
A Bizarre Encounter

Jotaro kujo didn't expect any aliens to fall into his life literally.

Garrett_Stutz · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Red Ribbon Resurrections: Dio's Stand Search Takes a Nostalgic Turn

Dio strolled through the bustling laboratory, his presence commanding attention. In the background, the electronic voice of Dr. Gero reverberated, revealing a hidden past.

"I was a part of a secret organization that operated during the Nazi regime called the Red Ribbon Army. There are still members lingering, and I possess their valuable information. Even you, Dio, would be surprised," the voice of Dr. Gero disclosed. A list of names cascaded across the computer screen, drawing Dio's gaze.

But Dio's attention quickly shifted as he reached a specific name on the list. A full picture materialized, accompanied by detailed information. A sinister smile played on Dio's lips. "Stop right here, on this name," he commanded, captivated by the possibilities that lay before him.

As Dio absorbed the knowledge, a grand plan formed within his mind. "They would be absolutely perfect, my dear Dr. Gero. I have a splendid concert to attend. Until next time!" Dio declared, leaving the laboratory behind.

Dressed impeccably, Dio arrived at the concert hall, a bag in his possession that concealed a mysterious artifact known as the Stand Arrow. He took his seat among the audience, ready to immerse himself in the captivating world of classical music.

As the conductor raised the baton, the symphony orchestra filled the hall with melodic richness. Dio's hands clapped rhythmically, his eyes gleaming with appreciation for the timeless beauty of the music. Each note and crescendo stirred his soul, resonating deep within him.

At that moment, Dio found solace in the enchantment of the concert. The elegant compositions washed over him, momentarily eclipsing his ambitions and desires. It was a brief respite, a pause in his relentless pursuit of power and dominance.

Lost in the melodies, Dio allowed himself to be transported to another realm, where the constraints of his immortal existence seemed momentarily distant. Surrounded by fellow concertgoers, he shared in the collective experience of music, a universal language that transcended all boundaries.

And as the final note lingered in the air, Dio's applause echoed throughout the concert hall, a testament to his genuine enjoyment and appreciation. With the echoes of classical music still resonating within him, the stage darkened, and a spotlight illuminated a solitary stool. A man stepped forward and took a seat, cradling a saxophone in his hands. The crowd hushed in anticipation, captivated by the scene unfolding before them.

Dio's eyes traced the man's every movement, sensing a profound sadness emanating from him. It was as if his soul yearned for something greater, a longing for untapped talent and unfulfilled dreams. Dio's curiosity piqued, and he found himself drawn to this man's story.

With a gentle breath, the man brought the saxophone to his lips, and a melodious sound filled the air. The notes danced and swirled, weaving a melancholic tale that resonated with every listener. The audience, captivated by the man's skill and the raw emotion poured into his music, remained silent, enraptured by the performance.

Dio's gaze never wavered from the man on the stage. He saw a reflection of his own desires and ambitions, a reminder of the relentless pursuit for greatness that defined his own existence. In that moment, a connection formed, transcending the boundaries of their separate lives.

As the saxophone melodies filled the concert hall, Dio's thoughts delved deeper, contemplating the man's internal struggles. He sensed a profound discontent within him, a nagging uncertainty that had led him to question the purpose of his actions, even his financial support for his family.

In that fleeting moment, Dio glimpsed a shared vulnerability between himself and the saxophonist. Both sought fulfillment, recognition, and a sense of purpose in their respective journeys. They were two souls navigating the complexities of life, each grappling with their own demons and aspirations.

The saxophonist's performance reached its crescendo, the final notes hanging in the air, blending with the fading echoes of classical music. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their admiration and appreciation pouring forth like a tidal wave.

Dio, too, clapped with fervor, his applause mingling with that of the audience. In that applause, he expressed not only admiration for the saxophonist's musical prowess but also a profound empathy for his inner struggles. It was a recognition of the shared human experience, the beauty and the burdens that shaped their lives.

As the stage lights dimmed and the final echoes of applause subsided, Dio descended the stairs, his curiosity driving him towards the man who had captivated him with his saxophone performance. Swiftly, Dio utilized the power of 'The World' to close the distance between them, his intent clear in his eyes.

"Hello, may I have a moment to speak with you as you make your way to your car?" Dio requested, his voice calm and composed. The man turned to face him, his expression curious yet cautious.

Sensing the need for discretion, Dio swiftly executed the secret sign of the Red Ribbon Army, a remnant of his past affiliations. Recognition flickered in the man's eyes as he nodded in understanding. Together, they ventured out into the night, the cool air enveloping them like a comforting shroud.

Their footsteps echoed through the empty streets as they made their way towards the man's luxurious 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEL, an emblem of his success and prosperity. Dio's mind buzzed with anticipation as he prepared to present an offer that he believed the man could not refuse.

With a calculated move, Dio retrieved the Stand Arrow from his possession, its enigmatic power pulsating within. As he released the arrow, it soared through the air, finding its mark in the man's body. Time seemed to stand still as the man crumpled to the ground, wracked with pain.

But to Dio's surprise, the man's wounds swiftly began to heal before his very eyes. A sense of awe washed over him as he witnessed the restorative powers of the Stand Arrow in action. It was a revelation that surpassed his expectations.

As the man rose from the ground, his expression transformed from one of agony to intrigue. He looked at Dio with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity, ready to hear what this enigmatic figure had to offer.

