
A Certain Scientific Railgun: The Devil Fruit System

Kota Suzuki was an outcast, a boy who was deemed a failure by his own parents. However, a random act of kindness he showed to a homeless elderly man has changed his destiny. Now reincarnated as a pyrokinetic girl in Academy City, what impact will she have on those around her? How would their fates change?

RagingVortex · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

One Big Experiment

Sorry for the long wait, here is the chapter.


The information she received from the system about Germa 66 was simply incredible. Especially the concept of "Lineage Factor", which is literally the blueprint of life itself, and how to "edit" them. She received the information of how to make perfect clone soldiers that is capable of living the lifespans of normal, which is also useful.

"This technology is amazing, but..." she looks at her bank balance on her phone. "I don't have enough resources to bring them into reality, not even close."

Making even one of the machines will cost quarter of a million dollars at the very least. Yes, dollars, not yen. Unless she could find some way to reduce the production costs, having a clone army will only stay in her dreams. Though she still gained something useful from it, two colors illuminated her room. On her left hand was a sphere of blue electricity and a purple plasma sphere was floating on her right hand.

Although the study was not very in-depth compared to lineage factors and cloning, the science behind the generation of electricity from flames and the conditions flames need to become plasma is much more detailed than modern science.

Normally this would be impossible with only the devil fruit, but her Esper ability was also fused into it, making what was impossible possible.

The plasma on her left hand suddenly dissipates as she stumble backwards and lays down on her bed, exhausted.

"Turning flames into plasma is more tiring than I thought. I will just stick with flames for now." After resting for a bit, she jolts up and opened a window before flying into the sky in a hurry, as if suddenly remembering something major.

"I was so occupied by the rewards that I almost forgot Dr. Kiyama is going to take Uiharu as a hostage! I need to hurry."


{Attention, Harumi Kiyama!"

"Anti-Skill is here, huh? One thing I'll say is they sure moves fast when the order comes from the top." Kiyama said nonchalantly

{You are under arrest for suspicion of distributing the 'Level Upper'! Surrender yourself at once!}

"What are you gonna do? It looks like this is the end of the line for you." Uiharu said

"The Level Upper is a program, it was designed for making computer equipment through the use of human brain activity, but that isn't all. It also generates a certain byproduct within its users." She smiles, "I've got an interesting demonstration for you."


Not even 3 minutes has passed by since Dr. Kiyama exited her vehicle, most of the Anti-Skill present are already on the ground, either unconscious or severely injured.

"Has the fun has already started without me?" Kazumi said as she lands next to Dr. Kiyama's sports car. She squints her eyes as she made contact with the girl.

"Kazumi Himura, the unofficial 8th level 5. How interesting it is for you to show yourself here."

"You know, Dr. Kiyama, you might've gotten whatever it is you were after if you haven't messed with someone you weren't supposed to. It's just too bad, isn't it?" Kazumi lights herself ablaze and menacingly walk towards the doctor. "I suggest you get your affairs in order, because you might just become a vegetable after I'm done with you!"

Kazumi launched herself towards Kiyama and went for an axe-kick, but the strike was blocked with an invisible barrier. A cracking sound was heard shortly after. She used flames to launch herself backwards and landed onto the concrete floor.

"Oh well, it doesn't really matter why you showed up. This is a good opportunity."

Dr. Kiyama controlled the bodies of Anti-Skill members and pointed their guns at Kazumi

"I've got a bit of grudge towards your father, you see. Taking you out here will be more than enough to pay him back what he did to those INNOCENT CHILDREN!"

With a snap of her fingers, Dr. Kiyama commanded all conscious Anti-Skill members to open fire. However, seeing the bullets flying towards her in slow motion did not faze Kazumi a bit.

Dr. Kiyama's eyes widened as she saw the bullets phasing through the girl's body without injuring her a bit, the holes made by the bullets were closed up by flames soon after.

This is one of the reasons why logia devil fruits were so sought after in the One Piece world: elementalization, or the ability to transform your entire body into said element, thus granting the user invulnerability towards all attacks. The only two factors in existence that could pose a threat to them are other logia fruits or armament haki, which this world lacks.

In simple terns...Kazumi is invincible.

The doctor calmed herself and smiled

"Well, Isn't this interesting? I have never heard of a pyrokineticist with invulnerability to physical attacks. Then how about this!"

Dr. Kiyama used hydromancy to send a floating wave of water towards her, only for it to be evaporated into steam with a simple wave of her hands. Kazumi lightly tapped the highway floor with her feet.


Kazumi's hair turns crimson red for a brief moment as a ring of fire quickly expand outwards with her at its center. Dr. Kiyama sensed that something isn't right and hastily jumped back, but its too late.


A colossal pillar of raging flames rose to the sky, the attack was so devastating that the section of the highway they were standing on are completely incinerated, there is also a rather large crater under the highway with lava scattered at the very bottom.

The smoke generated by the flame pillar slowly dissipates as Kazumi slowly lands on the ground.

"Ara~ guess I used a little more power than I intended to." Kazumi thought to herself as she walks up the Dr. Kiyama, who barely got out of the area of effect but was still burned by the heatwave.

