
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

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37 Chs

[ Chapter VIII: "Peter Parker, Theorist Extraordinaire." ]

[ Chapter VIII: "Peter Parker, Theorist Extraordinaire." ]

[ Volume I: "Game Entertainment System." ]

[13:32] [January 7, 1 AET]

[Zombie Caffè, Zombie City, U.T.O.P.I.A Dimension]

"Wait, wait, wait, Pete, you're telling me that you aren't here?" Edward "Ned" Leeds asked his best friend, Peter Benjamin Parker, confusion etched on his face, as he takes a huge sip from his drink, glancing around at his surroundings.

[ "Yeah! I mean, you're the only one there, we're all somewhere else." ] Peter answered through his video feed, constantly moving around in the camera's frame for Ned's point of view, though for Peter and Ned's case the floating window remains stationary. "Seriously?"

[ "Yeah, we're all in something called the [ "Lobby." ] something, something, yep it's crowded, look." ] Peter talks in rapid motion, the pauses not feeling like pauses at all as he moves around the crowded place he's in, zig-zagging around. Occasionally hearing amazed words from people, and seeing confused faces along the way.


[13:33] [January 7, 1 AET]

[Lobby, U.T.O.P.I.A Dimension]

"Yeah, we're all in something called the [ "Lobby." ] something, something," Peter happily tries to describe his chaotic surroundings, seeing people in different colors, races, and apperances walking, talking to anyone.

"yep, it's crowded, look." Peter answers seeing his friend's confused, stammering face on the floating window on his peripheral vision, as he drags the window's camera around showing his face and as he looks around seeing unbelievable, gravity defying architecture around him.


"O-oh my God! I can walk, I-I can WALK!"

"Ma? MA! I can see! I can SEE!"

"Oh my God, Tommy, h-how what's happening? A-aren't you in S-tates?"

"Je-jesus what's happening, did I die? DID I DIE!?"

"M-my Legs! O-oh my God!! My Legs! They're here! THEY'RE HERE!"


Peter looks behind him at the giant, huge Pillar of Light he just came out of earlier as he keeps seeing multiple heart-warming, confused, and shock scenes, not just behind him but all around him as people keeps pouring out of that damn Pillar of Light.

[ "Pete, h-how, I wanna be there, that looks so cool." ] Ned nerds out through Peter's window's as Peter keeps looking around, seeing multiple unbelievable architecture feats.

An floating huge mall a hundread feet above his head. A giant food court floating in thr void on his right, and a giant park with an statue of an frail looking teen holding an Axe on his shoulder not faraway. Now, Peter couldn't any of it properly because 1: it was so far away, and 2: because everything is dynamic, people constantly moves around, and yeah, this place is huge but there are tons of people here.

"I-I don't know Ned, I don't know," Peter absentmindedly answered back as he looks in front of him, seeing an huge crowd, all looking at an giant floating sign-like structure saying [ "Plants Vs Zombies" ] with vines covering it.

Peter scoots over and walks towards the buzzing crowd, zig-zaging his way through everyone to look at what's going on. Occasionally hitting someone on the way, because, surprisingly he doesn't have his spider-sense, what an surprise.

"S-sorry, coming through, sorry, move please." Peter, in shock sees an huge platform, and placed in that huge platform is an huge portal-like structure; curved with stone materials, with steps leading to the portal, the portal seemingly not being lit, as an invisible barrier stops people from moving to the steps.

Which seemingly sparks their curiosity in it, starting an conversation, which Peter could eavesdrop on with multiple people joining in the discussion adding ideas.

"This, this has to be Heaven, and that," An white, caucasian male no older than 30s points at the unlit portal, "that has to be God's domain." which earns him an slap in the head by someone else.

"How'd you gonna explain that huge sign right their, Einstein?" By an girl, shorter than him by a few meters and an bossy tone, and bossy appearance with her curly hair to boot. "I, I mean, could be writen in an ancient language or something?"

"That don't make sense." An dark skinned folk whispered to himself, in an disbelief kind of tone, causing everyone to look at him. "I'm Atheist, that's impossible, I-I couldn't be in Heaven."


"God works in mysterious ways." Silence for a few seconds before an old lady not far-away from them spoke up, "That... That works." as someone in the crowd chime in, with others nodding as well.

"Dadgummit! Aliens, I reckon! Seen 'em with both my dang eyes: green skin, them lines on their faces, wearin' human clothes, I tell ya. Ain't no doubt, it's them dadgum aliens for sure!" An hillbilly looking folk said out loud, rambling on and on about aliens as people slowly focus on him, getting center stage.

Before they could think about what the hillbilly was saying, "Uh, guys, hear me out." Peter finally spoke up, getting people's attentions on him; even the hillbilly. "W-what if, like, we accidentally quantum-leaped to another universe through our phones? I-I mean, it's theoretically possible, right? Like, parallel dimensions and stuff?"

Peter stammers trying to complete his sentence, causing him to look at the floor in shyness, and after his tirade finally looks up at the people's faces, "I mean, it's possible."

The crowd fell into a hushed murmur, contemplating Peter's unexpected theory. The hillbilly scratched his head, mumbling something about aliens having fancy phones, and something. Meanwhile, the curly-haired girl smirked, impressed by the nerdy twist in the conversation.

As people exchanged speculative glances, the dark-skinned guy spoke up again, "Parallel dimensions? Quantum-leaping? I guess it's as good an explanation as any." The diverse group started nodding in agreement, the unlit portal now becoming a symbol of mystery rather than divinity.

Ned, still watching through Peter's floating window, couldn't contain his excitement. [ "Dude, this is like a real-life game! A game designer system or something!" ] He blurted out, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm through the window.

Peter, gaining confidence, continued, "Exactly, Ned! Maybe this is some kind of virtual reality experiment. We're all players in a massive game, and that portal is our next level or quest!"

Amidst the discussions, the old lady chimed in again, "Well, if this is a game, I hope they have good rewards!" Her sentiment resonated with the group, and soon, an air of adventure replaced the initial confusion.

As people continued to explore and share their theories, a sense of camaraderie emerged among the inhabitants of this strange dimension. They may not have understood how they got there, but the prospect of an epic adventure united them in anticipation.

Little did they know that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges, discoveries, and a game that transcended anything they had ever imagined. The unlit portal stood as a mysterious gateway, inviting them to venture into the unknown realms of the U.T.O.P.I.A Dimension.

Not realizing the true chaos that we're to unfold whenever a certain someone were to finally wake up.

"Wait, did that video just talk?"


DaoOfCopyingcreators' thoughts