
3 Idiots In An Apocalyptic world

ThePlotPioneers · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Front Row Seat To Madness

The clock was ticking towards 2:35 PM as the trio, having ventured into the heart of the tumultuous crowd, found themselves amidst a chorus of guttural screeches and startled gasps. Amidst the chaos, Liam, wearing a mischievous grin, aimed to get a closer view of the unfolding madness.

"Hey, Alan, why don't you hop on my shoulders? It'll be like a front-row seat to the madness!" Liam suggested, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of adventure.

Alan hesitated for a brief moment, his eyes flickering towards Scott, who responded with an emphatic chorus of "no"s. But in the face of Liam's determined gaze and the unfolding chaos around them, Scott reluctantly surrendered. He clambered onto Liam's shoulders, his protests gradually fading into reluctant acceptance.

With Scott precariously perched atop Liam's shoulders, they finally had an unobstructed view of the strange scene. A man lay sprawled on the ground, a thick, dark, gooey liquid dribbling from his mouth. His body convulsed uncontrollably, and his eyes assumed an eerie, milky-white hue.

In a macabre twist, the man suddenly sprang to his feet and lunged toward an unsuspecting bystander, sinking his teeth into the person's arm. Pandemonium erupted, sending people scurrying in all directions like startled pigeons.

Without a second's hesitation, the trio executed a 180-degree turn and sprinted towards their car, with Scott still perched atop Liam's shoulders. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Scott began frantically drumming his heels against Liam's chest to convey their need for haste. It took a moment for Liam to realize that Scott was still riding him like a pony, and he hastily deposited his friend onto the ground before they piled into the car.

Curiosity gnawed at Alan as he questioned, "What in the world did you see, Scott?" His voice was a cocktail of fear and fascination.

Scott, still grappling with the surreal sights he'd witnessed, began to recount, "Honestly, I can't even begin to describe it. The guy was twitching like a malfunctioning robot, and this black, gooey stuff was spewing out of his mouth. His eyes turned as white as the snow, and then he just... lunged at that poor bystander, taking a chunk out of him."

Liam, not one to miss out on the conversation, chimed in, "Sounds like something right out of a classic zombie movie, guys."

Alan nodded thoughtfully, accepting the bizarre explanation. "You might be right. For now, let's head back home."

The car ride home was marked by palpable tension, as an eerie silence filled the vehicle. None of them knew how to make sense of the disturbing tableau they'd just witnessed.

Upon reaching Alan's driveway, a peculiar and rather pungent aroma wafted through the car as Liam inadvertently released a burst of gas.

"Excuse me," Liam muttered sheepishly.

Scott, suddenly needing some fresh air, urgently bellowed, "Out of the car, now!"

In their haste to evacuate the gas-filled vehicle, both Alan and Scott tumbled over each other, ending up in a comical heap on the driveway. Liam, meanwhile, couldn't contain his laughter as he watched his friends struggle.

"Alright, let's make our way inside, you two," Alan grumbled, extending a hand to assist Scott to his feet. "We're leaving you behind, you big oaf."

Once safely indoors, they turned on the TV, only to be greeted by a breaking news report that promised to leave them even more bewildered and anxious about the strange events unfolding around them.