
A Bizarre Encounter

Jotaro kujo didn't expect any aliens to fall into his life literally.

Garrett_Stutz · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Nightmares and new discoveries

Joseph Joestar rushed into the church, his heart racing with adrenaline. The memories of his experiences came flooding back, triggering a sense of fear and anxiety. He had been through so much, fighting against supernatural forces, saving the world countless times, but the trauma had left its mark on him. He could never forget the screams, the bloodshed, and the loss he had witnessed.

As he approached the altar, he could hear the sound of someone in distress. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards the source of the noise, ready to intervene. But just as he reached out to help, he was hit with a blinding pain in his head. His vision blurred, and he could hear a deafening crash. He blinked several times, struggling to make sense of what was happening.

Finally, his surroundings came into view. The screaming had stopped, but his ears were still ringing with the echoes. He rubbed his temples, trying to calm down. His mind was playing tricks on him again. The nightmares never stopped, and he knew he couldn't escape them.

As he looked around, he noticed that his arm was wrapped in vines. He was startled, but he tried not to panic. He looked at his watch and realized that it was the last day of his visit to his secret wife. He was a man of few words, but he cared deeply for her. He took a deep breath, trying to focus on the present,

As he opened a window, he felt the cool breeze on his face. He took a few deep breaths, savoring the sensation. But his moment of peace was short-lived. He noticed that he had smashed an expensive camera, which lay broken on the ground. He cursed under his breath, realizing that he had lost control again. He bent down to pick up the pieces, but as he did so, he saw a photo that had somehow survived the fall.

The image was of a blond guy with a star-shaped birthmark on his shoulder. He was smiling, showing his fangs, and there were stitches along his neck. Joseph felt a burning pain on his left shoulder, and he winced in discomfort. As he looked down, he saw that the red star-shaped birthmark had heated up. He was confused and scared, wondering what was happening to him.

He took out his family journal, starting from George Joestar found by Jonathan to Erina to lisa lisa and finally to him. Hoping to find some answers. He opened it up and started reading. 'April 16, 1868. Today I commence this journal in remembrance of my departed wife Mary. It was only last night that she was taken from us in a tragic carriage accident. My son Jonathan and I were fortunate enough to escape with our lives, thanks to the timely assistance of one Dario Brando. We had been returning home from the art gallery, where we had procured an exotic stone mask, when the accident occurred.

I was so grateful for Brando's help that I gave him a letter, instructing him to present it to any member of my household should he ever visit our estate. It was my hope that he would be treated as a member of our own family. Unfortunately, fate had other plans. The local constable accused Brando of theft, and he was promptly arrested.

I could not let an innocent man suffer for his good deeds, so I took it upon myself to free him from jail. It was a risky decision, but I knew it was the right thing to do. Now, I must focus on raising my young son without the love and guidance of his mother. It is a daunting task, but one that I will undertake with all the strength and devotion that I can muster.' Joseph turned pages until he stopped and read 'On June 2nd, 1873, I purchased a dog named Danny for Jonathan. I did this because I believed he needed a loyal companion to always be by his side. Initially, they didn't get along very well, but everything changed after a tragic accident. Jonathan nearly drowned, but Danny managed to save him. I immediately performed the Heimlich maneuver on Jonathan to expel the water from his lungs. It was a close call, and I had to change his clothes myself.

During this ordeal, I couldn't help but notice how bright the Joestar birthmark was on Jonathan's back. It was a bright red star on the back of his left shoulder. After the incident, Jonathan and Danny became inseparable friends. It was a true testament to the loyalty and bond that can exist between a man and his dog.'

Joseph flipped some more pages.

'July 26, 1880. I am pleased that Jonathan has found a girl, although he did not mention it to me. However, I could discern it from his demeanor as he walked back to the mansion with blood on his face and his handkerchief missing.' Joseph continued reading 'On January 20, 1881, Dario's son Dio arrived with distressing news about the death of Dario. Despite the unfortunate circumstances, I welcomed him into my home and treated him like one of my own. However, tensions soon arose between Dio and my son Jonathan. I discovered them fighting in the entry hall, with both of them covered in blood and Dio about to stab Jonathan. I immediately intervened and sent them to their rooms. Unfortunately, in the chaos, they had knocked down a stone mask that now had dried blood on it.