Dio, his voice filled with conviction, spoke, "I offer you a chance to unlock your true potential, to transcend the boundaries of ordinary existence. With the power bestowed upon you by the Stand Arrow, you can become part of something greater, something beyond the ordinary human experience."

The man's eyes widened, captivated by Dio's persuasive words. He felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of embarking on a journey filled with extraordinary possibilities. Following Dio's instructions, they entered the car.

Dio directed the man towards his hotel, providing guidance as they navigated through the city streets. It was evident that Dio intended to stay with the man, as he didn't have any other accommodations of his own. They pulled into the hotel parking lot, their shared destination within reach.

Entering the hotel room, the man expressed his apologies, realizing that there was no extra bed for Dio to sleep on. Dio, with an air of indifference, reassured him, "Fear not, my friend. I have no need for sleep at this time. You could call me a night owl, if you will."

Dio settled into the plush chair, emanating an air of authority and mystery. As Sadao Kujo, the chosen red ribbon soldier, prepared to rest, Dio sensed the awakening of his Stand, a sign that their collaboration held promise for his grand plan. Reflecting on the formation of his group to defeat the Joestars, Dio's mind wandered back to the recruitment process.

In an old-fashioned manner, Dio had called a meeting with the individuals listed in Dr. Gero's intel. He perused the names on the list, raising an eyebrow at the assortment of peculiar individuals. There was a newborn child, and even an orangutan. Dio swatted away a beetle, its mere presence radiating a mysterious aura—indeed, all of them were stand users.

Just then, two more figures entered the room, a young boy and his brother. With their arrival, everyone had assembled. Dio cleared his throat, his voice filled with a commanding tone. "I will call upon each of you to showcase your Stand abilities and state your reasons for joining me. Let us begin in alphabetical order."

Alessi, an ordinary-looking human, eagerly raised his hand. Dio welcomed the prospect of a non-anomalous member. They adjourned to a separate room for Alessi's demonstration. "Now, reveal your Stand and demonstrate its power," Dio commanded, his eyes fixed on Alessi.

To Dio's astonishment, Alessi's shadow transformed before their eyes, elongating and sprouting eyes as it slithered across the floor. It approached a nearby plant, causing it to regress into a mere seedling. Then, the shadow headed toward Dio himself, making him instinctively step back as it grazed his foot. The stitches on his neck felt loose, unsettling him. "Stop!" Dio exclaimed, his voice betraying a hint of fear as another stitch was removed. Alessi promptly deactivated his Stand, and everything reverted to normal.

"Why do you seek to join me?" Dio inquired, suppressing his unease. Alessi, his tongue slightly protruding, responded with a disturbing answer. "I like children." Dio's eyes widened, not expecting such a revelation. "Very well, Your Stand shall be called Sethan, after the Egyptian God of chaos."

Alessi and Dio exited the room, "Arabia Flats," Dio declared, leading the way. A man followed closely behind Dio, his curiosity evident. "Could you show me your Stand?" Dio asked, his voice filled with apprehension. Arabia shook his head in response. "I cannot. It might inflict harm upon you."

Dio chuckled, his confidence unyielding. "Nothing can harm me—" his words halted abruptly as Arabia picked up a tarot card from the table, revealing. 'The Sun.' Dio's gaze sharpened, his interest piqued. "Perhaps you have a valid point. I wouldn't want to meet an untimely demise." Dio's tone shifted, his curiosity now directed at Arabia. "Your Stand shall be 'The Sun.' Now, tell me, what drives you to join me?"

Arabia hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice sincere. "I seek assistance in regulating temperature, as my Stand inflicts harm upon me as well." Dio nodded, acknowledging Arabia's plea. "You're in," he declared, granting Arabia entry into his fold. The two of them exited the room, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The next name on the list beckoned Dio's attention. "Boingo," he called out, a hint of skepticism in his voice. A child walked into the room, clutching a comic book, obediently following Dio's lead. "Could you show me your Stand?" Dio inquired, his curiosity piqued by Boingo's claim. Without hesitation, Boingo held up the comic book, emphasizing its unique abilities. "It can predict the future through pictures."

Intrigued, Dio leaned closer, urging Boingo to provide an example. The child opened the book, revealing a faint light emanating from the next page. There, crudely drawn, was a picture of Dio with a young man in a green gakuran under his control. Dio's gaze lingered on the image, contemplating the implications. "Impressive," he remarked, his interest now focused on Boingo. "So, why do you wish to join me?"

Boingo's response was straightforward, influenced by his Stand's guidance. "That's easy. My Stand instructed me to join you, and disobeying it could result in my demise." Dio nodded, acknowledging the power of Boingo's Stand. "Indeed, your Stand is named 'Tohth', after the Egyptian god of learning, knowledge and script" Dio announced, With a single word, Boingo's fate was sealed, and his place within Dio's ranks solidified.

Dio and Boingo made their way back to the lounge where the other recruits awaited. The next candidate, Cameo, entered the room accompanied by Dio. "Show me your Stand," Dio requested, his curiosity piqued. Cameo nodded in response, and suddenly, a colossal figure materialized before them. It was a towering, mechanical humanoid robot with an imposing presence. Its chest bulged out, adorned with massive shoulder pads, and its hands featured three gleaming metallic fingers. A round helmet-like piece rested on the left side of its head.

"What is your wish?" boomed the figure, its voice resounding through the room. Dio exchanged a glance with Cameo, who gave him an affirming nod. Dio took a moment to contemplate before uttering his desire, "I wish for the knowledge to reach heaven." Without hesitation, the figure, seemingly a genie, granted his wish with a solemn proclamation of "Your wish is granted, hail 2 you." And just like that, the genie vanished into thin air, leaving behind a single piece of paper on the desk.

