
A Bizarre Encounter

Jotaro kujo didn't expect any aliens to fall into his life literally.

Garrett_Stutz · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Lost Days: Jocha's Journey to Unity and Mastery

Jocha lay in the healing tank, her body battered and bruised from the relentless beatings inflicted upon her by Frieza. Each day brought a new wave of pain, pushing her to the brink of death. Frieza's cruelty knew no bounds, but Jocha's spirit remained unbroken.

Among the ranks of Frieza's forces, there were a few guards who sympathized with Jocha, recognizing the injustice and cruelty she endured. They had been recruited from the moon of the Shamo planet and formed a bond of friendship with Jocha. They saw her as more than just a trophy to be abused by Frieza.

Berryblue, one of Frieza's advisors, had warned him not to ruin this "trophy." While her words momentarily halted Frieza's physical assaults, they also signaled the beginning of a new kind of torment. Frieza's sadistic nature thrived on finding creative ways to inflict pain upon Jocha, prolonging her suffering with each passing day.

Despite the increasing intensity of her agony, Jocha somehow managed to endure. Her inner strength and resilience kept her going, even in the face of unimaginable torment. The guards, who had become her trusted allies, vowed to protect her at all costs.

These guards against the Shamo planet's moon understood the importance of friendship and compassion, values often overshadowed by the darkness that surrounded them. They would keep a watchful eye on Jocha, ensuring her safety to the best of their abilities.

In the quiet moments when Frieza's attention was elsewhere, they would offer her small acts of kindness—a reassuring smile, a gentle touch, or a word of encouragement. These gestures served as a lifeline for Jocha, reminding her that she was not alone in her struggle.

Jocha found solace in their presence, knowing that she had allies amidst the chaos. Their unwavering support gave her the strength to face each day, even as the pain intensified. She held onto the hope that one day, she would find a way to break free from Frieza's clutches and reclaim her freedom.

In the darkness of her cell, Jocha clung to the bonds she had formed, drawing strength from the kindness and compassion of her friends. They were her light in the midst of despair, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, friendship and resilience could prevail.

As Jocha drifted off to sleep, her body immersed in the healing tank, she found solace in the knowledge that she was not alone. The guards stood watch, their unwavering dedication serving as a beacon of hope, promising a better tomorrow.

And in the face of adversity, Jocha held onto that glimmer of hope, determined to endure and fight for her freedom, no matter the odds.

Jocha, disoriented and weak, found herself abruptly pulled out of the healing tank and silenced with a gag. Panic set in as she was forcefully taken to a space pod and propelled away from Frieza's ship. One of her loyal guards witnessed the escape and quickly alerted the others. Acting swiftly, they covertly boarded another space pod and embarked on a daring pursuit.

The journey was long and filled with uncertainty, but their determination to rescue Jocha never wavered. Hours turned into days as they closed in on their destination. Jocha, still groggy from the ordeal, regained consciousness only to be confronted by a chilling scene. She found herself restrained in a chair, her weakened body barely able to withstand the strain. Her gaze met the smirking faces of Zarbon and Dodoria, two of Frieza's loyal henchmen.

Zarbon, exuding arrogance, taunted Jocha, questioning why she, a mere "flea" in Frieza's eyes, would require his attention. Dodoria, though his punch lacked the force of Frieza's blows, still delivered a painful blow. Their intention became clear as they threatened to end Jocha's life on this desolate planet they called "Planet Meat," a forsaken world once conquered by the Saiyans and now left barren and forgotten by the Frieza Force.

Meanwhile, Jocha's guards arrived, their presence unbeknownst to Zarbon and Dodoria. They observed the confrontation from a vantage point, aware of the peril that awaited their friend. The planet's name on the display sparked memories of the Saiyan legacy, reminding them of the battles fought and the sacrifices made.

As the guards carefully surveyed the situation, a glimmer of hope emerged. They devised a plan to disrupt the captors and free Jocha from her restraints. With precision and swiftness, they executed their plan, causing chaos and distraction. In the midst of the commotion, the ropes that held Jocha in place were released, and she stood on her feet, her spirit reignited.

Facing her adversaries, Jocha recognized the odds were against her. But her Saiyan blood coursed through her veins, empowering her with an indomitable will to fight. With every ounce of strength she possessed, she braced herself for the imminent clash.

At that moment, surrounded by the remnants of a ravaged planet, Jocha's determination burned brightly, fueling her unwavering resolve to fight. With every strike from Zarbon and Dodoria, she dodged and evaded, their blows landing but unable to dampen her spirit. As pain washed over her, she pushed through, her focus sharpening and her senses heightened.

