

"Beep beep beep" the alarm went. Moira opened her eyes with a deep sigh. The wooden black bed under her creaks when she turns. "Morning again" she moans and straightens, her slender body wrapped in a violet-colored nightgown. Her long hair is sideways braided. In the corner of her mouth, soft pink lips hid a kiss. Subtle and innocent.

The blanket slips off her slender legs as she exits the wide bed. The white lace curtains that adorn the sturdy wooden poles of her bed flutter in the fresh summer breeze. Moira sighs and stares through the window. Her gaze was fixed on the bell tower. That's strange. Time has changed! The clock tower is broken! This has been as long as Moira can remember. Now it works again. Just like that? She shrugs and walks to her white wardrobe. Singing softly, she dresses in a red tank top. She pulls skinny white jeans over her hips and steps into red converse sneakers. Still singing, she walks into the luxurious kitchen and grabs a bowl of Muesli. While she is eating her breakfast, she looks at the street. As always, Mary Margaret walks to her classroom. Mr. Gold walks to his shop and Dr. Hopper gives Pongo his morning walk. Looks like nothing has changed here. Nothing but him. Henry. Every morning she sees him hop on the bus with that fake smile. Just not today. Today his mother is walking with him to the bus ... Emma. Moira smiles and places the empty bowl in the dishwasher. How nice that must be. After all, this time finding your mother again. Moira takes a deep breath and grabs her keys. She puts her iPhone in her back pocket and leaves her penthouse. The warm air plays on her bare forearms. "Good morning misses Mayor", she greets politely when Regina passes her. Regina smiles and stops walking for a moment; "Good morning Moira. How are you today dear?" "I'm good thanks." Regina nodded and walked further. Moira takes a deep breath and continues on her way to work." She greets Mister Gold, who walks slowly further. His limp looks painful. No new faces in town. Nobody ever visits this town. How on earth could that be? Or is she the only one wondering this. Sherrif Graham hastily leaves Granny's and almost bumps against her. "Oops, my bad Moira. Forgive me." "No problem", Moira says. She looked into Sherrif, his eyes. Like always... Emotionless.

Good morning, Tarun," greets Moira and enters the cafe". The man behind the bar looks at her in silence. "You're late," he says eventually. "Two minutes" mocks Moira and looks at the young man with a small beer belly. Tarun nods and scratches his unshaven chin. "Well then, you're right. Two minutes. I can't deduct that from your pay!" Moira rolls her eyes and grabs the brush. "If you could, you would" she sighs. Silently, she starts cleaning the bar. "Ass" she whispers when he goes outside and puts the brush away. She polishes the glasses while humming a song and makes a pot of coffee. As usual, their regular customer walks in exactly ten minutes after opening. "Good morning Keith", she greets him sincerely. Keith gives her a smile and nods. He sits quietly at a table. "Give me a coffee sweetheart" he orders. Moira rolls her eyes and takes a mug. Of all the customers... she hates Keith the most. He is addicted to alcohol and a pervert. He comes every day, from morning till evening, and how late it gets, how harder it becomes for him to keep his hands to himself. Moira swallows. She had no choice. Since she is the only one who actually works here...

Keith slowly rubs his dark blonde hair from his face. His greenish eyes are fixed on Moira's buttocks as she prepares his coffee. "Don't you come and sit with me?" he asks with a grin and puts his strong arm around her. "Stop Keith" she swears, and pushes him away. Keith smiles and takes his mug. "There will come one day Moira .. Believe me" he winks. "You hope so" answers Moira. Silently, she continues to polish the glasses, hoping that the day will soon be over...

Beep... Beep... Beep... Moira opened her eyes with a groan. For the first time in forever... today felt. Like another day... a new day. And still, another day, a new day... doing exactly the same. Was this going to be her life? Work in that stupid café every day? Her home was beautiful. spacious for her, but beautiful, so to be fair, she had nothing to complain about. She was in love with the decoration of her loft. But getting up every day, standing in that stupid café, and then coming home. Eat something quickly and sleep and do the exact same thing afterward. Why did it feel like there was nothing Moira could do?