Dio approached the paper cautiously, a sense of intrigue washing over him. He meticulously read its contents, making sure to commit the information to memory. As he went to store the paper away, to his surprise, the paper transformed into a mimic, manifesting a tongue lined with teeth and eyes. The creature lunged at Dio, but he swiftly froze it with his touch, turning it into a solid piece of glass. It shattered as it hit the ground, harmless now.

Collecting himself, Dio picked up the Tarot cards and Cameo drew one, revealing the card of "Judgment." Dio acknowledged the choice and nodded in approval. "Your Stand shall be called Judgment," he declared. Cameo expressed remorse, mentioning the potential harm caused by wishes granted. Dio waved it off, granting forgiveness. He then turned his attention to the final question. "Why do you wish to join?" he asked Cameo, awaiting his response.

"I want to witness the wishes granted by our enemies," Cameo replied, his voice filled with anticipation. Dio pondered his words for a moment, considering the potential that Cameo brought to their group. Finally, he responded with a resolute nod, "You're in."

As Dio and Cameo made their way back to the lounge, the rest of the group awaited their return. One man in particular, Daniel J. D'Arby, elegantly dressed with dark hair and a mustache, stood up upon Dio's arrival. Daniel followed Dio to a separate area, ready to engage in a high-stakes challenge.

Daniel preferred to maintain his position as Dio's equal, except when it came to their one-on-one gambling games. Knowing this, Dio proposed a game of poker. The conversation took a dark turn as Dio mentioned hearing about Daniel's childhood nickname, "Danny." Dio's twisted thoughts evoked images of inflicting harm on someone with that name, unsettling Daniel. He denied ever being called Danny, opting for his full name, D'Arby.

Although initially apprehensive, Daniel agreed to Dio's challenge, secretly confident in his ability to win. He had rigged the cards, ensuring a hand with five aces and a joker would be dealt to him while giving Dio a worthless hand. Daniel underestimated Dio's cunning, assuming him to be an amateur.

However, as Daniel examined his own hand, he was shocked to find it filled with random, worthless cards. He noticed bloody fingerprints on the back of Dio's cards, discovering that they were his own, sliced thinly with precision. Dio had switched their cards right under Daniel's nose, without him realizing. With a menacing aura, Dio revealed his own cards, proving that the worthless ones were in Daniel's hand all along. D'Arby's world shattered as he comprehended Dio's unfathomable abilities.

Despite Dio's dominance, he showed mercy and allowed Daniel to win the game. However, Dio made it clear that this victory was merely a loan, commanding Daniel to never lose again under a threat of unimaginable consequences. Filled with panic and helplessness, D'Arby became subservient to Dio, overwhelmed by the otherworldly power he had witnessed. Dio said "you stand shall be called 'orsis' after the Egyptian god."

"Your brother begged me to serve," Dio remarked, motioning for Daniel's younger brother, Telence T. D'Arby, to join them. Telence possessed the ability to steal souls through video games, much like his brother, but with a different twist. He served as Dio's butler, loyal and obedient. His stand was Atum named after the Egyptian god.

The trio, Dio and the two D'Arby brothers, walked back into the lounge together. Dio glanced at the next name on his list, "Devo." A Native American man, holding a doll, followed Dio into the next room. Curious about Devo's Stand, Dio requested a demonstration.

Devo placed the doll on the table, stepping back and assuming a meditative position on the floor. A mysterious aura enveloped the homemade doll, causing it to come to life. Resembling a Chucky doll, it sat up with a knife in its hand. Dio questioned the doll, attempting to communicate, receiving nods and shakes in response. Satisfied with the demonstration, Dio thanked Devo.

Devo, who had been meditating throughout, opened his eyes as Dio shuffled the deck of tarot cards. Devo reached out and drew a card, revealing it to be "The Devil." Dio declared that Cameo's Stand would be named 'Ebony Devil,' to which Cameo nodded in agreement.

Dio, ever inquisitive, posed a final question to Devo, "Why do you wish to join?" Devo replied without hesitation, "I want to join because I like the thrill of the fight."

Dio acknowledged Devo's response with a nod, impressed by his straightforwardness and determination. They sealed their agreement with a firm handshake, solidifying Devo's place within Dio's group. They returned to the lounge where their companions eagerly awaited their return.

Among them was an orangutan named Forever, wearing a captain's uniform, accompanied by a man in a sailor uniform and his crewmate. They approached Dio, discussing the water-based nature of their stands. Dio nodded, intrigued by the prospect. Together, they ventured outside towards the pier.

At the pier, a small rowboat with the word 'Forever' displayed awaited them. Dio requested a demonstration of their stands. The orangutan extended its hand, and as they boarded the boat, it began to move. To their astonishment, the small boat transformed into a colossal freighter, causing Dio to shake his head in disbelief.

Dio marveled at the night air mingling with the scent of the sea, appreciating the tranquility of the moment. As they sailed, a passing fisherman noticed the giant freighter, unaware that it was a manifestation of their stands. Dio pointed out the visibility of their stands to the man, who gazed in awe.

Curious to learn more, Dio turned his attention to the sailor-assassin, urging him to reveal his stand. The assassin's stand materialized in the water, creating a powerful whirlpool that engulfed the fisherman's boat. The stand unleashed its wrath, tearing apart the boat and its unfortunate occupant, leaving no trace behind.