Jocha questioned why this battle had befallen her, but in the midst of the chaos, a newfound clarity emerged. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins, awakening a dormant power within. The aches and wounds became insignificant as the thrill of the fight consumed her and caused her blood to boil. With each blow exchanged, her power level rose, surpassing the limits of her pain.

Zarbon and Dodoria, fueled by their arrogance, charged relentlessly at Jocha, unleashing ki attacks in their desperate attempts to overpower her. But to their surprise, Jocha stood her ground. With a newfound strength, she countered their assaults, knocking them aside with a force they had not anticipated.

Amidst the fierce battle, Jocha's loyal guards watched, torn between the desire to rescue her and the recognition of her own strength. As they pondered their next move, an unexpected explosion rocked the battlefield. One of Zarbon and Dodoria's ki attacks detonated near Jocha's guards, causing them to pause and reassess their strategy.

In that fleeting moment of hesitation, Jocha seized the opportunity. She swiftly incapacitated Zarbon and Dodoria, their bodies falling to the ground, defeated. Exhausted and drained, Jocha collapsed, her body weakened from the arduous fight.

Her loyal guards rushed to her side, carefully lifting her from the battlefield, their hearts filled with relief and admiration for her unwavering determination. They knew they had to escape before Zarbon and Dodoria regained consciousness. With swift and calculated movements, they made their escape, carrying Jocha to safety.

As they retreated from the battlefield, the guards could not help but feel a sense of awe for Jocha's incredible strength and resilience. They knew that this battle was just the beginning of their journey, but with Jocha leading the way, they were filled with hope and the belief that they could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead. Together, they would forge their path, united in their shared purpose and unyielding spirit.

As they navigated through the vastness of space, the guards carefully tended to Jocha's well-being, loading her into the spacious pod and placing her in a healing tank. They surrounded her, offering words of comfort and reassurance as they embarked on their journey. Together, they flew through the cosmos, their destination set on a planet where they could regroup and plan their next move. Kanassa, a planet shrouded in mystery, called out to them, promising solace and an opportunity to seek guidance from a local inhabitant.

Krang, Moah, Angol, and the other guards found solace in their decision, believing that Kanassa would provide them with a temporary sanctuary until they could return home. Angol voiced the hope that they might encounter a surviving local who could shed light on their future path. The space pod soared past a multitude of planets, each with its own story and significance.

They flew past Arlia, a desolate planet where the Arlians, an underground-dwelling insectoid species, sought refuge from the harsh surface storms. The galactic patrol prison, a place of confinement for the most dangerous beings, reminded them of the ongoing struggle for galactic control. The guards shared their thoughts on the issue, acknowledging the challenges posed by certain members who appeared strong but harbored hidden fears, much like the new officer, Jaco.

The journey continued, evading the grasp of the menacing "big gete star," an artificial planet housing a self-aware computer that absorbed unsuspecting beings. Planet Beenz held fossils that held the potential to revive fallen warriors, a secret treasure they carried with them. The once vibrant Planet Cereal now lay barren, its inhabitants extinguished. Cretaceous, a world teeming with dinosaurs, and Dark Star, notorious for the menacing Yakon and his ilk, stirred tales of caution.

A planet resembling Namek proved to be a deceptive trap known as Fake Namek, urging them to exercise caution. Frieza Planet #79, an outpost under Frieza's watchful eye, was deemed too risky to approach. Planet Glass, populated by fragile glass beings, stirred sympathy among the guards who recognized their delicate nature, both physically and emotionally, a result of the devastating actions of Frieza's ancestor, Lord Chilled, during the days of the Tuffles.

Hera, home to the legendary Bojak and his feared Galaxy Soldiers, held an eerie reputation that dissuaded all but the bravest from setting foot on its surface. Planet Jung, with its coveted Blue Aurum, remained heavily guarded, leaving the guards to ponder its hidden secrets. Konats, the alleged site of a fierce battle between the brothers Tapion and Minotia and the malevolent Majin Hirudegarn, stood as a testament to their fear and reluctance to confirm the legend's outcome.

Planet Litt, an outpost for Frieza's soldiers, and Planet Snack, inhabited by lion-like humanoids fearing the humanoid dogs on Planet Kuhn, passed by in quick succession. Each planet held its own tales, its own history, and its own mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

As they journeyed onward, the guards remained vigilant, their determination unyielding. They knew that their path was fraught with dangers, but they drew strength from their unity and their shared purpose. In this vast and uncharted expanse of space, they were bound together, their resolve unwavering, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on Kanassa and beyond.

