
A Certain Scientific Railgun: The Devil Fruit System

Kota Suzuki was an outcast, a boy who was deemed a failure by his own parents. However, a random act of kindness he showed to a homeless elderly man has changed his destiny. Now reincarnated as a pyrokinetic girl in Academy City, what impact will she have on those around her? How would their fates change?

RagingVortex · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Love at First Sight/Level Upper

Author: YOOOO! This fanfiction is scheduled to be featured on <Fresh Stories> today! Thank you all for the support!


Kazumi looked up to see that the car is falling straight towards her. Any normal person would be panicking right about now, but she's unusually calm about her predicament. She smirked and performed a front kick with her leg covered in flames, caving the car in and launching it into a fire hydrant.

The rest of them stared at her with their mouths left agape as she casually walk towards the crepe stand to buy an extra one. On their way back to Tokiwadai, everyone was worried about her but didn't say anything because she seemed just fine. Little did they know, its an act. Kazumi is on the brink of passing out from the sheer pain coming from her foot.

Noticing Kazumi's wince pain here and there, Misaka decided to break the silence.

"Are you sure you are fine? You are shaking."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine! Totally fine- UWAH!" Kazumi accidentally trips from a rock and fell onto the sidewalk. She tried to get up but was hit by a massive wave of pain coming from her right leg.

"You know, its perfectly fine to ask for help right? We are friends for a reason, here."

"HUH?! Wait, Misaka-san, what are you-"

Before she knew it, Misaka picked her up bridal style.


Kazumi's heartbeat suddenly skyrocketed, her face was bright red. She had no idea how to describe this feeling, but it's incredible.

"What is this feeling? Embarrassment? Shame? What the hell is happening to me?!"

Kota was kicked out of his home at the age of 15 and was alone most of the time, so he never had a proper school life, much less a first crush. For the first time in both her lives, Kazumi is experiencing the feeling of "love at first sight".


"Come on, we need to get her to the infirmary!"

"Y-yes, onee-sama!" Kuroko said while biting her finger nails in frustrations, wishing Misaka was carrying her instead.

Uiharu covered her mouth with both her hands as she watched Mikoto carrying Kazumi. Saten pats her on the back and looked at the pair with a smug face.

"You saw it too, right? Her expression I mean"


"It was so precious! It's like she had a 'love at first sight' or something!" She laughed at the idea of it, then stopped when she noticed Uiharu's look of fascination and amazement.

"...you are absolutely right! We just witnessed the blooming of love between two level five Espers! Oh, what a sight! I will treasure this moment for the rest of my life!"


{Timeskip brought to you by Misaka princess-carrying Kazumi while Shirai comedically sobs while running behind them}


After several minutes of running, they finally arrived at the infirmary. Kazumi was almost...disappointed when Misaka sets her down on the hospital bed. After doing an x-ray scan, the doctor came back with the results.

"Well...how should I put this?" The doctor said hesitantly, slightly worrying the 4 girls. "She has a bone fracture on her foot, but its healing abnormally fast. According to the computer's calculations, she should be completely fine in half an hour. This is the first case we've seen without the use of healing esper abilities at play."

The girls sighed in relief as the doctor left the room, they stayed with Kazumi and chatted about a number of topics until her leg was fully healed


Two weeks later...

"HAA! TAKE THIS! AND THIS!" Kazumi is currently kicking a dummy made of fire-resistant materials. After the robbery, she realized that despite being a level 5 esper, she was weak. Just a day after her foot was healed, she took out some of the allowance that her parents gave her and bought a membership at a luxury gym designed for high leveled Espers.

"This body is simply amazing!" She thought to herself as she unleashes a barrage of kicks on the dummy with blue fire coating her legs. "With each strike, I feel my muscles getting stronger and more durable! This body is practically born to practice martial arts!"

The blue flames on her feet grew more intense as she round-house kicked the dummy one last time, sending it flying. It got caught by a pair of robotic arms before it could crash into the walls.

While Misaka and the others are having fun and investigating the "level-uppers" these past two weeks, Kazumi was in the gym putting her body through hell everyday. She also coincidentally picked up a new technique: flight.

By constantly supplying high-pressured flames under the soles of her feet, Kazumi can now fly as fast as or even faster than Accelerator.

She finished the rest of her routine workout and exits the gym, only to find Kuroko Shirai waiting for her wearing the judgment hand band.

"Kazumi Himura, you are being detained for the suspicion of possessing a 'level-upper'. Come quietly or I'll be forced to use violence."

"Ha...I knew it would come to this sooner or later. My level did increase spontaneously in a single day after all." Kazumi thought to her self as she turned around and puts her hands up in the air.

Kuroko was initially a bit shocked since most others tend to put up a fight before being arrested, but quickly snapped out of it and puts a cuff on Kazumi. She took her to judgement and stripped her of any electronically devices that is in her possession.

"The scanning will take a few minute, so sit tight and wait for the verdict." Kuroko said as she sits Kazumi down on the couch in the office.

"Well, since there's nothing to do, might as well." She opened up her system.