Dio applauded the display, impressed by the assassin's lethal abilities. The freighter shrank back into its original form, the small boat safely returning to the pier. Forever and the assassin ceased glowing, their stands fading away.

Dio inquired about their motivations for joining his group. Forever, the orangutan, amusingly presented a Playboy magazine, expressing his desires in his own unique way. Dio internally sighed, noting the peculiarity of his new crewmates. The assassin, on the other hand, revealed a darker intention—to see his enemies meet a watery demise.

Dio acknowledged their desires, accepting them into his fold. He shuffled a deck of tarot cards and spread them before Forever and the assassin. Forever chose the card "Strength," while the assassin selected "The Moon." Dio nodded, affirming their choices.

"Forever, your stand shall be called 'Strength,' and the assassin, your stand shall be known as 'Dark Blue Moon,'" Dio declared. They returned to the lounge, and next on the list was Gray Fly, an old man who approached Dio. They moved to another room, where Dio requested a demonstration of Gray Fly's stand.

Gray Fly focused his energy, summoning a dark stag beetle with intricate patterns on its shell. The beetle's hidden, toothed secondary jaw sprang out from its mouth, showcasing its formidable nature. Dio instinctively stepped back, recognizing the potential danger.

The beetle swiftly maneuvered around the room, evading the giant spider lurking in the corner. With precision, the beetle's secondary jaw struck the spider, causing it to splatter. Dio applauded the display of destruction, acknowledging Gray Fly's capabilities.

Curious about Gray Fly's motives, Dio asked why he desired to join his cause. Gray Fly simply replied, "I like destruction." Dio understood his inclination and welcomed him into the group, affirming his position. Dio shuffled a deck of tarot cards and spread them before Gray Fly, who selected a card.

Gray Fly's chosen card was "The Tower," and Dio declared that his stand would be named 'Tower of Gray.' The old man shook Dio's hand, symbolizing their agreement and mutual understanding. They returned to the lounge, where the camaraderie among the group continued to grow.

Dio continued down the list until he reached Hol Horse, a tall and athletic cowboy with shoulder-length hair, long sideburns, and distinct facial features like dimples in his cheeks and a cleft chin. Hol Horse's attire consisted of light-colored clothes, a dark undershirt, and a wide-brimmed cowboy hat with two long, thin straps hanging down. He wore wristbands and a sleeveless top with split sides that extended below his waist. A steel watch adorned his left arm, positioned beneath a wristband, displaying Roman numerals.

Dio and Hol Horse walked into another room, where Dio requested a demonstration of Hol Horse's stand. Hol Horse extended his hand, summoning a gun into existence. He skillfully cocked the gun back and took aim at a bird soaring in the night sky. With a precise shot, the bird fell to the ground. Dio applauded the display of marksmanship, acknowledging Hol Horse's abilities.

Curious about Hol Horse's motives for joining them, Dio inquired, and the cowboy lowered his gaze, responding, "I want to blast the vermin that gets in my way." Dio understood Hol Horse's desire for power and destruction and proceeded to select a tarot card for him. He handed Hol Horse 'The Emperor,' a card that Enya the hag believed her son, J. Geil, would obtain. However, Dio had a different plan in mind.

Declaring that Hol Horse's stand would be called 'Emperor,' Dio solidified his acceptance into the group. As they rose from their seats, Hol Horse adjusted his hat, ensuring it sat just right on his head. Together, they walked back to the lounge.

Dio proceeded down the list until he reached J. Geil, a muscular man distinguished by his peculiar feature of having two right hands. His appearance was particularly unsightly, with a bald head featuring a noticeably high crown, a gaunt face with squinted, expressionless eyes, a small nose, and a mouth almost devoid of teeth. J. Geil was attired in a plain shirt and pants, complemented by a leather jacket and arm warmers. Although he initially wore a cap to conceal his features during the introduction, it was never seen again.

As J. Geil rose from the couch, he followed Dio into the next room where they both took a seat. Dio addressed J. Geil, expressing his awareness of J. Geil's inclusion on the team, thanks to Enya's assurance. Dio's eyes rolled dismissively as he spoke. Inquisitive about J. Geil's stand, Dio requested a demonstration, mentioning that he had only heard about him through his mother, Enya.

J. Geil activated his stand, and to their astonishment, it manifested within all reflective surfaces. In the mirror, the stand's body was covered in bandages, with half of its brain exposed, mirroring its master's two right hands. It stared back at them menacingly through the reflective surface. Dio then selected a tarot card and handed it to J. Geil, who accepted it. The card revealed 'The Hanged Man.'

Dio declared that J. Geil's stand would be known as 'Hanged Man,' aligning it with the symbolism of the tarot card. J. Geil deactivated his stand and accompanied Dio back to the lounge, joining the rest of the group,

Dio proceeded further down the list, reaching the name "Kenny G." A small, stocky man with distinct pointy ears, a small nose, and closely spaced eyes, Kenny G. stood up from the couch and followed Dio into the next room. Taking their seats, Dio expressed his curiosity, "Could you show me your stand?"

In response, Kenny G. began to emit a radiant glow, and the room transformed into a serene forested area. The chairs they were seated on morphed into rustic wooden benches, and Dio basked in the warm sunlight, feeling its gentle touch on his unburnt face. "My stand, Tenore Sax, possesses the ability to create illusions," Kenny G. explained.

Dio, intrigued by Kenny G. 's named stand, saw an opportunity for him to serve as a protector of his mansion. "Will you serve me?" Dio inquired. "As my servant, your duty will be to safeguard my estate."