They approached the planet Kanassa, a once vibrant blue world now marred by ruins and the grim remnants of its fallen inhabitants. The atmosphere hung heavy with a sense of death and despair, as they descended through the lifeless air. Among the wreckage, the chilling sight of Kanassian skeletons and a blood-soaked Frieza Force flag greeted their eyes. The guards exchanged troubled glances, knowing that Jocha should be shielded from such a horrifying spectacle.

After landing, the guards departed the ship under the leadership of Krang and Angol, leaving Moah behind to watch over Jocha. The group ventured into the unknown terrain, seeking any sign of life or hope. Each step they took echoed with a macabre crunch as their feet trampled over the skeletal remains that littered their path. Gripping their weapons tightly, they drew a semblance of comfort from their readiness to defend themselves.

Flaming ruins illuminated their way, testaments to a civilization that had been ravaged by the greed of the Frieza Force. Amidst the desolation, they came across a chilling sight—a small alien stuffed toy cradled by the skeletal remains of a child. The guards recoiled, grappling with the haunting realization of the horrors that had unfolded on this forsaken planet. How could anyone endure after the Frieza Force had stripped it of all resources?

As they stepped into the dense jungle, the sound of a distant stream reached their ears, offering a brief respite from the eerie silence. But as they drew nearer, the tranquility was shattered by the incomprehensible ramblings and anguished sobs of a lone Kanassian. Pushing through the dense foliage, they finally caught sight of him.

The Kanassian looked directly at them, uttering the names of Angol, Krang, and the guards with an air of knowing. "I knew you would come," he said, his voice laden with an eerie certainty. "That's why I am here."

The guards stood in astonishment, their eyes wide with disbelief. "What do you mean?" one of them managed to ask.

"I know what you seek," the Kanassian replied, his voice both haunting and knowing. "You want me to help you see the future."

A chill ran down their spines, for they had not anticipated this revelation. Uncertainty mingled with dread as they wondered what horrors awaited them in their quest for knowledge.

The Kanassian, Toolo, rose from his worn and scarred body, his tattered clothes barely clinging to him. "Forgive me," he said, weariness etched across his face. "I have not given my name. I am Toolo."

Krang, sensing the need for respite, suggested getting food for Toolo. They changed direction, retracing their steps through the ruins towards the space pod. Toolo shook his head, tears streaming down his face, unable to accept the simple offer of sustenance.

Reaching the space pod, Moah opened the door from within, welcoming the guards back inside. They entered and prepared to leave the desolate planet behind. As they readied themselves for departure, Jocha awakened from the healing tank, her naked form dripping with liquid. A guard quickly handed her a towel for modesty.

Once dressed, Jocha made her way to the kitchen area, where she found Toolo, the last Kanassian, devouring his meal with an appetite akin to a Saiyan. Jocha approached and took a seat, her presence catching Toolo's attention. His eyes widened, and he began to tremble.

Sensing the tension, Moah placed a reassuring hand on Jocha's shoulder. In a hushed voice, he revealed the truth. "This is Toolo, the last Kanassian," Moah whispered. "Your father and his crew were responsible for the massacre of everyone under Frieza's control. Toolo's reaction stems from his desire for revenge. I advise you to keep your distance for your own safety."

Jocha nodded, absorbing the weight of the information. She extended her hand towards Toolo. "Hi, my name is Jocha," she said, her voice steady and composed. "I am the last Saiyan." Toolo nodded in acknowledgment, taking her outstretched hand and giving it a firm shake, their connection sealed in an understanding of shared tragedy.

"So where are we going next?" Jocha's curiosity filled the air as she awaited the guards' response. Moah stepped forward, a warm smile on his face, and answered, "We are planning on returning home to the Shamo Moon. We can show you around, introduce you to the locals, and let you experience the beauty of our home."

Jocha's eyes welled up with tears as she contemplated the idea of having a new home to call her own. Memories of her destroyed home planet and lost family flooded her mind. Sensing her emotional turmoil, Moah reached out and gently placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Jocha found solace in his touch, releasing her pent-up emotions as she embraced him tightly. Toolo, the ever-observant guard, slackened his stance, recognizing the kindness within Jocha's heart.

As days passed, the group drew nearer to the Shamo Moon, anticipation building within them. Finally, they landed on the moon's surface, greeted by the sight of barren land, save for the buildings carved into the rocky terrain. The Moon-Shamonians, the inhabitants of this lunar world, extended a warm welcome to the returning guards and their new companion.

