this man.

I then greet him with a nod "father" ,he nods back as he looks at me with the same cold look as always.

"Cecilia we have an important discussion follow me"He says as he gets up and leads me to his main office in the house.

He sits on his chair and I see a black folder ,he grabs it opens the content which looks like a contract and chuckles .

I look confused when he passes it to me and he nods for me to look at it.

I open it up and see in bold title


"What the fuck !!" I snap and my father glares at me ,"The wedding is in the next two weeks, it will be announced at the ball tonight end of story now sign "he states without any room for discussion.

"tch fine"I say as I sign the contract and walk out and go in my room.

"What the hell,I'm only 24 I can't be getting married,this is bullshit!!!! And worse of all it's the Italian mafia fuck!"I curse as I sit on my bed with my hand in my face holding back the tears in my eyes.

'And father didn't even fight against it ofcourse typical tch , he's never cared it was always what's best for him and the mafia' I close my eyes forcing the tears that were threatening to fall out to stop as I groan inwardly at my thoughts.

I go to the bathroom and take a bath and when I come back ,I see a dress on the bed .I remove the bag it's in and put it on , atleast the dress is cute .

It was a mermaid spaghetti v neck with side slit which hugged my body nicely ,I then put the golden heels that I just knew was going to be tough walking in.

I look in the mirror with a confident look as I put on slight makeup and a bold red lipstick and let my hair down in natural waves.

"Come on Cecilia what's done is done there's no going back the contract has already been signed let's just deal with it.... Like we always do "

I pep talk myself as I walk out of my room only to be blocked by a ugly piece of crap.

'-oops I meant Sophia but what's the difference.'

She looks at me with that same innocent look she gives her mum and my father.

"Sister I heard your getting married,I just came to congratulate you even though ---"

" you can cut the crap now my dad and Nicole ain't here"I cut her of as her face turns from her sweet innocent self to the bitchy bitch she truly is.

"Oh well whatever,listen here just because your getting married to Lorenzo Ricci doesn't mean your part of his actual family and don't think for a second your better than me,this is all just an alliance ,I won't be suprised when he divorces you after the two years are up "She says as she glares at me with jealousy in her eyes.

'so I'm getting married to Lorenzo Ricci...well Fuck me dammit'.

"Listen sweetheart I am better than you and two I'm still getting married to him which makes me part of his family so go Fuck yourself "I pause to take a look at her pissed off face.

"So if you'd excuse meee I have to meet my HUSBAND TO BE!!"I say as I shove past her.


I get out of the house and enter the limo and we drive off.

Word count :1671


So Watsup how are y'all , what's popping,so how do y'all like this chapter, hmm comment what you think cause it took me like 2 days just to finish this small ass chapter so yh comment tell me everything you think well not everything you think but like what y'all think about this chapter mkay🤞.