Kenny G., displaying loyalty and willingness, promptly responded, "I will serve you."

With that agreement, the illusion dissipated, and the room returned to its original state. Dio and Kenny G. stood up, shaking hands to solidify their pact. Kenny G. then followed the given directions, joining Telence in the servants' quarters while Dio made his way back to the lounge, where the others were awaiting his return.

Dio proceeded down the list until he reached the name "Mannish Boy." Suddenly, he heard giggling, realizing it was the baby. Mannish Boy, a dark-complected infant with large ears and fang-like canines, was dressed in typical baby clothes, including shoes and a headscarf. Dio walked over and picked up the baby, noticing a note on his chest that read, "Go to sleep." Curious, Dio carried Mannish Boy into the next room and gently placed him on the table.

"Do you understand me?" Dio asked the baby, who nodded in response. Intrigued, Dio continued, "Can you talk?" Surprisingly, the baby replied, "Yes, I can," confirming his ability to communicate. Dio then requested, "Can you show me your stand?"

Mannish Boy patted his chest where the words 'Go to sleep' were written. Understanding the significance, Dio left the room and made his way to his bedroom. Climbing into bed, he fell asleep and found himself transported to a carnival. He was transported to a carnival, the air thick with an unsettling stillness. As Dio walked along the boardwalk, the only sounds that reached his ears were the eerie creaking of the rides, their mechanisms continuing to operate despite the absence of visitors. The Ferris wheel stood before him, a towering structure covered in rust, and haunting melodies drifted from its motionless cabins.

Approaching the ticket booth, Dio found it empty, the metal tarnished and worn. Rolls of tickets lay scattered inside, abandoned and forgotten. He moved towards the concession stand, seeking sustenance, only to be greeted by decaying food buzzing with flies. No one was present; the entire carnival seemed devoid of life.

A sense of unease settled upon Dio as he looked around, feeling as though unseen eyes were watching his every move. Searching the desolate grounds, he caught sight of a figure in the distance, slowly approaching him. Cloaked in darkness, the figure took on the form of a towering humanoid entity, resembling the embodiment of a Grim Reaper. Its great scythe glinted menacingly, the sound of its sharp blade dragging along the ground sending sparks flying.

The figure's face bore the features of a Venetian carnival mask, its eyes empty and upward-curved, its nose a slender triangle ending in a dot, and a fixed smile etched onto its expressionless countenance. The figure's ears were replaced by large, rimmed holes, and atop its head sat a hat resembling a metallic miter adorned with intricate designs.

Wrapped in a voluminous cloak, the figure's metallic arms emerged, wielding the massive scythe with an imposing presence. However, Dio soon realized that beneath the cloak, there was nobody to be found, only the head and arms forming this enigmatic entity.

Intrigued by the tarot card he discovered at his feet, Dio shuffled the deck, but it held only a single card: "Death." Taking it as a sign, Dio proclaimed the figure as Death Thirteen, and the entity nodded in acknowledgement.

"This is my world to control," said Death Thirteen with a chilling voice. "I can lure enemies and extinguish their lives." Dio's realization dawned upon him, and he accepted the presence of Death Thirteen as a harbinger of malevolent power.

He pleaded desperately with Death Thirteen, hoping to find a way out of the nightmarish carnival. The figure remained silent, its unchanging smile sending shivers down Dio's spine. Suddenly, the rides in the distance began to spin faster, their lights flickering and illuminating the desolate surroundings with an eerie glow.

Dio's heart raced as he realized the malevolent power that Death Thirteen possessed. The realization sunk in that he was trapped within the realm of Death Thirteen's control, where nightmares materialized and fears came to life.

A sinister laughter echoed through the air, emanating from hidden speakers strategically placed throughout the carnival. Dio's every attempt to escape was met with obstacles and illusions. The paths he took twisted and turned, leading him in circles. Each step felt heavier, as if the very air was resisting his every movement.

The figure slowly raised its scythe, the metallic blade gleaming under the flickering lights. Dio's eyes widened in terror, realizing the imminent danger he faced. He desperately searched his surroundings for anything that could aid his escape.

As if in response to his plea, a distant glimmer caught his attention. It was a mirror, partially hidden behind a faded circus tent. Dio rushed towards it, hoping that it held the key to his salvation.

As he reached the mirror, he stared at his reflection. However, instead of his own face, he saw Death Thirteen's cold, lifeless eyes staring back at him. The reflection whispered, "There is no escape, Dio. Embrace the darkness. La Li Ho! Isn't it romantic to die inside a dream?"

Dio's mind raced, his options dwindling. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and made a choice. Gripping the tarot card of Death tightly in his hand, he uttered an incantation, summoning his own Stand, The World.

With a surge of power, time itself seemed to stop. Dio unleashed his Stand's abilities, manipulating the world around him. The carnival came to a standstill as he raced past frozen figures, his determination unyielding.

Finally, Dio reached Death Thirteen, his scythe mere inches away. With a swift movement, he struck Death Thirteen with a devastating blow. The figure shattered into countless fragments, dissipating into thin air.

The carnival, once filled with terror and despair, returned to an eerie silence. Dio stood alone amidst the stillness, catching his breath. Though he had escaped the clutches of Death Thirteen, the echoes of its malevolence lingered in his mind.

Dio gasped, woke up and returned to the room where Mannish Boy was. "You are in," Dio declared, picking up the baby once again. With Mannish Boy in his arms, Dio made his way back to the lounge, where the others awaited his return. Dio placed the baby down.