The stupid annoying bar she curses while she gets out of bed once more. First, she dressed in a short black dress and brushes her hair. As her daily morning routine goes on, she puts the news channel on and watches the news while eating a bowl of Muesli. She watches through the big windows while listening to the news. She hears the rough and deep voice of Sydney Glass: "Please welcome our new deputy, Miss Emma Swan.." Emma made it to the deputy? That's amazing! He and Graham will make a wonderful team. "And now more about the collapsing mines. After a rescue mission that took four hours yesterday, the mayor promised to take off the old mine site. "That I wanna see," mumbles Moira, while she places her bowl in the sink. It's oddly comforting the walk through the city. Not many people on the street. Doctor Hopper who leaves Pongo out; mister Gold who walks further. "Oh no, mister Gold! She needs to pay the rent. "Mister Gold" she hastily yells and walks behind him. "Yes.. Moira" he asks, and turns. He took a moment to observe the young girl. "I got your rent," she says, and placed her hand in her purse. She gives him the promised money. "Thank you my dear" he says and smiles. "You have a good day." "You too" she answers and hastily runs to the bar to finish her day. While the days slowly go by, the temperature gets lower and lower. The town gets active, like a bee nest that slowly starts buzzing, and waking up to spring calls. Things are happening. A Lot at once. It almost looks like a magic wand removed a sleeping spell over this town. Of course, that doesn't make any sense.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. "Owh" groans Moira, and once more gets up from her familiar bed. "Oooh I don't want to get up" she groans and turns around. It takes a few more minutes before she leaves bed, finally. She hastily dresses her slender body in a black dress with spaghetti straps. The square neckline and plain weave give it a nice, feminine look. The little belt with ribbon in the middle finishes the creative design off. She lets her long dark hair fall over her open back and steps into her low black sneakers while she puts a black leather jacket over her body. As her daily morning routine goes on, she puts the news channel on and watches the news while eating a bowl of Muesli. She watches through the big windows while listening to the news. "The murder trial of Katherine Nolan. The head suspects Mary Margareth Blanchard, will be led before trial tomorrow. Based on the evidence and the past affair that she and Nolan her husband had, it is suspected to turn out into ten..." Moira sighs. It is unfair. Mary Margareth is a sweet, innocent young woman. She just knows she didn't do it. But it seems like a foolproof case. Sighing, she empties her bowl and walks outside. "Damn I'm late", she curses and looks at the clock as she accelerates her pace.

" Oh," she exclaims when she walks head-on into a person. " Miss mayor! I'm so sorry" she says hurriedly and scrambles to her feet. Regina gives her a wry look and her gaze softens. "It's okay dear, I wasn't careful." "I'm really sorry Regina... Madame Mayor I mean. I... didn't look sorry." Regina smiles cautiously. "It's okay," she says, placing her hand on Moira's shoulder. She smiles briefly and then walks on.

Moira sighs and hurries herself to work. Now she was really late!" Moira" growls Tarun. "I'm sorry Tarun, I know I'm late, but there was an accident on the way." Tarun sighs. "Ten minutes, make sure you catch up" he growls and points to Keith. Moira nods and grabs the coffee mug." Accident huh" asks Keith teasingly. "Everything okay? Should I check?" "Don't touch me Keith" Moira growls and slaps his hand. As usual, Keith smiles as Moira walks away. Moira takes a deep breath and places her trembling hands on the counter. Why was Keith so pawing? Why didn't her boss do anything about it? That is it! Moira is tired of everything. She won't come back after today. This is her last day. She was going to tell Tarun. Tonight! If you want your life to change, you have to do this yourself, she thinks bitterly. "Moira" asks Keith with a drunken mouth. "What" she asks. "Please. Fill up!" Moira sighs and takes the can of beer. As she walks to Keith her heart jumps a little. What was it nervous? A gut feeling that something bad is going to happen? Keith laughs as she fills the beer can and grasps Moira by her waist. "Come on honey" he jokes, and pulls her onto his lap. Moira feels his hard one poking in her bum. "Keith, you are disgusting. Let go of me! Keith laughs and kisses her neck before letting her go. One of these moments, dear Moira...In one of these moments, you are going to say yes. I know it." "You wish" she hisses and rushes behind the bar.