Angol, one of the guards, stepped forward and addressed Jocha, "Here on the Shamo Moon, we are a different kind of Shamonian compared to those on the planet. The moon's gravity has made us taller and stronger, adapting us to its unique environment."

Jocha took in the surroundings, the rugged landscape, and the friendly faces of the Moon-Shamonians. Although still a stranger to this new place, she felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that she had found allies and a community to support her. With each passing moment, Jocha's heart embraced the possibility of a fresh start, a chance to rebuild her life amidst the welcoming embrace of the Shamo Moon and its inhabitants.

Jocha settled into her new home on the Shamo Moon, while Toolo resided in a separate house nearby. Their unspoken reasons for the arrangement were understood by both, but they didn't feel the need to discuss it further. As life on the moon continued, the Moon-Shamonians gathered for an important meeting, eager to hear Toolo, the Kanassian, share his insights about the future.

Toolo took the center stage, his voice steady yet filled with urgency. "There is an asteroid named Comet Camori that poses a great threat to our moon and planet. In just 20 years, it will bring destruction upon us. However, there is hope. Our only chance of survival lies in the hands of Jocha, the Saiyan warrior. She must journey to a planet called Yardrat, learn from the locals, and return to rescue us."

Jocha felt a knot forming in her stomach as she absorbed the weight of the responsibility placed upon her. She paced back and forth, her mind racing to process the information. Despite the fear and uncertainty, a fierce determination burned within her. She accepted the immense task that lay ahead, recognizing the need to step up and fulfill her role in saving her newfound community.

"We must also warn our fellow Shamonians on the planet below," declared the chief, taking charge of the situation. Leading the group, he guided them towards a transporter—an advanced device capable of instantaneously transporting individuals between the moon and the planet's surface. Manned by a Shamonian technician engrossed in a book, the transporter stood as their gateway between the two worlds.

Krang, one of the guards, explained the mechanism of the transporter to the group. "This transporter serves as a means of transportation, connecting the moon and the planet seamlessly," he said, pointing to the rails on the sides of the transport pad. With a sense of anticipation, they gathered on the pad, awaiting the technician's signal.

The familiar hum of energy surrounded them as the technician activated the transporter. In an instant, the rocky surroundings of the Shamo Moon transformed into a vibrant, lush area teeming with trees. They found themselves standing on a similar platform, but this time greeted by a short Shamonian native to the planet below. These Shamonians were noticeably smaller, standing at around three feet tall. Stepping off the platform, the group followed the chief, making their way towards the council building, passing by the smaller mud houses of the local residents.

Their long legs allowed them to move swiftly, traversing the terrain with ease. As they ascended the hill, they reached a taller, two-story building that stood six feet tall. The elder knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal a group of small Shamonians peering up at them. One of them, a small Shamonian, spoke up with a welcoming tone. "Hello, Dimsu. What brings you here today?" he inquired.

Dimsu, the elder, wasted no time and delivered the urgent news. "I have urgent news. A Kanassian has revealed our future—a devastating comet that will wipe out our planets in 20 years. Our only hope lies with Jocha, the last Saiyan."

The small Shamonian expressed gratitude for the information and closed the door, leaving the group to make their way back to the transporter. However, their departure was accompanied by a female Shamonian who had quietly followed them. She spoke up, her voice filled with a mix of longing and determination. "Can I come with you? I don't have any family here. My grandfather recently passed away, granting me permission to travel the stars. By the way, my name is Shamo, like the planet. My parents named me after the planet before they entrusted me to my grandpa."

Jocha and the others exchanged glances, considering the young Shamonian's request. They saw the yearning for adventure and a sense of belonging in her eyes. After a brief moment, Jocha smiled warmly and extended her hand. "Welcome, Shamo. We're embarking on a challenging journey, but we're in this together. Let's face the future as a united team."

With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, they boarded the transporter and were whisked back to the Shamo Moon, leaving the planet and its small Shamonian residents behind. Stepping out of the machine, Jocha walked alongside Shamo, the newest member of their group, who stood a little shorter than her. Jocha turned to Shamo and asked, "Are you okay with leaving the solar system?"

Shamo's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she replied, "I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready to explore the stars."

Jocha nodded in understanding, acknowledging the mix of emotions that come with embarking on a journey into the unknown. They made their way to the ship, which was already prepared for their departure. Elder Dimsu approached them, expressing regret that they couldn't stay for a night on the Shamo Moon. "I'm sorry you have to leave so soon, but time is ticking," he said, his voice filled with concern.