Dio continued down the list until he reached the name "Mariah." He was greeted by a beautiful woman with stunning legs, dark skin, and short, light-colored hair. Mariah's attire consisted of a hooded short-sleeve jacket reminiscent of Red Riding Hood, a low-cut shirt that exposed her midriff, a high-waist mini skirt paired with dark satin stockings, and bow-knotted flat shoes. She completed her look with gloves and a pair of sunglasses perched atop her head. Despite her alluring appearance, Mariah concealed an array of metal objects, such as bolts, screws, and knives, ready to be thrown at her magnetized victims.

Mariah followed Dio into the next room, where he offered her a chair. She gracefully sat down while Dio took the opposite chair. Curious, Dio inquired, "Can you show me your stand?" In response, an electrical socket appeared on the wall, crackling with sparks. Mariah confidently explained, "My stand can turn anyone who touches it into a human magnet for metal objects."

Impressed, Dio nodded in approval. He then asked Mariah, "Why do you want to join me?" With a mischievous smile, Mariah boldly approached Dio, lightly touching his muscles as she leaned in closer. "You look like someone who needs a pull in the right direction," she flirtatiously replied. Dio, giving a nod of acknowledgement, signaled his acceptance. Mariah wrapped her arms around Dio's neck, drawing attention to her captivating figure. Sensing the need for professionalism, Dio gently pushed her away, saying, "You're in. Your stand shall be called Bastet, after the Egyptian goddess." With a whispered promise of "later," they both rose from their seats and made their way back to the lounge, joining the rest of the group.

Dio continued down the list until he reached the name "Midler." As he called her name, a slim woman of average height approached him, wearing a belly dancer-inspired outfit. Her long hair was adorned with a headscarf and five pins, each featuring a large star. A gemstone hung delicately on her forehead, complementing the elaborate earrings with teardrop-shaped gemstones. A veil covered her mouth, adding an air of mystery. Midler's attire consisted of a bikini-style bra with star-shaped cups, a fishnet-style band on her right arm, frilled bracelets, a loincloth, and high heels. Dio couldn't help but be captivated by her presence.

They walked into a room and took their seats. Dio, eager to see Midler's stand, asked, "Can you show me your stand?" In response, her stand appeared—a head and arms attached to a ball of short fur. The stand had a perpetual frown, bared teeth, and flat-pupiled menacing eyes. Arched eyebrows and distinct markings adorned its face, with dots marking its forehead. The stand's muscular arms possessed sharp claws capable of cutting through metal. Midler then demonstrated its transformation ability, changing it into a metal cup. "My stand can take the form of any mineral," she explained, focusing her energy on her stand.

As Midler spoke, Dio's hands gently found their way to her waist, causing her to melt into her chair from his touch. Sensing his interest, Midler leaned back, indicating a desire for a kiss. Dio obliged, their lips meeting briefly before parting. "You're in," Dio declared, acknowledging her request to join. Dio then shuffled the tarot deck and had Midler select a card. She chose 'The High Priestess.' Dio announced, "Your stand shall be called High Priestess."

Standing up, Dio posed a provocative question to Midler. "How would you feel about being part of a harem with another girl?" Midler, with a seductive gleam in her eyes, responded, "Anything for you, Dio." She playfully licked her lips, clearly eager to please him. They both returned to the lounge, ready to join the rest of the group, their newfound connection adding an air of excitement to their interactions.

Dio continued down the list until he reached the name "Nena." A short, ugly, and overweight woman wearing a bikini stood up and followed him into the next room. They took their seats, ready to discuss her abilities.

Dio leaned forward and asked, "Can you show me your stand?" Nena confidently responded, "I have the ability to remotely transfer my stand to others like a parasite. Once they receive my stand, it will destroy them." Dio nodded, acknowledging her unique power.

Curious about her motivations, Dio questioned, "Why do you want to join me?" Nena's eyes glinted with a desire for vengeance as she replied, "I want to make my enemies suffer." Dio was intrigued by her determination and declared, "You're in."

Dio proceeded to shuffle the deck of tarot cards and presented them to Nena. As she carefully made her choice, her eyes fell upon 'The Empress.' Dio proclaimed, "Your stand shall be called Empress."

With their business concluded, they both stood up and made their way back to the lounge, ready to join the others.

Dio continued down the list, and the next name on it was "N'doul." N'doul, a blind but athletic man of medium height with dark unkempt hair and eyes that were nearly shut due to his condition, got up from his seat. He donned a simple attire, including a striped vest over a sleeveless shirt, armbands, pants, shoes, and a protective drape to shield himself from the sun in the Sahara. N'doul also wore a headband and two hoop earrings.

N'doul carried a segmented cane adorned with three jewels on the handle, which he used to navigate his surroundings. Despite Dio's offer to assist him, N'doul politely refused and walked alongside Dio into the other room. Dio settled into his seat, while N'doul sat down casually, displaying his ease and familiarity with his blindness.

Once they were both seated, Dio spoke, "Can you show me your stand?" N'doul opened his canteen and directed it outside where some birds were perched. With a swift motion, water shot out from the canteen, striking the birds and killing them. Dio, using his stand, retrieved the canteen and returned it to N'doul, placing the cap back on gently. N'doul's hand trembled as he received it.

Expressing his gratitude, N'doul revealed his inner struggle. "Thanks. People usually ignore me, tripping over me as if I'm worthless. I have low self-esteem." Overwhelmed by his emotions, N'doul found comfort as Dio's hands reached out to him, providing solace. Dio reassured him, "You are not worthless. You have worth, and from now on, you will be treated with respect."