Later that evening, at dinner, I was impressed by Dio's impeccable dinner etiquette, which contrasted sharply with my own son's lack of manners. I found myself growing quite fond of Dio, and I am now considering adopting him into my family. Such a decision is not to be taken lightly, but I believe that Dio would be a wonderful addition to our household Joseph continued.'

 'July 21, 1881. An unusual occurrence took place this afternoon. Our loyal companion, Danny the dog, was discovered in the incinerator. Unfortunately, it was too late, and he had already passed on. I made sure to give him a proper burial. I had a stern conversation with the staff to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again. My son, Jonathan, was grief-stricken and kept murmuring Danny's name along with something about Dio. I later announced at dinner that we shall adopt Dio into the Joestar family.' Joseph kept reading, turning over pages 'September 10, 1888. As time passed, Jonathan and Dio grew closer, becoming like true brothers. Dio even began to warm up to me, calling me 'Father' instead of 'Lord Joestar.' Today, they won a game of rugby, but unfortunately, I was unable to watch as I had fallen ill. Despite my sickness, I congratulated them on their victory, and I am very proud of my two sons.

However, my health seems to be deteriorating, and I fear that my time is coming to an end. As a result, I plan to pass this journal onto Jonathan. He has informed me that he will be leaving for London for two or three days and has requested that I allow the doctors he has brought with him to take care of me. He has also instructed me not to accept any medicine from anyone other than these doctors. I have decided to trust my son and follow his advice.' He turned the page 'September 20, 1888. I, Jonathan Joestar, was entrusted with this journal by my late father George Joestar's death after I returned from my trip for the antidote for my father's poison. I came with the help of my new friend Robert E.O. Speedwagon. We were too late as Dio rejected his humanity, activating the stone mask with the blood of my father, killing him. Dio put on the stone mask to become a vampire. I was forced to kill Dio by impaling him in the burning mansion. I and Speedwagon left the mansion. All I have is this journal.'

Joseph turned the pages skimming.

'September 23, 1888. Three days have passed since the climactic clash between Dio and myself. As I lay in my hospital room, still weak from the battle, a familiar face emerges on the horizon. It is none other than Speedwagon, who has come to pay me a visit and offer his support.

I awaken from my reverie, and our eyes lock. The room is filled with a profound silence, as if time itself stands still. A surge of emotions floods through me and memories of our shared past come rushing back. Erina Pendleton, my cherished childhood sweetheart, ever steadfast and caring, has remained by my side through this ordeal. The sight of her fills my heart with warmth and gratitude. Words begin to flow between us, and we engage in a heartfelt conversation, catching up on the years that have passed since we last saw each other. The bond between us, once forged in the innocence of our youth, is reignited.

Meanwhile, Speedwagon, ever the stalwart companion, silently withdraws, granting us the privacy we need to reconnect. His presence, though unspoken, serves as a comforting reminder of the friendships and alliances that have been formed during these trying times.

As Erina and I continue our conversation, I am filled with a renewed sense of hope and determination. The wounds I bear, both physical and emotional, begin to heal in the presence of her unwavering care and love. Together, we face the challenges that lie ahead, fortified by the enduring bond we share.

The world around us may be tumultuous and unpredictable, but At this moment, with Erina by my side, I know that we possess the strength to overcome any adversity that may come our way.'

Joseph turns the page

'September 24, 1888. The sun rises on a new day, and I find myself using a cane to navigate the wreckage of my once proud home. Determined to ensure the complete destruction of the accursed Stone Mask and rid the world of Dio's malevolence, I tirelessly search amidst the debris. Yet, my efforts prove futile, and a sense of frustration begins to take hold.

Realizing the futility of my search, I decide to take a much-needed stroll with Erina. As we wander, the world around us seems to hold its breath, as if anticipating something extraordinary. And indeed, our peaceful walk is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a mysterious man perched upon a nearby stone wall, leisurely enjoying a sandwich.

Without warning, the man propels himself into the air while remaining seated and hurtles towards me with astonishing speed. In an instant, his pinky finger plunges deep into my lungs, momentarily robbing me of breath. Astonishingly, however, my fractured arm miraculously heals in the wake of this bizarre encounter.

The enigmatic stranger reveals himself as Will Anthonio Zeppeli, a master martial artist schooled in the ways of the Hamon. Sensing the potential within me, he takes both Erina and me to a nearby pond, where he demonstrates the extraordinary power of the Hamon. With a swift strike, he directs his energy towards a seemingly unsuspecting frog perched upon a rock. To our astonishment, the shockwave produced by his blow courses through the frog, shattering the stone beneath it, leaving the amphibian unharmed.