"Now...what was it you said about my dad?" What the doctor mentioned about her father piqued her interest. All Kazumi knew from her memories is that he is a doting father but spends a lot of time away due to business trips. She wants to use this opportunity to find out more before handing her over to Anti-Skill.

"Your father-"

'YOU...SICK...BASTARD!!!" Before Kazumi could find out more, Misaka suddenly jumps in and fired a powerful bolt of electricity towards Dr. Kiyama.

"Misaka no!"

She wanted to stop it but the bolt struck Kiyama before she could do anything. Somehow, they both stood in silence after the attack.

"What...what was that?" Misaka somehow heard voices of little children in her head after shocking Kiyama

"You saw what they...we did?!"

"What..what were they doing?"

"On the record, they are off of it. Officially, it was designed as a test in controlling A.I.M diffusion fields. The real study...was the effects of pushing an ability beyond its natural limit. They overstimulated the children's AIM diffusion fields in order to study runaway abilities first hand."


"They were intentionally manipulated to run out of control. But I didn't realize what was going on until after it happened!"

"Experiments..on children"

"They were just kids..and after all this time, they still haven't woken up! We stile their youths from them, and for what? To turn them into laboratory rats?!"

"Don't you get it, Misaka?" Kazumi emerges from the smoke and stand next to her. "This place, this city...it's just one big experiment, and we are the guinea pigs."

"I will do anything to save them, anything in the entire world. The whole city can hate and revile me all they want, but I'm not letting anything stopping me now!" Dr. Kiyama suddenly felt a massive headache and collapsed onto the ground.

"Tch" This is exactly the situation Kazumi wanted to avoid, but Misaka's shock has sent the network out of control.

A monster that resembles a fetus with tentacles and an angel halo over its head emerged from Kiyama head.

"...A fetus?"

[WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!] The creature lets out a loud and distorted cry


Mid-broadcast ad break brought to you by Kazumi taking a nap while hugging a pink cat plushie


Kazumi encased the fetus in a ball of fire and held it in place

"Get Uriharu to safety, I will deal with that...fetus"

"Huh?" Misaka turned around and saw Uriharu hiding behind a highway pillar.

That giant fetus is a collection of AIM fields from more than 10,000 low class espers. In the original show, Dr. Kiyama referred to it as an AIM Burst. As long as the network is online, nothing will keep it from regenerating itself.

The AIM Burst dispersed the fireball using hydromancy and attacked Kazumi with ice shards, which she countered with small fireballs.

"I can't use large-scale attacks here,. Tch! So troublesome!" On her right is an experimental nuclear power plant and on her right are Misaka, Uriharu, and Kiyama. "Guess I will just have to work with what I got!"

She shot a fireball directly above her, it suddenly split into hundreds upon thousands of smaller fireballs and rained hell upon the abnormally large fetus.

However, the attacks had little to no effect on the AIM Burst; the burns regenerated after mere seconds. It swung its huge tentacles towards Kazumi, but a lightning bolt struck it before it could land the attack.

"From now on, you are dealing with us!" Misaka said before slicing up its tentacles with her iron sand whips.

Kazumi took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. Once again, her eyes were devoid of life.

"Shinka: Shiranui!"

she conjured six flame spears and threw them into the fetus's tentacles, pining it down in place in a circular formation.

"Take this you little shit. Enkai..."

One by one, a ring of flames connected the spears together.


As if on cue, the spears glowed as the ring of flames quickly turned into a gigantic pillar of flames, successfully trapping the AIM Burst in place while continuously burning it.

The creature wailed in pain as it constantly struggles out to get out of the confinement. It constantly tried to use ice shards and hydromancy to put out the flames, but they were evaporated before they could even take on a proper shape.

Misaka caught onto what Kazumi is trying to do and quickly restrained the AIM Burst's body with her iron sand. It might not seem like much but flames and metal are a dangerous combination.

"DID YOU EVACUATE EVERYONE?!" Kazumi shouted as most of the noises are covered by the sound of raging fire


"UGH!" Kazumi can feel the creature trying to break out of the flame pillar. And the worst part? She can't maintain it for much longer, the constant drain of keeping a gigantic flame pillar that could be seen from any parts of Academy City burning is no easy task.




The creature lets out a monstrous roar swiped Kazumi away with a swing of its tentacles.

"HIMURA!" Misaka

Kazumi crashed into the walls of the nuclear facility and coughed up blood

"Shit...I don't even have enough energy left for elementalization" She tried to stand up only for her to collapse soon after.

Right before she passed out from a mix of pain and exhaustion, Kazumi heard the sound of the treatment program play in the background.


A few hours later...


"Ugh...everything hurts..."

A nurse gasped and ran out of the room shouting for a doctor.

"What happened...?"

"A fracture on your neck, and 10 broken bones. I'm surprised your spine is still in tact after being struck by that AIM Burst." A frog-faced came into the room, holding a clipboard. "Oh right, your father left this for you."

He gave her a bouquet of flower followed by an envelope.

She opened the envelope and...it was a black Mastercard credit card with a note saying "Get well soon"