A smile broke through N'doul's tears, and he straightened himself, grateful for Dio's kindness. Dio declared, "You are in." N'doul's smile widened, filled with newfound hope. Dio continued, "Your stand shall be named after the Egyptian god of earth, 'Geb'." N'doul nodded, accepting his stand's name with appreciation.

As they both stood up, N'doul relied on his cane to navigate the floor, with Dio offering support whenever needed. Together, they made their way back to the lounge, a bond of trust and understanding forming between them. 

Dio continued down the list, and the next name on it was "Oingo." A tall young man with a muscular build, dark hair, and a long face, got up from his seat. With a mischievous smirk, Oingo waved goodbye to his brother, Boingo, who remained in the room. Oingo followed Dio into the adjacent room, where they both settled into their chairs.

Dio leaned forward and asked, "Can you show me your stand?" Oingo lightly touched his face and began moving it up and down. As he did, his face, hair, and started to transform, resembling a perfect replica of Dio's appearance. Impressed, Dio applauded the transformation. Oingo reverted to his original form.

Curious about Oingo's reasons for joining him, Dio inquired, "Why do you want to join me?" Oingo replied, "Boingo's stand told us to be here." Dio nodded, remembering Boingo's ability to see the future through his manga. Dio declared, "You are in."

A smirk played on Oingo's face as Dio continued, "Your stand shall be called Khnum, named after the god of rebirth and creation." They both stood up and shook hands, sealing their agreement. Together, they returned to the lounge.

Dio's pet falcon gracefully landed on his shoulder. Named "Pet Shop," this formidable sentry exuded an aura of ruthlessness and unwavering loyalty to its post. With a perpetual menacing glare, Pet Shop spared no mercy for any who dared trespass DIO's mansion. Dio introduced his avian companion, stating, "This is Pet Shop. His stand is named after Horus, the Egyptian god of the sky. He serves as the mansion's 'guard dog,' so to speak. He has the ability to generate ice." Everyone present nodded in understanding, acknowledging the falcon's role in safeguarding the estate. With a signal from Dio, Pet Shop spread its wings and took flight, returning to its vigilant duty, watching over the mansion from above.

Dio continued down the list until he reached "Rubber Soul." Accompanying Dio into the next room was a man with a dark, curly mullet hairstyle and a strong, muscular physique. Rubber Soul, as he was known, was shirtless and wore pants and shoes. Taking their seats, Dio wasted no time and requested, "Show me your stand."

Rubber Soul's stand manifested as a yellow substance that enveloped him, transforming him into an exact replica of Dio himself. Sporting Dio's appearance, Rubber Soul addressed Dio with a mimicry of his voice, asking, "What do you think?" The yellow substance receded, returning Rubber Soul to his true form.

Curious about Rubber Soul's motives, Dio questioned, "Why do you want to join me?" Rubber Soul didn't hesitate in his response, stating plainly, "I want money." Dio nodded, recognizing that Rubber Soul was seeking employment rather than allegiance.

Dio proceeded to shuffle the tarot cards before Rubber Soul made his selection. The chosen card was "Temperance." Dio declared, "Your stand shall be called 'Yellow Temperance'." Rubber Soul acknowledged Dio's decision with a nod. Exiting the room, Dio and Rubber Soul returned to the lounge.

Dio continued down the list until he reached the name "Steely Dan." Rising from his seat, a well-built man of average height with shoulder-length hair and unique, multi-iris eyes followed Dio into the next room. They settled into their chairs, ready to discuss Steely Dan's abilities.

Prompted by Dio, Steely Dan explained his stand's capabilities. His stand could infiltrate the victim's brain, specifically the brainstem, manipulating their pain receptors. By cracking his knuckles, Steely Dan could amplify the pain experienced by the victim tenfold. Furthermore, his stand could create duplicates or 'dummies' by dissolving the victim's brain. Dio acknowledged Steely Dan's explanation with a nod of approval.

Steely Dan activated his stand, sending it into a nearby bird. As Steely Dan cracked his knuckles, the bird let out a piercing squawk, writhing in agony on the pavement. Dio applauded the display, recognizing the power of Steely Dan's stand. Steely Dan ceased the use of his stand, bringing an end to the bird's suffering.

Curious about Steely Dan's motivations, Dio inquired, "Why do you want to join me?" Steely Dan's eyes gleamed with a sinister light as he responded, "I derive pleasure from witnessing the cruelty my stand inflicts upon anyone, even children." Dio acknowledged his twisted desires and welcomed him, stating, "You are in."

Shuffling the deck of tarot cards, Dio fanned them out before Steely Dan made his selection. Steely Dan chose 'The Lovers' tarot card. Dio declared, "Your stand shall be called 'Lovers'." A smirk spread across Steely Dan's face, pleased with his stand's new name. Leaving the room, Dio and Steely Dan returned to the lounge.

Dio continued down the list until he reached the final two names. The next name on the list was "Vanilla Ice." A tall and muscular man with long, wavy hair and distinctive facial features followed Dio into the next room. He wore a unique ensemble, including a leotard with an open, sleeveless leather vest on top. Adorned with a circlet and heart-shaped accessories, Vanilla Ice exhibited a strong sense of style. Hovering after Dio, Vanilla Ice addressed him with enthusiasm, saying, "Ice ice baby." Dio took his seat while Vanilla Ice knelt at his feet.