The ship lifted off, soaring through the vastness of space, its destination set for Yardrat. During the journey, Toolo, the Kanassian, took the opportunity to introduce himself to Shamo, ensuring she felt welcomed and included in the group. Conversations flowed freely as they shared stories, hopes, and dreams, forging bonds that would sustain them through the challenges they would face on Yardrat and beyond.

As they ventured farther into the cosmos, the ship became a hub of camaraderie and shared purpose. Laughter and determination filled the air as they eagerly anticipated the knowledge and skills Jocha would acquire from the Yardrat locals. Each member of the group played their part, supporting and encouraging one another along the way.

Their journey was not just about survival; it was about rediscovering hope and resilience in the face of adversity. They were united by a common mission, to save the Shamo Moon and its people from the impending disaster of Comet Camori. And with every passing moment, their shared experiences deepened their bonds, forming a family-like connection that would carry them through the challenges that awaited them on Yardrat and beyond.

Jocha, still feeling the lingering effects of Frieza's brutal punches, excused herself and returned to the healing tank for some much-needed rest. Shamo, understanding her friend's need for solitude, stayed by her side outside the tank, offering quiet companionship and support.

As days passed and their ship drew closer to the vibrant green planet of Yardrat, anticipation filled the air. The sight of the planet's picturesque landscape brought a sense of awe to their hearts. With a gentle descent through the atmosphere, the ship landed on the rocky surface, catching the attention of curious Yardrats who gathered around, their eyes filled with fascination.

Jocha, awakened by the slight jolt of landing, stepped out of the ship, her body rejuvenated from the healing process. She picked up a towel and dried herself off before getting dressed, Shamo following closely behind. Together with the rest of the group, they stepped outside to be greeted by the peculiar yet welcoming sight of pink-skinned aliens with large heads, pointed ears, bulbous eyes, and unique whisker-like appendages on their heads.

Angol, taking the lead, introduced everyone to the Yardrats and explained the purpose of their visit. Jocha, showing utmost respect, approached the Yardrats and humbly asked, "Can you teach me all that you know?"

A Yardrat named Pybara stepped forward, his demeanor calm and wise. "I am Pybara, and I will guide you in the art of Instantaneous Movement or teleportation, healing, cloning, and Gigantification," he announced. Jocha nodded, acknowledging the importance of this knowledge, and followed Pybara as he led her to a secluded area. Shamo, ever the faithful companion, followed closely behind, ready to support Jocha in her learning journey.

In a serene and secluded area, Jocha and Pybara sat down facing each other in a meditative stance. Pybara, with his calm and wise demeanor, began instructing Jocha, "Focus on everything. Since the energy of the universe while meditating."

Jocha took deep breaths, centering her mind and opening herself to the vastness of energy around her. As she delved deeper into her meditation, she could feel the unique energy signatures of her comrades—Toolo, Angol, Shamo, Krang, Moah, and the other guards. Overwhelmed by the connection she felt, Jocha whispered, tears welling in her eyes, "I can feel the energy of my friends. They are strong."

"Excellent," Pybara acknowledged. "Now, expand your awareness further. Reach out to other universes, just as I can sense King Kai in Other World."

Jocha immersed herself in meditation, extending her focus beyond her own universe. Her radius of perception expanded until she abruptly stopped, suddenly overcome with emotion. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "They're alive—my father, mother, Raditz, Kakarot."

Feeling Jocha's distress, Shamo placed a comforting hand on her, offering solace and support. Jocha regained her composure, wiping away her tears, and refocused on the universe, now able to sense King Kai's presence. However, her attention was drawn to a powerful energy emanating from another universe, causing her to freeze with fear.

Interrupting the meditation, Pybara shifted their focus to the next lesson. "Now, I will teach you the technique of Instant Transmission. Once you lock onto an energy, you can teleport by placing two fingers on your forehead. You can also revisit places you've been before, as long as they still exist. Just be careful not to accidentally return to Planet Vegeta," Pybara cautioned.

Jocha nodded, her mind still preoccupied with the overwhelming energy she had sensed earlier. Unable to suppress her curiosity any longer, she involuntarily teleported to the source of that energy, finding herself in the midst of a group dressed in red and black spandex. Her sudden arrival startled a tall and burly alien humanoid with tan skin, a large white mustache, and a well-muscled frame.

