
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

DaoOfCopying · Khác
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37 Chs

[ Chapter X: "David And Goliath." ]

[ Chapter X: "David And Goliath." ]

[ Volume I: "Game Entertainment System." ]

[ Ned follows Pea Pea's guidance, sprinting towards a mysterious glowing levitating leaf where the previously glowing Zombie he, and Pea Pea killed earlier was located. As he approaches, the leaf emits a radiant aura, and Ned hesitates for a moment before reaching out and grabbing it, and running away as soon as he does so.

Ned keeps running, slower than before, tiredness finally caughting up with him as he sweats bullets, and instinctively hold on to the side of his tummy, "I don't know about this little guy," he says amidst the moaning, grumbling, and "Brainzzz" coming off from the Zombies, "what even is this?"

[ "Ned, what's that?" ] The voice of Peter pops up, confused, as Pea Pea tries taking the leaf but Ned instinctively raised it up, "I-I, I don't know man, magical leaf or something?" causing Pea Pea to try to jump, raise it's head, and reaching for the leaf, as Ned goes on and on while scanning the leaf he's holding; forgetting, about one crucial thing.

[ "N-ned, bud, whatever you do, don't look back." ] Ned hears Peter's quivering voice, stammering, and same with the worried gasp of the crowd behind Peter, "What's... going on?" as he felt rumbling, mild earthquake under him, as he sees rubbles, and rocks near him jump up and down. The seconds pass and so does the height of those rubbles, and rocks.

"O-oh god!" Ned's face morphs into fear, "I'm gonna die!" as he runs faster than normal, not looking back. [ "L-left! LEFT! GO LEFT!" ] The yelling voice of Peter yells at him, as he instinctively ran to the left, as soon as he does that an giant brown telephone pole-sized club lands in the middle of the street, the place where he was standing earlier, completely leaving an giant dent behind.

Causing him to instinctively look behind him, at the face of the giant swollen cartoonish freaky Gargantuar, with red eyes, looking at him in the face with it's uneven eye sizes, "O-OH SHIT!" Ned instinctively ran to an tight alleyway, screaming, not noticing the leaf he was holding being eaten by Pea Pea.

"WE'RE GONNA DIE BUDDY!" Ned screams at himself, not being able to hear himself talk over the Gargantuar's hulkish scream, groans, and destruction that it causes on the street, and houses around Ned. In response, Pea Pea looks at Ned's face, almost sarcastically and jumps so that he's/her's pointy green head is pointed at the Gargantuar's eye's.

As it jumps around in Ned's arms, "Li-lil bud?" causing Ned to be worried, but, there was nothing to be worried about. Except that giant gargantuar swinging it's gigantic club, down at where Ned is running at; but was stopped by Pea Pea shooting it's little eye with hundreads of giant sized Pea's, causing that thing to back away while groaning.

[ "..." ]

[ "H-how, where are those green thing's coming out from." ]

[ "T-that is not scientifically possible." ]

[ "Had anything been scientific in this realm, idiot." ]

[ "G-go Pea Pea!" ]

[ "Y-yeah! YEAH! Go Pea Pea!" ]

[ "..." ]

The cheers echoes for Ned, and Pea Pea as the thousands, and thousands of spectators watches them both battle Zombies of different varieties, and an Gargantuar beyond the huge one way portal that Ned couldn't see, with Peter especially worried about his Best Friend's safety, [ "R-RUN NED, RUN!" ] as they all cheer.

"W-what the hell is happening?!?!" Ned confusedly though hearing the cheering, and the Gargantuar behind him yelling in pain, causing him to look behind, "H-Holy." seeing tens, tons, and possibly hundreads of huge sized Pea's, almost at the size of Pea Pea's head floating, flying around the 100mph range, all aimed at the Gargantuar's head; especially the eye's.

Amidst the chaos, and the deafening cheers of the spectators that Ned couldn't see, Ned found himself caught in a surreal spectacle. The once huge, menacing, and freaky Gargantuar, was now reeling under the relentless assault of Pea Pea, and his almost unlimited looking like ammo of Pea's, all skillfully aimed at the Gargantuar's vulnerable spots.

The sweaty Ned after finally realizing what's happening smirked at Pea Pea, still huffing, as he grab Pea Pea's body and aimed it at the Gargantuar, slowly moving forward as the once menacing Gargantuar back away, groaning, arms in front of it's face trying to block the Pea's; but because of how the game is coded he's still feeling pain, "Woooooh! LET'S GO PEA PEA!!"

With Ned's encouragement Pea Pea delights and fires more of those Pea's, which ultimately causes the downfall of the Goliath of this story, the Gargantuar fell, and groans one last time before it respawns later.

"Holy shit." Ned wide eyed, jaw almost falling to the ground slowly looks at the smiling, delighted Pea Pea, as every Zombies around them, and even far from them slowly gets taken by an light one by one, with the Gargantuar being the last one being taken, leaving an Giant Golden Key behind. "YOUR AWESOME!" ]

"That explains, everything." Felix thought to himself as he bites from his floating biscuit, plain white mug filed with coffee in hand. As he drags his hand and forwards the video he's watching to it's climax, ultimately ending with Ned opening the barrier placed in the [ "PvZ Portal" ], which is connected to the [ "Lobby." ]

"Shit that's cool." he thought as he, "What time is it?" impulsively thought to himself about the time, as an smaller window appears right beside the video he's watching, [ "13:58" ] which indicates time, military time, and obviously the time for the UTOPIA Dimension. "Thanksss."

"2 more minuteeees." he looks at the time and thoughts, "Now, what would God look like?" as he switches from one appearance to another; from Morgan Freeman, to James Halliday's Avatar, Anorak. An White Bright Light, and then to Doctor Who, the Tenth.

All of this happened without his clothes, height, and accessories he has not changing, he looks at his own hand before finally realizing something. Ultimately deciding to revert back to his original appearance, lanky, tired looking, skinny, and plain, but it's all him so it'll work, he thinks.

It wouldn't, so he looks at himself and sees torn, ripped, and wasteland looking like clothing and even a few bullet holes, and claw marks evident on his his clothes. And a few blood stains that may or may not be his. "Oh..."

Felix was about to open [ "Shop" ] but had an impolsive thought took over his head for a few seconds, which is enough to make him act on it.


DaoOfCopyingcreators' thoughts