The hours are ticking further slowly as Moira serves her customers. More beer, more whiskey ... That was all customers wanted from the rabbit hole. Why did only drunks come into this bar?

Sighing, she refills Keith's glass. "Come on Moira" he mutters in his drunken voice. Moira angrily pushes him away. "Keith, go home, you're drunk. By the way, we'll close in half an hour!" Keith laughs and quickly empties his glass. "One more then?" Moira refills his glass and walks away.

As she prepares to close, the guests slowly drip away. Chocolate by Big Boy echoes through the speakers while Moira looks carefully at Keith. He's not ready to leave yet. "Moira sighs. Tarun places his hand on her shoulder. Moira looked at him. "Just close it. I don't feel so good. Those last twenty minutes won't matter." Tarun I have to talk to you before I leave. "Tarun looks at her tensely and then nods." Put the trash outside first. " Moira takes a deep breath and nods. She puts down the towel and collects the garbage bags. "I'll be back in ten minutes.," says Moira. Tarun nods and locks the front door.

Moira sighs as the backdoor closes behind her with a loud bang. The cold wind caresses her skin as she tosses the trash bags into the container. She sighs and stares at the full moon. The bright stars stared back at her in silence. A few crickets chirp from a distance. Everything else is quiet. The cold air, the silent night. This was what she needed... peace. Time for herself. That is what she needed. No, what she needed was a vacation. She can't even remember if she ever left town. She doesn't think that she ever left town. Thinking about the vacation, she closes the container. She rubs her arms, trembling from the cold air. However, before she can open the back door again, someone grabs her tight.

"No" protests Moira. A rough hand slides across her lips. "Shh" whispers a familiar voice and pushes her back against the chilly stone wall. "Keith," she asks, shocked. Keith smiles and blocks her wrist between his chest and hers. "Moira", he whispers and kisses her neck. "Keith let go", she begs. "If you won't say yes, I will say it in your place", he whispers. His lips aggressive, get pushed into hers. He tries to slip his tongue into her mouth. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Keith slowly rubs her full chest and lowers his lips to her collarbone. "Keith" Moira begs again. "Shh," Keith whispers and places his hand on her pubic bone. "Keith stop" begs Moira and tries to escape the drunk man. He places his hand under her dress and rubs her underwear. "Seriously, let me go!" " I ask you to do as the lady asks" a strong voice echoes through the alley. Keith looks up in shock. He keeps Moira pushed against the wall but removes his second hand from her leg.

"And who are you to think you can make a request to me?" Keith answers with a grunt. Moira looks at the dark shadow that slowly approaches them. The young man smiles and lifts his head. His light brown hair flutters in the wind from this movement. A soft accent sounds in his voice. His muscular body is dressed in a long black coat. A grin curls on his rosy lips. Before Keith could react, the strong man had already hit his forehead. Moira jumps back, startled. "Everything okay miss," asks the man. After thinking for a moment, she gasps "Moira" and stares into the man, his deep brown eyes. Not sure whether she can trust her "savior", she takes a step back but bumps against the heavy container. "Lovely name", the man smiles and takes a step forward. He rubs black hair away from her pink lips. Moira swallows. "First I want to say that I am very sorry" the young man grins and grabs her head. He mercilessly hits her forehead against the container. "But you are my salvation" he whispers, and lifts her up. "Come on," he says, and walks away with the unconscious Moira.

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