At this moment, Zeppeli divulges the unsettling truth: Dio and the Stone Mask were not destroyed, and his purpose in coming to our aid is to finish what we had started. A mixture of surprise and determination surges within me as I grasp onto a branch from a nearby tree, seeking to prepare myself for the impending battle. Observing my actions, Zeppeli notices that the flowers upon the branch begin to bloom, a sign that hints at my untapped potential as a wielder of Hamon.

Conflicting emotions swirl within me—uncertainty, apprehension, but also an undeniable glimmer of hope. Fate has intertwined our paths, and the time for me to embrace this newfound power and face the looming darkness alongside Zeppeli has arrived. The weight of responsibility rests upon my shoulders, and with each passing moment, I grow more resolved to rise to the challenge and fulfill my destiny as a Hamon user.'

Joseph turned the page.

'October 1, 1888. The days have blurred together as I train relentlessly under Zeppeli's guidance, seeking to harness the power of the Hamon. Our efforts have been tireless, with each passing day bringing me closer to mastering this ancient martial art. It is a grueling process, but I am driven by the desire to protect those I hold dear and rid the world of the Stone Mask's vile influence.

During a momentary respite from our training, Zeppeli confides in me the reason behind his relentless pursuit of the Stone Mask. He recounts a haunting tale from his youth when he accompanied his scholarly father on an archaeological expedition. Their travels took them to distant lands, including Mexico, where they stumbled upon the mysterious stone mask within an ancient ruin.

The journey back home was fraught with tragedy, as a malevolent force took hold of someone aboard their ship, donning the cursed mask and mercilessly slaughtering every man on board. Zeppeli's quick thinking allowed him to escape the clutches of this malevolent entity by leaping into the safety of the water. However, his pursuit did not waver, and it was only with the break of dawn that Zeppeli witnessed the horrifying truth—the one wearing the mask was none other than his own father. The rising sun's rays disintegrated his father, leaving Zeppeli to confront the grim reality of the mask's power.

As our training progresses, Zeppeli imparts upon me a technique known as the Zoom Punch, an essential skill in my quest to combat the forces of evil. However, our respite is short-lived, as Speedwagon suddenly appears, bearing news that Dio has been sighted in the town of Windknight's Lot. We waste no time, hastily boarding a carriage to reach our destination.

To our surprise, the only path into the town lies within a treacherous mountain tunnel. As we venture deeper into the darkness, we are ambushed by a notorious figure known as Jack the Ripper. Jack unleashes a barrage of scalpels concealed within his body, but Zeppeli's mastery of the Hamon allows him to redirect the deadly projectiles, turning them into his own weapons. With a swift Hamon Kick, Zeppeli severely disfigures Jack, melting away half of his face.

Unwilling to be defeated, Jack leaps backward, clutching a sword embedded in the tunnel's ceiling. To our astonishment, the sword serves as a lever, unlocking a hidden passageway in the tunnel. Jack disappears through the newly revealed passage, leaving us no choice but to give chase.

In the midst of our pursuit, Zeppeli hands me a glass of wine and issues a grave warning. He instructs me to defeat Jack without spilling a drop of the precious liquid, cautioning me of dire consequences should I fail. The passageway leads us into a sprawling corridor, where Jack launches a surprise attack. Focused and determined, I concentrate on the wine glass in my hand, discovering that I can channel the power of the Hamon through the spirits within. Drawing upon this newfound strength, I unleash a Sendo Hamon Overdrive, directing a powerful punch towards a nearby wall.

The shockwave generated by the impact travels through the wall, striking Jack head-on as he awaits my arrival around the corner. With a tremendous force, he is propelled backward, colliding with the opposing wall and disintegrating into nothingness.

We finally arrive in the town of Windknight's Lot, only to be greeted by a series of perplexing and perilous encounters. A young pickpocket named Poco inadvertently leads us into a graveyard, where Dio's sinister presence becomes palpable. Dio, ever cunning, had ensnared Poco with his hypnotic powers, using him as bait to lure us into a trap. The graveyard teems with Dio's army of undead zombies, ready to do his bidding.

Undeterred by the overwhelming odds, Zeppeli unleashes a relentless assault of Hamon attacks, attempting to drive back the encroaching horde. However, Dio, having been forewarned by his loyal follower Wang Chan, has devised a countermeasure to Zeppeli's Hamon. He manipulates his vampiric abilities, freezing Zeppeli's arms and rendering his Hamon attacks ineffective.

