
Dark one as stepfather

Tác giả: Kaia_Nova_Doyle
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Hey guys!! If you have another request, a person, a show, whatever, YOU would love to read a story about send it a true private message and I will take the time for it. For now, enjoy the story. Don't forget to come say hi on all your favorite social networks; please like, comment and subscribe. Sharing is kind! Thank you and enjoy the story!!

10 thẻ
Chapter 1Some love story's must remain hidden

Far off into the distance, she could see the castle, she claimed. From this vantage point, at the top of a hill, the court seemed light-years away; the memories created there, visibly playing through her mind.

She closes her eyes for a moment and inhales deeply.

Another useless hunt... another attempt to find that annoying brat... Snow-white...

All this was for nothing. She failed... Once more. But soon she would find her little toy. And her stupid dwarf friends. She would rip their hearts out. But the first heart... The first one to fall would be that so-called prince... Charming. Ugh, his name only. The little hairs on her neck react to the memory of his face.

But her revenge would be sweet. Oh, so sweet. Snow White would scream and cry while she watched her prince die. This time she would watch the love of her life die...

"Oh, Daniel" she whispers softly.

"Feeling nostalgic dearie" sounds suddenly sharp in her ear.

"Rumple," she says with a smile of recognition. A high-pitched laugh escapes from his light-colored lips. "Are you finished dearie?" He asks. Regina bites her lip. She knows well enough that Rumple knew she didn't find snow-white... again. "If you are here to laugh with me, you can go again" she answers bitterly.

Rumpelstiltskin laughs, amused. "On the contrary, dearie, I am here to give you a gift."

"A gift," she asks surprised, and gets off her horse. Rumple smiles and walks toward her. "I know that you are tired of searching. So, I will give you a little advice as a gift... dearie" he whispered in her ear.

"The prince... pretends to be the son of King George." "Pretends," she asks, not understanding. "Well, King George his son died. Now Snow white, her prince charming, have to act like him. And as I heard from a little birdie, they are planning to flee his castle." "A birdie," asks Regina with a playful smile on her pink lips. Rumpelstiltskin strokes his gold-green colored finger over Regina's slender shoulder, covered with a black-purple satin dress.

"Tell me... Dearie..." he whispers and looks into her bright eyes. "What would you give... for true love?" "I had true love... that snowflake stole it", Regina answers coldly. Rumple laughs softly and sniffs at the Queen her dress. A sweet smell of roses and lavender plays with his nose.

"Why not have it again? You can love once more." Regina stared into the golden eyes of Rumpelstiltskin. Her teacher, her friend, a loved one... No, that can't be right. She doesn't love the dark one! That is impossible. And still. She has a strange feeling when he touches her. Her skin burns under his fingers. Lusting for more. Begging that he'll never stop. But still... She doesn't want to be near him... and on the other hand... She can't stand that he is far away from her. Is it just darkness calling upon her? Or is it more...

I'm never far from your side dearie," he whispers, as if he knows what she is thinking. Regina smiled carefully. "I know... Rumpelstiltskin." His heart skips a beat with the sound of his name... Coming from her lips. "Regina" he whispers, but she interrupts him. "Find me in my castle. In exactly 20 minutes. We can talk there. I promise... we will be alone." Rumpelstiltskin nods and disappears. Would he be waiting for her already? Can he fill the emptiness in her heart? Is he the key to her happiness? Who knows... a sigh escapes her lips while she climbs on her horse again. "Hiya," she says and takes the reins. Her eyes burned on her chamber window.

"Mirror mirror on the wall" she says and releases her long hair from the tight dot. Her black hair falls over her shoulders while she softly shakes her head. "You called majesty," asks Sidney. "Yes, I'll have a guest soon. I do not want to be disturbed. Keep watch. The mirror in the hall is for that purpose. Whenever someone comes near my door... stop them. Call the guards." "Yes your majesty," he says." Oh, Sidney!!" "Yes," asks the mirror man doubtfully. "Red or blue?" "If the company is supposed to be impressed, I would choose blue. If the company is supposed to feel... "attracted you should pick the red one." "Thank you" smiles Regina and continues; you can go now." Sidney nods and disappears, leaving only Regina's reflection in the mirror. She takes a deep breath and rubs her hair out of her face. "Yes, I think I will make him feel attracted" she speaks softly and smirks.

Maybe... this was her chance. Could she be happy with Rumpelstiltskin? Perhaps. Could she give him what she desired? Possibly. But what does she desire? Love? Happiness? A family?

With a head full of heavy thoughts, she could only sigh. Rumplestilstin, his power was perhaps what she needed. And not just his power. If she had him by her side, the people in her kingdom couldn't resist her anymore.

While she removes her long dark dress, a subtle knock sound. "Just a minute" she shouts and curses Sidney. " Damn mirror man... you can never trust him!"

With shaking hands, she looks once more in the mirror. To be fair, Regina was proud of her body. Slender with round breasts. Not too small, not too big. Her hips were maybe a little wide, but this gave her figure a nice sexy touch.

