
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

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37 Chs

[ Chapter IX: "God, Pretend." ]

[ Chapter IX: "God, Pretend" ]

[ Volume I: "Game Entertainment System." ]

[13:49] [January 7, 1 AET]

[Lobby, PvZ Portal, U.T.O.P.I.A Dimension]

One of the folks who watched everything besides Peter asked the crowd, "Guys, w-what's happening?" tapping the glass-like barrier in front of them, that stopped showing what's happening to Ned, and Pea Pea.

"I-I, I don't know," Peter answers back while looking at his window, the same window he used to be in call with Ned through the challenge he'd face, but the same said window is now only showing static, and not Ned.

"Is Ned gonna be alright?" One of the bystanders, the caucassian atheist folk voiced he's thoughts out loud for everyone to hear, echoing the feeling that everyone's feeling, as a few nods and looks at Peter.

But one person in the back, the same one that been loudly voicing out his thought asked the really important question, "Better yet, how's Pea Pea?!" which got more people riled up and worry more.

Peter looks back, worry evident on his face about to clarify, and calm others down, "I-" but before he could say something, the portal, the one that is shaded in the color green, and the one that they've been using to watch everything that been going through, suddenly, glow.

Pulsing, and glowing more green as the seconds pass by, more green, greener until it completely turns into an much lighter shade of green; causing the people near the Portal to back away, with a few people assisting the elderly, and kids to back away, oh yeah, the Hillbilly is there too.


"B-back away everyone,"

"We're gonna die!"

"Zombies are coming!"

"No, idiot, don't make it worse."


One of the guy's at the front got backhanded in the back of his head by the short girl beside him, causing him to groan a little bit, "Sorry." as the light from the shield thing pulses more.

"T-this, isn't good." Peter said to everyone, as a few of the guys ran away and get to safety, some even went back to the Hub, at the giant pillar of light, and a few accidentally hit new incoming players, face first.

Peter balled his fist, preparing for an fight, as the others watches in horror as the barrier, the same barrier which stopped them from entering the Zombie infested world which is in their arms reach, cracks, cracking noises could be heard as the cracks slowly expands and envelopes the whole barrier.

As everyone watches the barrier-portal thing in horror, with Peter preparing his stance, breathing in and out, preparing for an fight. As the thing finally breaks, topples down, first starting with the top causing an echo that broke it until the barrier was completely destroyed, leaving green fragments of the barrier behind.

Which leaves Ned, and Pea Pea in arm, both right behind where the barrier once stood, "Hi?" Ned shyly waves as Pea Pea jumps around in delight, growing slightly bigger than before; a few minutes ago.


[13:58] [January 7, 1 AET]

[Garden Caffè, PvZ World, U.T.O.P.I.A Dimension]

"So basically, you're Stream thing, stop Streaming and you were teleported here?" Peter asks Ned who's sitting in front of him, "Yah." stuffing his face with garden-themed foods.

"Ned, s-so," Peter stammers before continuing, "h-how? What? W-why weren't you, you know teleported to the [ "Lobby" ] like the rest of us?" he finished as multiples people, and plants outside interact with one another.

"So is their really an God?" he asks himself, as he zips from his footy Pea themed shake, "Probably," Ned answers, not before gulping all of his food down, "I, I mean, you have Spider powers. I have Video Game powers, so, probably." he adds before eating his sunflower theme cake.

"Huh, I, I always really thought it was all scientific you know, Spider Powers from an Radioactive Spider sort of science." Peter finishes all in one breath before slicing down his mushroom themed cake, as Ned nods all along. "Me and you, Brother. Me and you." As he thumps his own chest.

Peter smirks at this, as he focuses and eat his cake, trying not to worry about everything too much, and chill for now. Unbeknownst to them the chaos, the good kind of chaos that would unfold around their lives! Starting now.


[ "Is this thing on?! OH, HELLO! HELLO, HELLO, HELLO!!! Too loud? Sorry about that..." ]

An floating window, hologram, video styled window in an office-like place with an person being in the center of the video suddenly appeared, "Pete?" Ned stops midway from completely swallowing his cake, "Yeah, I can see it."

Peter answers back as he watches the man in the video mess with some sort of floating settings, and as he fumbles around. Looking across the table Peter can see that Ned also has an window, both windows having suddenly appear to their right.

[ "This better? I mean, HI! I'm God," ]

The "God" in the video could be seen wearing an dark robe, not cultist type, or pedophile type of robe, no, but instead an long one. The type of which an Old Wise Wizard would wear, but this one looks young, young, but looks older and more tired compare to Peter.

"God, is... this?" Peter could hear Ned whisper something to himself, as he notices people, Plants, and Zombiesin his peripheral vision either being confused, excited like the Plants, or nonchalant like the Zombies that goes through their day like normal.

[ "But not that God God, but God! Of this Universe? Oh, Dimension your in," ]

The person calling himself "God" in the video did an double take, hands waving around in the air to form gestures that is appropriate with what he's saying, "W-wait God exist in our universe?" Peter thoughts to himself as he listens to the guy in the video.

[ "the Plants, the Zombies, ohh and everything, I've created for FUNNN!" ]

As an holographic image of multiples Plants, and Zombies Ned, and Peter had, and had not seen before appear onto "God's" palm, all disappearing when he closed his palm, and sat down at the throne-like chair behind him, made out of wood.

[ "Anddd because I'm bored, was. Still, bored, but yeah, Surprise." ]

"This guy created Pea Pea," Peter questions himself, "how the hell?" and so does Ned. As the "God" in their windows looks tired, lazy, and sighting at himself, before continuing.

[ "And, oh, I wanna congratulate Player One! Ned Leeds for completing the first mission," ]

As an image of Ned opening the barrier-portal thing appears in the window, holding Pea Pea, which is now playing outside with other Plants, and people.

"Yoooooowww, that's me!" Peter hears Ned says in excitement as he sees a few people looking at them, at Ned specially outside the window.

[ "and oh, because of that the Plants vs Zombie game would now be available for everyone to play," ]

The fun, birthday happy-like tone the "God" presented that caused Ned, and Peter to shiver a little bit, "Nope, not happening." as Ned flashbacks to those horrific memories at that time, like it's Vietnam to him.

[ "And oh, don't worry, if you die here you don't die die, you just respawn like in the games." ]

But thankfully "God" in the feed senses, or quickly realizes what they feel about the PvZ Game changes tone, and clarify a few things, like death.

[ "And thank you, thank you, thank you! For the first one thousand players that is here, yeah, HERE right now. Don't worry, I'll immortalize you all in an giant plaque somewhere... I think in the Lobby's Plaza?" ]

"God" pauses here and their, moves around, expression changing here and there but talking like an snake oil salesman so everything he's saying sounds very, very quick for Peter and Ned, who are shell shock about everything they've been told, and hadn't process the information yet.

[ "That's all, and see you next time, BYEEEE-!!" ]


As ths feed, and so does the window that just suddenly appeared dissappear, leaving an confused, amazed, and scientifically, magically confused Ned, Peter, and 998 more Players behind.


DaoOfCopyingcreators' thoughts