
7 Not-so-deadly sins

A group of rebellious and unique teenagers were dragged into an action-filled story as an evil presence threatened the balance of the world. Their youngest member's mysterious past had finally caught up to her as a cycle of curse repeated itself. Follow The Sins as they were forced to walk on the path of righteousness.

MistressUnderworld · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

Where It Should've Ended pt.1

Pride stared attentively at the white board as the teacher gave out the syllabus for their upcoming final exam. The clock on the wall had just struck three. Kids started to quickly pack their bags and scrambled out to the hall; chatters filled up the atmosphere.

"I guess I'll be seeing you guys next week. Enjoy your weekend kids," Mrs. Knight sighed weakly as the room emptied, leaving Pride, Sloth, and Wrath alone.

"No worries, I'll remind everyone in the group chat. Enjoy your weekend too," Pride assured her with a polite smile as she left the room.

Now that the class was empty, the two guys and one girl circled the teacher's table. Sloth laid on top of the desk; staring blankly at the moldy old ceiling. Pride looked busy fiddling with a lock picking tool that he had bought years ago. The class felt eerily quiet and foreboding as the clouds were getting darker outside.

Wrath stomped to look out the giant window spread across the room; almost everyone had left the premises. It was a Friday, which meant people would be making their way to Riley's. It was a nearby hotspot at the heart of town, the old diner had a celebration for their rebranding as a below 18 pub.

"Can you hurry up? We're gonna miss the perfect weather!" scolded Wrath.

"Maybe you should help out. Otherwise, I suggest you to quit yapping," mumbled Sloth.

Pride gave a polite chuckle and shook his head at the childish pair before returning to his task.

"Oh, you want help?" she walked over to the drawer, pulled out her switch blade, and pried open the rusty keyhole, "You're welcome."

Wrath took the half empty bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarette. The two followed her to the fifth floor, into the backroom of the auditorium, and out the balcony. It could easily fit ten people and a some chairs. The balcony was sheltered from the thunderstorm that was about to strike. Few footsteps could be heard from outside the backroom; getting closer and closer.

"About time!" Wrath rolled her eyes before slouching against the railing and lighting her first stick of cigarette.

"Sorry guys, couldn't bear the thought of having no food for our meeting," Gluttony gave an apologetic smile and passed snacks amongst the group.

He opened a bag of chips and started to munch on it as the group continued to explain themselves.

"It took Lust ages to open the right ceiling tile, if only he's as bright as he is pretty," Envy mocked and pointed at Lust's cheek.

"Hey! We all know that Pride hid this one!" explained Lust, mildly flustered.

"So worth it!!! Look at these loots! This one is for our darling Envy." Greed passed Envy a 300ml bottle of rum. "A pack of blacks for me lady," she bowed her head as Wrath reached to take the pack. "And a bottle of the campus' finest for the rest of us!" she raised the huge bottle of whiskey with the biggest grin.

"What are we waiting for then?" Pride proposed a cheer, "for a mission accomplished!"

"A mission accomplished!" everyone cheered and clinked their plastic cups.

A loud explosion ensued; fire roared from within the old diner. More explosions followed as the group of teens peered out to watch. Wrath's face lit up with the reflection of the havoc they wreaked. She took a long puff off her cigarette and rested her head on Lust's shoulder. Sirens wailed, but no firefighters nor ambulances were seen.

A wind of relief blew over the group as the sky fell silent and dark. The first wave of storm ran over the town. The diner fire stood tall and proud amidst. Pride watched over the happy faces of his followers.

The ground underneath the diner cracked and shifted loose, a low rumble echoed like the belly of a hungry beast. Within seconds, the poor dainty building was swallowed up by a Rhodes Island sized sinkhole.

The abundance of natural gas under the surface fueled the initial fire even further. Gluttony stood up and shoot a firework attached to an arrow off his crossbow. It landed far enough to catch fire and set a beautiful spark up the gloomy sky.

"Ugh, sh*t. Party poopers," Wrath threw her cigarette butt down at the police cars pulling up downstairs.

The group ran down the stairs to defend themselves from the cops. Pride and Lust went for the steel bats and guarded the main hall. Envy and Greed picked up their bow and arrows and positioned themselves on the staircase overlooking the main door. Gluttony stationed his crossbow and arrays of wacky ammo on the second floor; above the back gate where more cars have pulled up. Sloth stayed in the PA office to monitor the building and announced enemy positions in code to the rest of the group. Lastly, Wrath stationed herself in the gym for plan B.

About five police squads surrounded the main hall. They were well-equipped with shields, armors, helmets, and assault weapons. Only one of them had an assault rifle on them. As the defense team struggled to hold back the police, Sloth told them to fall back into safety. Pride led the way into the gym where they saw Wrath standing over the podium on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen let me give you my warm welcome" – she smiled menacingly – "please take a seat anywhere, I don't really care. First things first, thank you for sparing your time to visit our small group gathering– "

"Stay where you are young lady. You and your friends have caused the town enough trouble in the past. This is the last straw. The only party you are going to is in jail," said the stern cop with the rifle.

"No, you stay where you are. One more step and scrawny over there is gonna get it," Wrath threatened the thin police next to the captain.

If you enjoy the story so far, please add this book to your library! I appreciate the support and opinion. Any suggestions are welcome in the comment. Sorry for the confusing gender of the characters.

Here's an easy explanation:

Pride - male

Sloth - male

Lust- male

Gluttony - male

Envy - female

Greed - female

Wrath - female

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