
A Boy Before The Time

rohanvishwakarma1 · Khoa huyễn
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A Boy Before Time [ 1 ]

This is the story of a boy who reaches many years ahead of his time.

hello my name is rohan and i am an astronaut

Today I am going to take the tenth flight of my life, my father was also an astronaut.

and he always wanted to go to the moon but he didn't but I am a boy of 2050, I did not give up and became the youngest astronaut in the whole world.

I have go to the moon three times but now I am going to Mars.

Rohan says, "Dad don't worry, I am going to make your name famous. You only wanted to send me to the moon, but now I will go to Mars."

rohan's father says,"I never worry about you son, because I was also an astronaut, but I also have a father's heart, I get a little nervous"

Rohan tells them, "It is because of you that I have reached this far, otherwise I would have dreamed of becoming a gamer."

Rohan's father says to him, yes and I would have let you become a gamer so easily, I had seen that you did not even know how to play gaming properly. If you knew how to play games properly, I would have made you a gamer too. But you used to say in childhood, Papa, I also want to become an astronaut like you.And your mother also wanted the same.

Rohan gets a call it is from his space center they ask him to come soon. Rohan says bye to his father and leaves for the space centre.

All the scientists thoroughly check the rocket for the space mission. And after the complete investigation, Astronotus is sent to the rocket. Rohan is also one of those astronauts, he is the senior of all those astronauts. The rocket is launched shortly after going inside the astronaut.

There were three astronauts in that rocket, when the rocket reaches the space, the junior astronaut speaks. Wow what a beautiful sight I have been selected for a space mission for the first time.Before this, I had seen such a scene only in movies, Rohan Sir, you have gone for many space missions before this.

Rohan says yes, I have done ten missions earlier and this is my eleventh mission.

All those were moving forward with that rocket, slowly one by one all its parts started separating and finally their spaceship was left, from which they are going to Mars.

They just cross the moon when an unknown ship comes in front of them with the speed of light and it loses control and collides with the spaceship of Astranotus.

The collision between them was so powerful that the ship of Astronotus moves rapidly towards the earth. And in no time it crashes on the earth.

Rohan grew up unconscious in that sheep for eight hours, after eight hours his eyes open and he sees that his other two colleges were dead.He was very sad to see them but now he had to go out and see his location.

He comes out of the ship and sees that he was in a dense forest, but that forest seemed completely different to him as if he was on some other planet, there were very strange animals around him.

He was roaming in that forest for many hours but he could not find any way, in a while some people come there on bike, that bike was also very advanced, there were no tires in it.

Rohan was surprised to see that those people surrounded him and by leaving him in the middle, they were going round and round on their bike.

One of them says, "Look, brother, he is a very strong man, but he is wearing old and thick clothes.

Rohan was wearing Astronaut clothes.

Rohan says to those people, "Who are you guys and I am not wearing any old thick clothes, I am an Astronaut and Astronaut's clothes are like this only."

One of them laughs loudly and says, friends, he is an Astronaut, if Astronauts are like this, then it is good that I am not an Astronaut.

Another one says, "It's enough that we have not come to know him, listen, we are from the rock group, Astronaut of Varun Dhawan's era with old clothes, you should know us,He takes out his gun and says whatever you have, hand it over to us quietly.

Seeing that the gun was an advanced gun, Rohan says, " .Wow, I have never seen so many hi-tech guns in any game."

Rohan starts going closer to see the gun.

One of them again tells him, "You sure are a madman, stay away from this gun and give your belongings to me."

They were snatching his belongings from Rohan when someone comes there and fires a laser bullet at them.

They fearfully say, this is Officer Z from here.

Officer Z comes flying over there on a skate boat and says, "Why are you running away ruffians, don't stop now and show me the loot in front of me."

Rohan keeps staring at Officer Z and says in his mind, how beautiful is a girl coming flying on a skate boat.

Officer Z sees Rohan and comes to him and says to him, "Who are you and why have you come here in this deserted forest, you don't know that a Space ship has crashed here. And it is not in the sense that it is an unknown ship, there may be aliens in it, and why are you in such old and strange clothes.

Rohan takes his eyes off her and tells her, you also like these strange clothes, you are probably a police officer, you do not know that these are not strange clothes, they are Astronaut's clothes, I mean Space Suit.

Officer Z stares at it and says, "This is not an Astronaut's Space Suit." She takes out a gadget and says, 'Elle, show me an Astronaut.

Rohan, what is this, where did all of you have such hi-tech advanced things from and Where am I ?

Officer Z says, you can see Astronaut looks like this and the thing is that these hi-tech things, I have such an old board and this Elle is also very old, the new version is amazing and yes you are still in india

Rohan was not able to understand anything after listening to his words, he asks, officer, what year is this.

Officer Z says, "You don't even know the year is 2163.

Rohan, am I 113 years ahead.