

"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to Robin..." Four loud singing voices sounded over every other noise inside the inn. Five men sit at a round table in the midst of the inn; a small pie is standing in the middle of the table with a candle pushed in the glaze frosting. The smallest of the five men grins widely while his friends sing for him. Loudly cheering, they patted his back once the song was done." A black lion tattoo reflects on his forearm. I think it is sweet," a young woman says, and turns herself to the bard once more. "I think it's dumb" grumbles an old man next to her. "You think everything is dumb" answers the woman. "Come on, don't argue lads," says the keeper of the inn. A brown leather belt with a golden buckle hangs over his full stomach. His brown leather trousers and white silk vest show some damage over the years. Just like his dark boots, which have seen better days. Nervously, he cleans a pint with a cloth and looks around in the inn. "Has anyone seen my daughter?"

"Not so fast" yells the young girl, laughing. Her blonde hair waving in the wind. Hastily, lifts her lemon green skirt, so she can run faster. "Moira slows down" she yells, grinning, and runs behind her best friend. "Come on Alexa" yells Moira and runs over the grass hill. "Moira" yells Alexa one more time. "Moira" gasps Alexa and stops next to Moira. Her best friend since they were babies stood like a statue on top of the grassy hill. Staring at the horizon. "Any moment now" laughs Moira. Alexa nods with a deep breath and places her hand on her bust. Her white blouse has a stain from the wet grass where they not so long ago laid on. But Moira's green dress is immaculate, as if she had just put it on. How come she doesn't have spots? Alexa removes her eyes from Moira her slender body and stares down the valley. "Moira, you know that..." "Sst here they are," says Moira hastily and pokes Alexa. Alexa rolls her eyes. Together they stared at the salesman who appeared one by one. Every year Alexa and Moira do this. They watched the salesman pour into the village. Travelers who are hoping that they can make a profit this year.

It was not difficult to know when they arrived, since there was only one road in and out of the village. "Look, jewels" shouts Alexa's enthusiast. Moira rolls her eyes. "There is more in life than pretty gems, Alexa" grins Moira. "Oh yeah? Like what? What are you looking for then?" Moira lifted her shoulders. Her long black hair gently rubs against her pale skin. "You know what Moira, since you turn 18 next week... I promise I will buy you a gift from the vendor. As a birthday gift." "Oh no, the birthday party" Moira shouts and places her hand on her forehead. "God, father will kill me" she curses and hastily turns. "Hey, where are you going? Moira" shouts Alexa but it is hopeless. Moira doesn't listen. And it wasn't long before her strong legs carried her too far to hear Alexa.

Moira rushes into the inn. She gently closes the door behind her and looks at her father, who is clearly disappointed. The inn was empty except for a few regulars. A faint fit of anger shines in her father's eyes. "Moira" he speaks sternly. "Father" begins Moira, but he raises his hand. "I was counting on you. Go to your room, freshen up and come downstairs to help clean up." "Yes, father" replied Moira softly and walks to her bedroom. Sighing, the innkeeper put down the glass he was drying. "Don't be so hard on her Jacob," said the older woman. "We also were young once," she winked. Jacob nods and bites his lip. Only he never sneaked away from home. Since Moira's mother passed away she has done this more and more often. However, she knew he needed her at the inn. Why didn't she just listen to him? Maybe ... maybe it was time for her to know. To know the truth. But maybe it was better this way. What if Moira turns against him. Or if she never trusts him again. He had already lost his wife. No, he couldn't tell her ... not yet. Maybe someday ... when the time is right. But what should he tell her in the meantime? What should he do? "Oh, my dear Selena" he whispers carefully and stares again at the portrait of his wife. "That daughter of yours ... I need you now more than ever, I am afraid, my dear" he continued, almost inaudibly. Sighing, he starts washing dishes with a brooding head.

Moira sighs deeply and fastens the leather belt around her abdomen. It was easier to do chores at the inn if her dress was a little tighter. How could she forget that birthday? She was so busy with Alexa and the arrival of the vendors that it was shot out of her head. Or was it because she secretly didn't want to work at the inn? She was afraid to tell Father, because he kept going on, about what the inn would be like and that it was his legacy to her. But she didn't really want an inn at all. In fact, she didn't want to settle at all. Not in this village. She doesn't feel ... at home here. She rubs her bright blue eyes, shakes her head, and walks down the stairs again. She takes a few plates in silence and helps Father with the dishes. "The vendors have arrived," she says finally, to break the silence. "That's good," father answers softly. "You have to do some shopping tomorrow. But after that, you will come home immediately! It promises to be busy." "I had actually promised Alexa to ..." "No" interrupts Father sternly. "I need you here, especially for the next few days. You go shopping and come back immediately. It's not open for negotiation. Moira. I need you here, especially with the peddlers. It's extra busy then, and it's about time that you made a little more effort at home. " Moira, shocked by his abrupt severity, lifted her head in his direction. She nods silently and bites the inside of her jaw. Why did he act like that? She hadn't asked for anything wrong. He's the one who told her to make some friends. Alexa had always been a loner, just like Moira. The two have literally found each other. And Dad had always been very happy when Alexa came by. Why has this suddenly changed?

With a sigh, she clears up the last tables and brushes out the room. "I am going to sleep" she proclaims, "and before father can answer, she disappears up the stairs. "What am I going to do," he sighs. He knew Moira was a beautiful girl, probably the most beautiful girl in the entire town. Skip the probably. So he knew he had to be extra careful with her. Her long dark hair and bright eyes, slender body with round breasts and pale skin... It was the perfect mix for a beautiful young girl, and the last beautiful girl was hunted like a beast by the queen. He did not want that faith for her. She didn't understand... yet. But he hopes that day will come soon. Moira brushes her hair slowly and stares at the distant horizon. Sparkling stars stared at her in silence. The dark shadow of the castle breaks the blue sky. Moira put down the brush with a sigh. How wonderful it would be to live in the castle. Go where and when you want. Do what you want. Without having to tell anyone where you are going ... Just be free. Free to travel, to discover...

She would love that ... Sometimes she feels so trapped." Well, someday my chance will come" she whispers and closes her curtains before lying down in bed and blowing out the candle. "Maybe tomorrow" she whispers and dozes off.

Do you know that feeling that you just don't belong where you are? I sure do! Its the most hateful feeling ever...

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