Unfazed, the burly figure resumed his speech. "As pride troopers we need to protect the innocent people from the villains that dwell in the corners of this universe." Another member, a slim, purple individual named Dyspo spoke up. "No worries boss with my speed they wouldn't think of harming anyone." Jocha looked around, her gaze meeting the eyes of a humanoid with long, dark pink hair and light pink skin. Feeling a sense of discomfort, she quickly refocused on the energy she had sensed.

Her attention turned to a tall and muscular figure, with a sleek head, gray skin, and enigmatic presence. He meditated with closed eyes, only to open them and address Jocha, stating, "I see you were spying on me. I thought I was merely sensing things." His words sent shivers down Jocha's spine, capturing the attention of Toppo, the leader, and Cocotte, the woman leaning against the wall.

Which made Toppo and Dyspo to focus on her directly. "As the leader of this group, allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Toppo, this is Dyspo," he gestured towards the purple individual standing beside him, "the woman leaning against the wall is Cocotte, and the one meditating is Jiren," Toppo introduced.

Dyspo waved with a friendly smile, while Cocotte simply nodded in acknowledgment. Jiren, with his piercing gaze, opened his eyes briefly before closing them once more, displaying his reserved nature. Cocotte spoke up, breaking the silence, "Forgive Jiren, he doesn't speak much."

Toppo's sincerity shone through his voice as he addressed Jocha, "Are you lost, little girl?"

Gathering her courage, Jocha found her voice and explained, "My name is Jocha. I was practicing sensing people's energies and was drawn to his power. I unintentionally locked onto your energy and teleported here while learning to master teleportation for the first time," she said, nervously pointing towards the meditating figure.

Concerned for Jocha's well-being, Toppo inquired, "Can you find your way back home, or shall we assist you? If so, please tell us where you reside in the universe."

Jocha gulped, feeling a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. "Actually, I don't belong to this universe. I come from another universe, and Jiren's overwhelming presence caught my attention. But rest assured, I can find my way back," she replied.

Everyone in the group was taken aback by Jocha's revelation. Toppo regarded her with genuine interest. "So, you come from another universe? That explains the overwhelming presence Jiren exudes."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Jiren spoke up for the second time, his voice carrying a quiet strength, "Good luck on your journey."

Feeling a surge of gratitude, Jocha closed her eyes, focusing on Pybara's ki signature. Placing two fingers on her forehead, she vanished from the presence of the Pride Troopers, reappearing once again in the secluded area with Pybara and Shamo.

Jocha took a moment to catch her breath and collect herself. Pybara observed her with a knowing smile, recognizing the growth and challenges she had experienced. Shamo, always by Jocha's side, offered unwavering support.

"Welcome back, Jocha," Pybara greeted, his voice filled with warmth and encouragement. "You have embarked on a remarkable journey, both within and beyond yourself. Now, let us continue our training."

Jocha's stomach growled, reminding her of her need for sustenance. "I think I should probably get some food since it's almost dinner," she said. Pybara looked at her with astonishment. "You've been sitting there for several months, and now you're hungry?"

"You just welcomed me back," Jocha replied, feeling confused by Pybara's surprise.

"Yes, I did," Pybara acknowledged. "But increasing your radius took some time. Now, onto the next stage of your training—healing. You have mastered spirit control through months of meditation. Krang has kindly provided us with some test subjects for you to restore." As Pybara spoke, Krang entered the room, carrying two fossils measuring 3 feet 5 inches in size. Jocha initially mistook them for decorative statues, but as she stood up, she realized her clothes had become tight. She had grown a foot taller and was now 3 years old.

Approaching the fossils, Jocha awaited Pybara's instructions. "Place your hands over one of the fossils, concentrate, and let your energy envelop the object," Pybara directed. "I must warn you, each person has a different-sized pool of energy. Depending on the size of your own pool, you can fill theirs. You can sense the size of someone's pool by the power emanating from them. Your pool will grow as you grow and increase in power. Judging by the size of your pool, you are almost as big as Lord Frieza's."

Jocha nodded, closing her eyes to sense the fossil's energy. With a gentle touch, she pushed her energy outward, enveloping the fossil. As her energy flowed, the fossil began to gain color, its form breathing and breaking free from the encasing rock. It turned a vibrant purple as the alien within opened its eyes and started moving. Jocha opened her eyes, feeling no strain on her energy pool. She moved on to the next fossil, repeating the process effortlessly. As the two beings regained consciousness, one introduced themselves, "I am Rasin, and this is Lakasei," said Rasin.