She had no scars or marks of abuse, which surprised her, given the way she was raised.

After all, she could honestly say that she was a pretty and damn good-looking queen. She could easily get any man she desired. But what held her? Rumple was right. Why didn't she search for happiness again? While her heart still grieved for Daniel, there was maybe a little spot for a new exciting love in her life. The least she could do was try...

Anxious awaiting her date, she pulled a tight red dress on. It had no sleeves, nor did it hide her slender legs, because the dress only reached her knees. Her mother would never let her wear this. That was the reason why Regina brought this little dress once. She didn't think she would ever wear it, though.

"Come in" she shouted, suddenly remembering the guest in front of her door.

"Oh, I am already in" answers Rumpelstiltskin, and laughs. "Rumple" shouts Regina happily and looks, smiling at the dark magician who stands with crossed arms next to the fireplace. "It is not polite to make a guest waiting dearie," he says, and walks towards her. "But then again, it was worth it." Regina smiles. She wasn't the only one who dressed differently for their date.

Rumpelstiltskin traded his brown leather vest for a tighter black blouse matching his black trousers.

"I am happy that you accepted my offer," he says, and places his chin on her shoulder, sniffing the smell of her hair. His arms crossed under her breast.

"Rumple" she whispers softly and closes her eyes, but he stops her. "Ssh dearie... You suffered enough. It is time... that I made you happy once more. Even if it is only for a short time." "What do you mean," she asks, and opens her eyes. "Even though my power is great, I cannot provide eternal happiness. In every story, there must be a little sadness. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a good story now. Isn't it dearie" he says, and walks in front of her. Regina smiles carefully and looks at the brown-green face of Rumpelstiltskin. Soft glitters sparkle when he smiles. "Regina," he says and places his fingers under her chin. "Do not worry about Snowwhite, or the dwarves, nor the prince. Do not worry about anything tonight. For I will relax you." "How do you tend to do that," she asks teasingly. Rumple laughs. "So so so curious. Well, I guess I just have to show you now." Without further word, he placed his lips on her soft lips. Before she could react, he put his strong arm on her back and holds her hand with the other.

Not sure what she exactly feels or how this is going to change her life, she places her second hand on his chest and gives herself over to him.

Her heart beats faster every second.

Rumpelstiltskin, who is aware of her submission, removes his lips from hers. "I promise you, you will be happy again", he whispers, and lifts her in his arms." I trust you," she answers and places her arms around his neck.

Careful, he puts her down on the cold sheets. Regina's mind was already imagining how her father would react when he found out that Regina was dating again while he softly kissed her neck. He pushes her dress up to her waist and slips inside her. Rumpelstiltskin, the man who made her who she is, licks the saltwater off her skin and bites down on her breasts. They pull each other's clothes off, hungrily, undressing and kissing all at once.

Warm sunlight shined on Regina her smooth face . Sighing, she opens her eyes. Is it morning already? Her naked body is rolled in the black blanket, and memories of a long and hot night flash before her eyes. "Rumpelstiltskin," she asks, and looks next to her. She is all alone. Rumpelstiltskin left while she was still asleep. Why would he do that? She thought he was going to stay.. with her? "Sidney" she shouts loudly and puts herself up in her giant bed. "Sidney!!"

"Yes your majesty?" "When did he leave?!" "I didn't... I'm sorry my queen, but I didn't see anyone leaving nor entering your chamber." "You are useless Sidney" she growls and rushes into the bathroom. Tears streamed once more over her face. Why did he leave? Was it urgent? Will he be back? When will he be back? Should she try calling him? Maybe she should wait till tomorrow.

But Rumpelstiltskin never came back. Time passed and winter approached in the enchanted forest. Animals crawl in their enclosures, safe from the sharp wind and bitter cold. Farmers gathered their crops and hid them safe from the frost while peasants tried their best to warm up the little houses. Many of them would die, just like every winter. But their queen did not care. At this moment she only cared about her night with Rumpelstiltskin. She still doesn't understand. Many times she called upon him, but he never showed. Did something happen? Or did he simply forget about her? Her hand rests protectively on her round belly. Would he ever know? Would she ever be able to tell him? Maybe it was for the best. She couldn't tell anyone. Not even Rumpelstiltskin. But maybe he would never forgive her. But after all... Regina knew that she couldn't keep the baby. She wants to keep the baby. But she can't. She is a Queen. No, she is the queen.. The child would have enemies. From every corner. Snowwhite would use the child to come near her. And not only snow-white. As soon as word spreads that the queen, unmarried, nor with a future king by her side, expects a child... Oh, the people would love it. This would give them an opportunity. She worked too hard to lose it all now.

"Oh Daddy, why is it so hard" she whispers. "Come now, my child. Everything will be okay. I promise" the old man whispers and kisses her forehead. Regina could only sigh. She knew that their love was forbidden. She knew it was wrong... But still, it hurts. So so much. She only wishes she knew... why he didn't come back. Oh, how stupid you could be Regina? He is after all the dark one...

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