Realizing the dire situation we find ourselves in, I join forces with Zeppeli to confront Dio head-on. But even with our combined strength, we are quickly overpowered by Dio's unimaginable power. It seems that all hope is lost as Dio summons two legendary undead knights, Tarkus and Bruford, to finish us off.

The battle intensifies as I find myself locked in a fierce duel with Bruford. His peculiar ability to wield his sword with his hair proves to be a formidable challenge. In a desperate turn of events, Bruford manages to throw me into a nearby lake, where the weight of the water threatens to drown me. Gasping for air, I struggle to stay afloat.

Meanwhile, Bruford, hindered by his heavy armor, moves with uncanny ease through the depths of the lake, unaffected by the need for breath. Sensing the urgency of the situation, I dive deeper, desperately searching for a way to turn the tide of the battle. It is then that I discover a rock lodged on the lakebed, and with sheer determination, I manage to dislodge it.

To my astonishment, trapped air bubbles beneath the rock replenish my lungs, granting me a momentary respite. Gathering my strength, I unleash an Underwater Turquoise Blue Overdrive—a potent Hamon technique—against Bruford, unleashing a torrent of Hamon-infused energy.

The force of the attack proves overwhelming, causing Bruford's body to disintegrate as his human soul is finally released from Dio's control. Before completely vanishing, Bruford bestows upon me his sword—a symbol of his repentance and a testament to the bond we forged in battle.

However, our victory is short-lived as Tarkus, the indomitable knight, steps forward to crush the remains of his fallen comrade beneath his feet. Determined to face this new threat head-on, Zeppeli and I lead Speedwagon and Poco to safety, utilizing makeshift leaves as a hang glider to escape the clutches of Tarkus.

Our respite is brief as Tarkus relentlessly pursues us, forcing us to take a stand at a knight's training ground. Engulfed in a fight for our lives, I find myself pulled into a deadly Chain Neck Deathmatch with Tarkus, our fates intertwined by a cruel iron shackle wrapped around our necks. The only way to survive is to sever the other's head.

With the collar constricting my breathing, Tarkus gains the upper hand, his overwhelming strength nearly overwhelming me. Sensing the imminent danger, Poco, overcoming his fears, enters the grounds through a nearby window, unlocking the chamber to grant Zeppeli entry.

In a fateful moment, Zeppeli recalls a prophecy foretold by Tonpetty, his mentor—a vision of his demise in an ancient chamber, where a child would lead the way and a lion would be unleashed. It becomes apparent that this very chamber is the site of our confrontation with Tarkus.

With unwavering resolve, Zeppeli fights valiantly, searching for a means to free me from Tarkus's grasp. However, Tarkus, with his immense strength, ensnares Zeppeli with a chain, tearing his body in two. The sight is both devastating and awe-inspiring, as Zeppeli's determination to protect me and fulfill his destiny is evident until the very end.

Witnessing Zeppeli's sacrifice ignites a fire within me. Drawing upon the last remnants of his Hamon energy, he transfers his power to me, revitalizing my wounded body and infusing me with an overwhelming surge of strength. At that moment, I break free from the chains that bind me, shattering them with newfound power.

Fueled by grief and righteous fury, I confront Tarkus with unwavering resolve. Unleashing the full extent of the Hamon within me, I channel its energy into every strike, delivering powerful blows that shatter Tarkus's defenses. With each strike, the impact reverberates through his formidable armor, causing cracks to form and his resolve to waver.

Driven to the brink of defeat, Tarkus launches a final desperate attack, aiming to crush me beneath his colossal strength. But I refuse to yield. Gathering my remaining strength, I concentrate my Hamon energy into a single decisive strike.

With a resounding impact, my fist collides with Tarkus, channeling the full force of the Hamon. The surge of energy surges through his body, overwhelming him from within. In a magnificent display of power, Tarkus is consumed by the Hamon, his form disintegrating into dust, his soul finally liberated from the clutches of Dio.

As the dust settles, I stand victorious, but the toll of the battle weighs heavily upon me. Grief and exhaustion intertwine, forming a bittersweet mixture within my heart. I mourn the loss of Zeppeli, my mentor and friend, whose sacrifice paved the way for my triumph. Yet, I also feel a renewed determination to continue our mission and vanquish Dio once and for all.