Surprised by Vanilla Ice's submissive posture, Dio questioned his lack of seating. Vanilla Ice responded, expressing unworthiness and proclaiming Dio as his lord and deity. He refused to walk on the same ground Dio walked on, willing to fulfill any command, even to the extent of breaking his own arm if commanded by Dio. Dio was taken aback by Vanilla Ice's intense devotion.

Dio requested Vanilla Ice to show his stand. Overwhelmed with emotion, Vanilla Ice stood up and activated his stand, revealing a tall humanoid monster with a skull-like face and an executioner's cowl mask. The stand possessed horn-like protrusions and heart-shaped motifs on its body. It turned invisible momentarily, causing the destruction of a nearby plant. Apologetic, Vanilla Ice warned Dio of the upcoming unpleasant sight. The sand sucked Vanilla Ice into its mouth, consuming its own feet and transforming into a black hole. The black hole extended outside, absorbing birds and causing their demise. Eventually, the stand reappeared, regurgitating Vanilla Ice unharmed, with its feet returning to their original position. The stand deactivated, returning to Vanilla Ice. Dio applauded the display.

Impressed by Vanilla Ice's loyalty and commitment, Dio declared him as part of his group, instructing him to remain in the mansion. As Dio shuffled the tarot cards, Vanilla Ice expressed his preference for his stand's name, "Cream." Dio acknowledged his choice with a nod. Leaving the room, Dio proceeded back to the lounge, with Vanilla Ice floating behind him in a subservient manner.

Dio reached the last name on the list, "Zz," a peculiar figure with a scrawny frame, a protruding belly, and oddly muscular arms. Zz's tall head featured a sharp jawline, prominent cheekbones, large ears, and hair that resembled upward-pointing horns. He wore wristbands, a tight-fitting tank top that exposed his stomach, ragged jeans held up by an oversized belt, and sockless shoes. Zz followed Dio into the next room, and they took their seats.

Curious to see Zz's stand, Dio requested a demonstration. Zz promptly got up and exited through the window. Activating his stand, on his 1952 Hudson Hornet on the pavement, transforming it into a monstrous form. The car's exterior sprouted spikes and tubes across its hood, roof, and trunk. The headlights grew and were elevated to resemble eyes, while the front bumper split apart, forming a spiked mouth akin to a beast. The wheels showcased the ability to rotate and adapt to tight spaces, even sprouting spikes to facilitate wall climbing. Zz deactivated his stand and reentered the room.

Dio questioned Zz about his motivation for joining him. Zz confessed his cowardice, expressing a need for protection. Acknowledging Zz's vulnerability, Dio welcomed him into the group. Shuffling his tarot cards, Dio offered Zz an opportunity to choose. Zz selected the "Wheel of Fortune" card. Dio then named Zz's stand "Wheel of Fortune" accordingly.

As they made their way back to the lounge, Dio summoned everyone's attention. He announced that the group, consisting of the nine individuals with Egyptian god stands and Vanilla Ice, would remain in the mansion as protectors. The remaining members were instructed to await further orders outside of Egypt. Everyone nodded in agreement, preparing to depart in the morning as planned.

After reminiscing about a memory, Dio straightened in his chair as sunlight peeked through the clouds. However, he quickly backed away, avoiding the sunlight's touch. Dio's gaze fell upon Sadao Kujo, who was just waking up. Dio couldn't shake off the thought that staying in this place was a bad idea, especially with the sun's rays growing stronger. He swiftly turned on the lights and activated his stand to draw the curtains shut.

Sadao, startled by Dio's actions, activated his own stand. A tall and imposing figure emerged, shrouded in a trench coat that concealed even its robotic-like feet. The stand's face hid beneath the shadow of a fedora hat, its features obscured by what appeared to be a gas mask. Beneath the coat, a bell-shaped body sprouted an array of blunt weapons inspired by brass instruments, occasionally releasing steam from its back pipes.

Sadao stepped away from his bed, receiving a piece of paper from his stand, Jazzman. The note read: "Hi, I am your stand Jazzman, a manifestation of your will." It continued to outline Jazzman's unique abilities:

First Ability: Big Band

Jazzman can conjure Sadao's entire jazz band, ranging from 5 to nearly 15 members, depending on Sadao's desired arrangement. The sub-ability, Testify, synchronizes the audience's mood with the music's melody. Another sub-ability, Casiopea, generates audio-visual hallucinations that correspond to the music, but it requires both Sadao and the audience to be in an enclosed space.

Second Ability: The Square

Jazzman can create a cube-shaped barrier around Sadao or a designated target. This barrier provides protection against all forms of harm, including other stand abilities. However, the target cannot move the barrier along with them, effectively trapping them inside. The sub-ability, Domino Line, transforms the ability into an offensive one, generating a progressively louder noise within the barrier that results in powerful sonic-boom-like wind blows.

Third Ability: DROP OFF THE BASS!

Jazzman's third ability focuses on offense, involving a barrage of punches. When used on a target inside The Square, this ability amplifies the effects of Domino Line by tenfold.


Upon finishing reading the note, Sadao looked up at Jazzman and then at Dio. His mind embraced the information, filled with excitement. But as thoughts of his family surfaced, he slumped down on the bed. Subconsciously, he began playing his favorite melody, and his stand formed a miniature orchestra to accompany him, easing his troubled thoughts. Sadao got up and deactivated his stand. He headed and packed ready to go home. But dio put a flesh bud on his forehead from behind. Sadao subconsciously to serve dio. Dio smiles as Sadao leaves. Sadao goes to the airport and buys a ticket to Japan.