
3 Idiots In An Apocalyptic world

ThePlotPioneers · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Day Adventure Found Them

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the quiet suburban neighborhood. The clock on the wall struck 1:00 as Alan, a diligent pizza delivery boy, approached his next delivery destination. He rang the doorbell with an air of practiced courtesy.

*Ding Dong*

"Good afternoon," Alan greeted the elderly man who answered the door.

The old man's face showed signs of annoyance even before Alan spoke. With a forced smile, Alan handed over the pizza. "Here's your pizza, sir. Enjoy your meal!"

The old man glanced at the pizza and then back at Alan with a hint of stinginess. "No tip today, young man."

Alan's face fell, disappointment written all over it. "No tip today as well," he mumbled under his breath.

The old man, irritated by Alan's comment, begrudgingly handed him the payment and slammed the door shut, leaving Alan standing there with a disheartened expression.

Returning to his trusty bike, Alan sighed and took out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts and dialed Scott's number.

*The Call*

Alan: "Hey, Scott. What are you up to?"

Scott: "Just wrapping things up here."

Alan: "Add Liam to the call."

Scott: "Alright, hold on."

Alan: "Great."

*Liam joins the call*

Liam: "What's up?" he mumbled groggily, still half-asleep.

Alan: "Alright, so I'm free, Scott's free, so you better be free, too. We planned to hang out today, so get your butt out of bed and get ready. Scott's picking us up."

Scott: "When did I agree to this?"

Alan: "Yeah, so get ready, Liam. I'm going home to freshen up."

Liam: "Alright."

Scott: "When did I..."

*Everyone hangs up*

As Alan started driving towards his house, Scott couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief.

*Scott's POV*

"These idiots," Scott muttered to himself, shaking his head. "Nothing I can do."

Fast forward to 2:50 PM, Scott's car pulled into Alan's driveway. Alan greeted Liam and Scott with enthusiasm and hopped into the car as they greeted each other.

Alan: "Hey, you two! Ready for some adventure?"

Liam, still looking a bit dazed, asked, "So, what's the plan for today?"

Scott shrugged, playing along. "I have no idea, man. Alan's the mastermind today."

Alan thought for a moment and then suggested, "Let's just go for a drive, find a nice place to grab some coffee, and figure it out from there."

As they drove, lost in their own amusing conversations, Scott suddenly slammed on the brakes. Liam comically bonked his head against the windshield, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Dude! Is your head made of solid steel?" Alan quipped.

"Why on earth did you do that, Scott?" Liam demanded, rubbing his forehead.

Scott pointed outside the car window. "Look, guys."

Curiosity piqued, they all peered outside and saw a crowd had gathered, encircling something. Their puzzled expressions hinted at the intriguing turn their day was about to take.