Pybara applauded Jocha's mastery of healing. "Now, let's go outside for the next stage of training, which involves combat," Pybara announced. The group walked outside into the warm sunlight, where three strangers were engaged in conversation with the Shamoians. Catching sight of Jocha, the trio approached her. She could see a tall man standing at 10 feet and 4 inches, accompanied by a man of 6 feet and 8 inches, and a dark pink-skinned alien measuring 7 feet and 9 inches. All three wore outdated Frieza armor.

"Hello, my name is Amond, and these are my comrades Daiz and Cacao," greeted Amond, the tallest among them. Daiz and Cacao waved in a friendly manner. "We spoke to your comrades about joining you, and they agreed," Daiz explained.

"Now that we're outside, it's time for the next part of your training—cloning and gigantification," Pybara announced, gathering everyone's attention. "Give her some space." The group retreated to the space pod, observing the proceedings.

"Focus on your energy and try splitting it into smaller pools that remain connected, just like the larger pool flowing into smaller ones," Pybara instructed Jocha. Jocha concentrated, feeling her energy splitting, until she let out a scream as a clone materialized beside her. Two identical Jochas stood there. "I forgot to mention that the first time is very painful. There is a limit to the number of clones you can create, depending on the size of your energy pool. The more clones you create, the weaker you become as your power is shared equally among them," Pybara explained. Jocha nodded, absorbing the two pools back into one, causing the clone to disappear.

"Now, onto gigantification," Pybara continued. "This is why I asked everyone to step back. Focus your energy and will it to grow. The container will expand, but you must hold it there. Imagine the size you want to be." Jocha followed Pybara's instructions, focusing her energy and envisioning herself at a towering 10 feet tall. Slowly, her form grew, and she maintained her size by sheer willpower. The ground seemed further away as she moved around at her newfound height. Pybara clapped in approval. When Jocha released her hold, she returned to her original size.

"Now, for the last and most challenging technique: Forced Spirit Fission," Pybara said, capturing everyone's attention. "It requires focusing on someone's energy, much like healing, and sensing the threads connecting them, like in cloning. However, in spirit fission, you must sever those threads. This technique can be used to separate individuals who have fused together, like the evil Majin Buu who absorbed three Kaioshins. It can draw power out of your enemies. Mastering this technique is difficult due to the need to focus on energy and threads while channeling an energy blast to sever them."

Jocha nodded, absorbing the information. Pybara added, "To test this technique, we have received permission from the Grand Elder of the Namekians to practice. Fusion is forbidden in their communities. We need to travel to Planet Namek, so just focus on the Grand Elder."

"Can my friends come?" Jocha asked. The guards were moved to tears by Jocha's consideration and quickly nodded in response. They all gathered inside the space pod, accompanied by their newfound allies. Jocha placed her hand on the ship's exterior and focused her energy, intending to take the ship with them. Sensing the presence of the Grand Elder inside a nearby building, she concentrated on a Namekian who was outside and had enough space for everyone. Placing two fingers on her forehead, Jocha activated her teleportation ability.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a breathtaking landscape adorned with lush bluegrass and a sky painted in shades of green. The Namekian they had targeted was waiting for them, with Pybara standing beside him. Jocha could still feel the cool touch of the metal space pod against her fingertips as she stepped out. Her friends followed suit, eager to explore this new environment.

The Namekian, Nail, spoke up, "My name is Nail. To clarify, we will not be using the forbidden fusion technique. I apologize that you won't witness it in action. However, we have a Namekian here who deeply regrets his decision to fuse with his friend. But don't worry, there is another fusion technique available: the Metamoran Fusion, also known as the Fusion Dance, which has a time limit. The Metamorians have kindly agreed to come here and demonstrate it for you all." The group nodded, showing their anticipation and curiosity. A Namekian who seemed sorrowful stepped forward, ready to perform the fusion dance.

Jocha approached the Namekian, maintaining a distance of six feet between them. She placed two fingers to her forehead, channeling her power as it surged through her fingertips. Her mind connected with the energy as her finger left her head, and with a swift motion, she extended her arm, firing a concentrated beam. The beam made contact with the Namekian, breaking the threads that held the fusion together. A dazzling flash of light illuminated the surroundings as two separate Namekians stood there, dumbfounded by the sudden change. They quickly ran off into the distance. Nail looked impressed by Jocha's display, while Pybara showed his approval with a round of applause.

"We asked two Metamorians," Pybara announced. As if on cue, two Metamorians walked forward, revealing themselves to the gathered group. They positioned themselves six paces apart, standing side by side. Each Metamorian extended their arms, pointing them away from their partner, with their palms open and facing forwards. In unison, they began the intricate sequence.