In the aftermath of the battle, Speedwagon, Poco, and I make our way back to Windknight's Lot. Along the way, we encounter Mr. Adams, a seemingly friendly villager who quickly reveals his true nature—a bloodthirsty zombie. Despite his initial surprise attack, I swiftly incapacitate him, using the Hamon to strike at the core of his undead existence.

However, our respite is short-lived as another stranger emerges, claiming to be a human and a fellow Hamon user. He introduces himself as Dire, one of Zeppeli's trusted friends and allies. Alongside him stands Straizo, another student of Zeppeli, and their master, Master Tonpetty. They have come to join us in our mission to defeat Dio and rescue Poco's kidnapped sister.

The stage is set for our next confrontation with Dio, as the secrets and darkness of Windknight's Lot continues to unfold. With our resolve steeled and the power of the Hamon coursing through our veins, we march forward, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.'

Joseph turned the page.

 'October 7, 1888. The weight of our losses and the urgency of our mission weigh heavily upon us as we make a detour to Poco's house, only to receive devastating news—Poco's sister has vanished without a trace. Little do we know that she has been ensnared by Dio, enticed with the promise of eternal life. When she bravely refuses and slaps the vampire in defiance, Dio grows furious and commands his monstrous henchman, Doobie, to attack her.

In a timely intervention, I arrive to confront Doobie, channeling the power of the Ripple through my being. With a display of sheer strength and technique, I swiftly dispatch the zombie, freeing Poco's sister from his clutches. However, our trials are far from over.

Ascending the stairs, I approach the final room where Dio awaits. Consumed by a burning desire for vengeance and justice, I challenge Dio to a final showdown, aiming to avenge the deaths of my friends. Yet, before I can act, Dire, fueled by his determination to avenge Zeppeli's sacrifice, steps in and engages Dio himself.

Dire launches a valiant attack, executing the Thunder Cross Split Attack, but Dio, ever cunning and powerful, freezes Dire's legs, shattering him in an instant. However, Dire's indomitable spirit persists, as his severed head remains intact. With his final act, Dire launches a rose infused with the power of the Hamon, impaling Dio in his right eye.

Empowered by Dire's courage, I take up the mantle once more. With Luck and Pluck, the sword gifted to me by Bruford, infused with the Hamon, I ensure Dio cannot make physical contact with me. Roses become my distractions as I exploit Dio's blind angle, swiftly severing his arm and cleaving him in half.

Despite the initial success, Dio's tenacity knows no bounds. He freezes both the sword and my hand, leaving me immobilized and vulnerable. A brief moment of disadvantage grips me, but I seize the opportunity presented by a nearby fire. With the intense heat, I free myself from Dio's icy grip.

Determined to deliver the final blow, I unleash the full force of the Hamon, striking Dio's chest with a resounding impact. The force propels him into a cliff, seemingly defeated. However, Dio, in one last act of spite, releases a jet of pressurized eye fluid, narrowly missing me and inflicting a grave wound.

As exhaustion sweeps over me, I find solace in mourning my lost half-brother, Dio's previous host. My battered body finally succumbs to fatigue, collapsing from sheer exhaustion. The battle has been won, but the cost has been immeasurable.'

Joseph turns the page.

'October 7, 1888. The dust settles after the intense battle that consumed Windknight's Lot, and the town bears the scars of the violent confrontation. The aftermath reveals a grim truth—dozens of people have been declared missing by the authorities. The extent of the devastation is apparent, and the town mourns the loss of innocent lives.

As we gather amidst the wreckage, a sense of relief washes over us. The Stone Mask, the catalyst of so much chaos and suffering, lies shattered beyond repair. Speedwagon, with a triumphant smile, proclaims our hard-fought victory. It is he who destroyed the mask, ensuring that its malevolent power can never be unleashed again.

At this moment, we stand united, our resolve unyielding. We have faced unimaginable horrors and witnessed the darkness that resides in the hearts of men. Yet, we emerge from the crucible of battle stronger than ever, forged in the fires of adversity.

And now, the perspective shifts to Erina Pendleton, whose steadfast presence has been a beacon of hope and support throughout our arduous journey.' Joseph turns the page.

June 1, 1889. Months have passed since the fateful battle that forever changed our lives. Jonathan and I have embarked on a joyous journey together as we begin our married life. Our destination: America, where we plan to spend our honeymoon on a luxurious cruise across the vast Atlantic Ocean. The memories of our past struggles to remain etched in our hearts, but we carry a glimmer of hope for a peaceful future.