[Welcome to the wheel of fortune!]

[Would you like to use your Gacha ticket?]

[Yes] [No]

She lifted her hands while being handcuffed and tapped yes. A hologram of the wheel of fortune appeared before her and displayed all possible rewards she could get. The rare ones such as [A Random Mythical Zoan] are highlighted in gold, uncommon items like [Random Useless Devil Fruit] are highlighted in green. Finally, almost useless items like [Misaka Mikoto's freshly worn panties] are highlighted in grey.

The wheel starts spinning as she stares at the wheel fiercely, the arrow lands on a rambow-colored square that wasn't there before.

[Congratulations! You have received the UR rarity reward : {REDACTED} ]

Kazumi's eyes almost bulged out seeing the rewards, it was one of the best things she could ever get from the system considering the kind of world she is in.


"Huh, that's strange. There's no level upper in her phone, so how did her level grow so spontaneously?" Uiharu said.

"So...can you unlock my handcuffs now? My hand is starting to hurt." Kazumi said with a friendly grin.

"Y-yeah, sure! Sorry about that." Uiharu said with a sheepish smile. While she is bandaging up Kuroko's injuries, she couldn't help but ask Kazumi the question that has been on her mind. (We are in season 1 episode 10 of railgun if you haven't noticed, needed to skip the fillers.)

"H-hey Kazumi?"

"Yes, Uiharu?"

"If you don't mind me asking, how did your level suddenly get from level 3 to 5 in one month? A growth of this level shouldn't even be possible without some outside influence such as the level upper."

"Well we all have our secrets, don't we? And who knows? A level 0 just might suddenly become level 5 in the future."

"Haha~ sorry, but that's not possible. We'd have a lot more level 5's if the were to be the case." Uiharu laughed at her statement, but she had no idea how true it will be.

"Alright, are you two just going to keep chatting? You are free to go back to the dorms now, if you don't mind." Kuroko emphasized the last part while having her head turned towards Kazumi.

Just before she was going to retort, Kazumi suddenly remembered something as her face turns red. "Alright alright~ see you later then!" Kazumi opens the biggest window in the room and prepares to jump out of it.

"Himura, what are you-!" Before Kuroko could react, Kazumi jumped off the Judgement office building and flew straight into the blue sky, leaving a trace of white smoke behind. Uiharu and Kuroko watched her fly farther and farther away with twitching smiles on their faces.

"Level 5's sure are in a completely different reality than us." They thought at the same time. Misaka came into the room shortly after she left, being the main reason she left in a hurry in the first place. Kazumi knew Mikoto would be in the office that day, and for some reason, she's just too flustered to even look at her right now.

"Hm? I thought Kazumi was detained here?" Mikoto asked Shirai.

"Oh uh...it turns out she didn't have a level upper downloaded so we let her go!" Uiharu said awkwardly.

"Oh..." Mikoto looked away, almost disappointed that she wasn't here.


While airborne, Kazumi shook off the redness from her face.

"Wake up! I need to focus on the objective in front of me!" She thought to herself. Kazumi is currently heading towards Saten's location. "She should be at the park using the level uppers with her friends right about now."

Kazumi knows how she felt, being the bottom of the food chain and always wished to be higher in this cruel hierarchy; she was once there herself after all. She puts more power into the soles of her feet and broke the sound barrier with her speed.


"Nice huh? I could do this after a week and 5 days of practicing!" One of Saten's friends exclaimed as she lifts a cleaning robot with her telekinesis.

"Have you seen what I've been doing?!"

"Its all amazing!"

While all her friends are honing their abilities, Saten stares at her phone with guilt.

"Maybe I should talk to Uiharu about this. Knowing her, she would be mad at me for doing this."

Suddenly, one of her friends collapsed onto the ground.

"Akami, what happened?!"


Saten watched in horror as her friend lays on the ground, motionless, fearing the same thing would happen to her


"So, my hunch was right after all." Kazumi descends from the sky and lands before Saten. "The level-upper is nothing but a trap."

She lifts up the unconscious girl and flies into the sky.

"Saten, you really should tell one of us if you have any problems. We'll always be there for you, that's what friends are for, right?" She says to Saten and smiles before flying her friend to the hospital.


After making sure she is receiving proper treatment, she contacted Uiharu and Kuroko to check on Saten before going back to her dorm. There's something urgent that she needs to do, something even more important than investigating the Level Uppers with the others.

Immediately after returning to her dorm and shutting the doors shut, Kazumi took out a full stack of paper and started to draw blueprints and formulas that mankind has never seen before.

Remembering what the level upper was and Dr. Kiama's purpose of making it gave Kazumi a solid reminder of how rotten Acadeny City really is. If she's going to protect her friends and loved ones from individuals like Kihara Gensei and Aleister Crowley, she needs to get involved with the underworld personally. And for that, she will need a faction of her own, a faction powerful enough to flip the world upside down.

She looked at he system notification one last time and smiled, it really was the best thing she could've gotten.

[Congratulations! You have received the UR rarity reward : {GERMA 66 Technology} ]