"Fuuuu..." they chanted, shuffling their feet sideways towards each other, taking three precise steps. As they moved, their arms swung over their heads, aligning their outstretched arms with their partner's. Then, with the word "sion..." they swiftly swung their arms across their bodies, turning their palms downward and closing their fists. Simultaneously, they raised their outer legs, forming a right angle with their shins facing their partner, their feet level with their opposite knee.

Finally, in a burst of energy, they both exclaimed, "Ha!" Leaning their torsos towards each other, they completed the fusion dance. Pybara, standing nearby, provided a detailed explanation of the significance of each movement, emphasizing the importance of synchronization and mental focus. However, with practice, it was also possible to merge solely on the final "Ha!"

The two Metamorians then brought their arms up over their heads, pointing their index fingers upwards. Extending their outer legs fully, they reached out, their fingers touching their partner's. The air crackled with energy as they executed the fusion perfectly. A brilliant flash of light illuminated the surroundings, and when it subsided, a new fighter emerged before them.

The newly formed fusion stood proudly, dressed in traditional Metamoran attire: a dark-colored vest adorned with light-colored linen, complemented by white pants cinched with a cloth belt, and sturdy boots. Pybara applauded their success, expressing his satisfaction. "Anyone can learn this technique," she declared, and Jocha made a mental note to explore it further in the future.

Drawing upon her own power, Jocha unleashed a wave of energy, severing the threads that held the fusion together. In an instant, the fusion was undone, and two separate Metamorians stood there once again. Pybara's applause resonated in the air, acknowledging Jocha's skill and control.

"You have mastered all my skills, even the hardest one," Pybara remarked, acknowledging Jocha's progress. "I need to get going now," he continued, placing two fingers on his forehead before disappearing, returning to Yardrat. Jocha bid farewell to her mentor, grateful for the knowledge and training he had imparted.

With Pybara gone, Nail stepped forward, extending his hand to congratulate Jocha on successfully ending the Namekian fusion. It was a moment of relief, as they knew the affected Namekians would now be free. As the tension eased, the group pondered their next move.

"So where are we going to go from here?" Angol inquired, seeking direction. Diaz chimed in, "Somewhere far from the empire." The sentiment resonated with everyone present. Jocha, tapping into her instincts and sensing the energy of her family, spoke up.

"I think I know a place," Jocha began, her voice filled with determination. "I don't sense any Frieza soldiers near it. It would be a relatively safe haven for us. There are three Namekian energies there: one separate and two connected by a thread."

Nail's interest was piqued. "Come with me," he invited, leading Jocha into the building where the Grand Elder Guru resided. They entered and approached the elder guru, conveying the information about the other Namekians on a distant planet.

"They must have escaped Namek during a terrible climate shift that wiped out all the Namekians in age 251. I survived, as you can see," explained the wise elder guru, his presence radiating wisdom and ancient knowledge. The group listened attentively, absorbing the history and significance of their journey.

Jocha exited the building, leaving nail inside, and Jocha rejoined the rest of the group. The question of bringing the ship to the new planet arose, and Jocha posed it to her companions. The group exchanged glances, unsure of the answer. Then, Moah spoke up, voicing their concern.

"We don't want you to waste your energy on us," Moah expressed, the worry evident in their voice. The sentiment resonated with the group, and they all nodded in agreement.

Jocha, however, reassured them, her determination shining through. "I am fine, don't worry about me," she asserted confidently.

Toolo, expressing his concern, questioned her further. "But you are only four years old. Are you sure you're okay?"

Jocha's response surprised her new comrades, eliciting a burst of shock and disbelief. "Ever since Frieza stopped beating me, I have been fine," she revealed, her words heavy with the weight of her past. The group couldn't contain their reactions, with Amond asking for clarification and Cacao expressing his disbelief. Diaz trembled in fear, unable to fathom the hardships she had endured.

Angol, the calming presence among the group, quieted the commotion, refocusing the discussion on the matter at hand. "Let's get back to the question. If it's not too difficult for you, Jocha, then I guess you can bring the ship," Angol agreed, acknowledging her abilities.

Jocha nodded, accepting the task. She wanted to try something different this time. Gathering everyone in a circle, they held hands or touched shoulders, forming a bond. Jocha requested someone to touch her shoulder as she reached out to touch the ship. With closed eyes, she could visualize a group of energies walking away, her father among them, leaving her brother Raditz behind.

At that moment, Jocha tapped into her abilities. Placing two fingers on her forehead, she concentrated her energy, and with a surge of power, she and her group of friends, along with the ship, were transported to the new planet. The flash of light marked their arrival.