As we bid farewell to the many friends we made along our arduous journey, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. A peculiar and ornate chest, unusually long and suspicious, is loaded onto the cruise ship that will carry us to our destination. Though doubts linger in my mind, the well-wishes of our companions overshadow any lingering concerns.

The voyage begins, and Jonathan and I revel in the enchantment of the open sea. However, our respite is short-lived, as Jonathan uncovers the presence of an unwelcome stowaway—Wang Chan, the loyal follower of Dio. Suspicion arises, suggesting that Dio, the embodiment of evil, may still be alive.

Amidst the cargo hold of the ship, Jonathan confronts the disembodied head of Dio, a chilling reminder of the threat that haunts our every step. Dio, acknowledging Jonathan's valor, unveils his sinister intention—to claim Jonathan's body as his own, recognizing its exceptional worthiness as a vessel.

In a twist of fate, I arrive just as Jonathan falls victim to a near-fatal attack on his neck, rendering his breathing impossible. Panic ensues as the ship descends into chaos, overrun by the undead minions unleashed by Wang Chan, spreading their infection throughout. Jonathan, drawing upon the last remnants of his Ripple energy, valiantly severs Wang Chan's head, using his body to obstruct a vital part of the ship's machinery. The vessel hurtles towards destruction, bound to explode.

In the face of imminent danger, Jonathan's unwavering resolve shines through. He implores me to survive, to protect the innocent life of a baby whose mother had met a tragic fate. As the ship teeters on the brink of annihilation, Dio seizes one final opportunity to claim Jonathan's body. But my beloved husband, with unwavering determination, thwarts Dio's malicious ambitions, sacrificing himself to ensure our safety.

In his final moments, Jonathan cradles Dio's head in his arms, his selfless act sealing their intertwined destinies. As the ship succumbs to the raging inferno, I find refuge for myself and the precious life within Dio's bomb-proof coffin. It shields us from the cataclysmic blast, serving as a testament to the love and sacrifice of the man who fought to protect us all.

Rescued near the Canary Islands a day later, I emerge from the wreckage, burdened with the weight of grief and loss. Vowing to honor Jonathan's memory, I pledge to preserve the truth of that fateful night, starting with the child conceived within me—a testament to the undying love we shared.

The legacy of Jonathan Joestar, the noble soul who valiantly battled against darkness, will live on through our child, a beacon of hope in a world shadowed by evil. And so, with unwavering determination, I set forth to fulfill my promise, preserving the memory of our extraordinary journey and the sacrifices made along the way.'

With a heavy sigh, Joseph closes the diary and takes a moment to collect himself. The weight of the past lingers, but he knows that he must find the strength within to honor his family's legacy and protect those he holds dear. Resolute and determined,

Joseph stared at the picture of Dio's head attached to Jonathan's body, a mix of emotions flooding his face. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning — Dio had taken over Jonathan's body. Everything suddenly made sense, the inexplicable return of Dio and the sinister events that followed.

Lost in his thoughts, Joseph was startled when he felt someone placing their hands in front of his eyes. He blinked, snapping out of his reverie. He turned to see Tomoko, his secret affair, standing there with a mischievous smile.

"Tomoko," Joseph said, his voice a mixture of surprise and affection. "What are you doing here?"

Tomoko giggled and removed her hands from Joseph's eyes. "I couldn't resist sneaking up on you," she replied playfully. "You seemed so deep in thought."

Joseph chuckled, grateful for the distraction. "I suppose I have a lot on my mind," he admitted. "But seeing you always bring a smile to my face."

Tomoko's smile widened, and she took a step closer to Joseph. "Well, I'm glad I could brighten your day," she said softly, her eyes filled with warmth.

Joseph reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from Tomoko's face. "You always manage to do that," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Even in the midst of chaos and danger, you bring a sense of peace."

In the quiet of the room, a cry suddenly pierced the silence. Joseph looked up, a mixture of relief and concern washing over his face.

"It looks like Josuke's awake," Joseph remarked, his voice filled with anticipation. Tomoko let out a sigh and left the room, giving them some privacy.

Knowing what he had to do, Joseph reached for the landline phone on the desk nearby. He held it in his hand, feeling the weight of the situation. With a deep breath, he dialed the number he knew so well, the one that would connect him to his friend, Muhammad Avdol, whom he had met in Egypt two years ago.

After a few rings, a voice finally answered on the other end of the line. "Hello," said the voice, its warmth and familiarity comforting to Joseph.

"Hello, this is Joseph Joestar," Joseph greeted, his voice filled with a sense of urgency. "I need to speak to Muhammad Avdol."

There was a brief pause, and then a new voice came on the line. "Joseph, what brings you to call me?" It was Avdol, his friend and fellow stand user.

Joseph took a moment to collect his thoughts. "I think I've awakened my Stand," he confessed, his tone filled with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

Avdol's voice held a hint of intrigue. "Awakened your Stand, you say?" he responded, his curiosity piqued. "Tell me everything, my friend."

Joseph proceeded to describe the recent events and the awakening of his Stand, providing as much detail as he could. Avdol listened intently, offering words of reassurance and guidance.

"You're embarking on a new journey, Joseph," Avdol said, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom. "Discovering your Stand is a significant development. Embrace it, learn its abilities, and remember, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Why don't we meet, and you could show it in action, I'll meet you at the speedwagon training grounds."

As the conversation came to an end, Joseph thanked Avdol for his help and guidance. They exchanged a few more words of encouragement before bidding each other farewell.

Putting down the phone, Joseph felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew that he had to take action and face whatever challenges lay ahead. With a resolute expression on his face, he left the room and made his way to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Tomoko sat at the table with little Josuke. As Joseph entered, Josuke's eyes lit up with excitement. "Father!" he exclaimed, reaching out his arms towards his father.

Joseph smiled warmly at his son, crossing the room to join them. He ruffled Josuke's hair affectionately with his right hand. "Hey there, little Josuke," he greeted, his voice filled with love. "How's my little champ doing?"

Tomoko watched the interaction, a mixture of emotions playing across her face. Joseph turned his gaze towards her, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Thanks for the stay, Tomoko," Joseph said, his tone filled with gratitude. "I have to go now, and I don't know when I'll be back."

Tomoko nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know you have important things to take care of," she replied softly. "Just promise me you'll stay safe and come back to us."

Joseph reached out and took Tomoko's hand in his own, squeezing it gently. "I promise," he said sincerely. "I'll do everything I can to protect our family and come back to you and little Josuke."

With a final lingering look, Joseph released Tomoko's hand and turned to Josuke. He knelt down, pulling his son into a tight embrace. "Take care of your mother, little Josuke," he whispered, his voice filled with love and longing.

Josuke nodded, his small arms wrapping around his father. "I will, Father," he replied, determination evident in his young voice.

With a heavy heart, Joseph stood up from the kitchen table, his gaze lingering on his family. He gave them one last smile, trying to mask the sense of unease that weighed upon him. He knew that his next meeting with his son would be difficult, filled with unresolved emotions.

Gathering his belongings, Joseph made his way to the front door, Tomoko and Josuke following closely behind. They stood on the porch, waving goodbye as Joseph prepared to depart. A bittersweet feeling hung in the air, a mix of love and apprehension.

Joseph's eyes met Tomoko's, and he could see the worry etched on her face. "Take care of yourselves," he said softly, his voice filled with both longing and determination.

"We will," Tomoko replied, her voice filled with a mixture of love and concern. "Please, come back to us safe."

Josuke, sensing the tension, clung tightly to his mother's hand. "Bye, Father," he said, his voice laced with innocence and curiosity. "Come back soon!"

Joseph's heart swelled with love for his family. He nodded, trying to convey reassurance despite the dread that lingered within him. "I'll be back before you know it, little Josuke," he promised, his voice filled with conviction.

As he stepped away from his family, Joseph was picked up by a Speedwagon Foundation staff member. They exchanged a few words of greetings before Joseph settled into the vehicle, his mind filled with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

The staff member drove Joseph to the jet owned by the Speedwagon Foundation. As they arrived, Joseph caught sight of the sleek aircraft, a symbol of the organization's resources and support. It was a reminder that he wasn't alone in his journey.

Joseph thanked the staff member for the ride and stepped onto the jet, feeling a sense of both gratitude and trepidation. The engines roared to life, vibrating beneath his feet as the aircraft prepared for takeoff.

As the jet soared into the sky, Joseph looked out the window, watching as his home grew smaller and smaller. He couldn't shake the worry in his heart, but he held onto the belief that he was doing what needed to be done.