
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

devthakar · Khác
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10 Chs

Car Heist

"Run Will…Run!!!" Martha yelled while running and somehow they were able to cover most of the gap as Raby landed on every edge of the petal, inches away from falling into the spikes. Will and Martha pull Raby towards the other side. William hugs Raby tightly, "oh brother i am glad you are safe!! I think we are in hell!!". "Are you sure? I am glad you are fine too and well i thought you bailed on me but you did not and" As Raby pats Will´s back as he walks towards Martha and hugs her weirdly. " hey, i was so worried and i am glad you are okay" Martha hugs him back, "oh Raby!! I missed you". "After this long time she still smells like jasmine" Raby slowly whispers to himself. "What Raby?. "Oh nothing." Raby quickly takes his arms off from Martha.

"Anyways, what is this place?" Raby said while looking around. "It is hell. I do not know whether God is punishing us or testing us but he loves us." William added. "Oh stop it man.. Only way to find out about this place is by checking it out." Raby said. "We can pull this petal and slide down one by one while one person holds it tightly." Martha said. "Okay.. let's do it. Martha you first. I and William will hold the petals." Raby replied. "No. Will will go first since he is injured." Martha answered and Raby nodded. "Okay Will, ready?Slow and easy." While holding down the petal strongly, Martha chuckles and says, "hey Raby, i heard what you said dumbo. Thanks for the compliment and you do smell terribly like some weirdly horrible odor which is worse than Mr.Kapoor's fart". "When I was in the cave, a spider got mashed into my back because I fell down on my back." Raby replied back with a chuckle. "Ewww…" Martha laughed. Raby got lost into the smile, laughter and in the beauty of Martha for a moment. "Raby.. hey Raby come on. God's child is waiting down." Martha shaked Raby lightly. "Oh yes for sure. Now I am gonna hold this petal tight and you slide it down." lost Raby replied. "And what about you? How will you come?". "I will, jump since I am tall so it should be fine." "Are you sure?". "Yes, don't worry, '' Raby replied. Martha lends down and after that Raby safely lands down on his feet.


"Okay so i just asked Jessica and she said that Mr.Kapoor is resting now and we will leave the premises at 19:30 and now the time is 16;00. I have the plan ready. That is, let's just get the hell outta here!!" excitedly Lucy presented her brilliant master plan. Frank replies after giving sarcastic claps, "Well my sweet bunny, it is not that easy. First of all we need to get the car key right before leaving because we cannot stay here in the hotel after getting the key. We cannot leave now because the sun is still up and the chances of us busting our ass in prison is high. So here is my plan. Our bus is parked in the same parking lot so we have to make sure that our timings don't clash. Sun should be down by 19:00 by then I will head to the staff room to grab the key and I don't know how much time it will take. If we are lucky then we can leave before the school group arrives and if not then you have to stall them for a bit till I do not find the key." "How will I know when you will be done or not?" Lucy asked. Frank replies with confidence, "It won't take time." Lucy gets a little skeptical but agrees to the plan.

*AT 19:00 PM*

According to the plan, Raby goes to the staff room while Lucy has to hide in the parking lot for 25 minutes and if not then stall Mr.Kapoor and Ms.Perry for a while. "Okay heist time is on! Benjamin, where are you? As he starts to scan the cabinets". "After a few minutes he finally finds the cabinet. "Oh jackpot!!" Frank finds the key in a few minutes. "¿Quién está ahí?(who is there?)" The housekeeper enters and sees Frank who was about to leave the room. As she recognised Frank from the elevator incident. She angrily reacts, " ay eres tu ¿por qué estás aquí? Esto es privado y los invitados no pueden venir aquí (oh it 's you. Why are you here? this is private and guests are not allowed to come here)". "Frank replies with a nervous smile, "No español darling". "Llamaré a mi manager ahora mismo. se supone que no deberías estar aquí (I Will call my manager right now. you are not supposed to be here). "No no darling. No Manager." as Frank stops the Housekeeper.

There was a huge language barrier as this could ruin the whole plan. Frank expresses by pointing at her face while mimicking a kiss while saying, "you have a pretty lovely face." Housekeeper was still pissed off. Frank slowly offers his hand to her and she gives her hand while being hesitated and confused. Frank slowly pulls her and puts his one arm around her waist and starts to slow- dance while humming the music of "You are so beautiful by Joe Cocker." Housekeeping Lady was not into it for a brief moment but after that she let herself fall into Frank´s deep eyes while dancing.

*AT 19;27 *

"Fuck i gotta stall them now." Hidden Lucy runs towards the hotel lobby. "Hey lovebirds come on. Lets go" Mr.kapoor was knocking on the door of Frank and Lucy's room.

"Hello Mr.Kapoor!!" Lucy walks towards Mr.Kapoor. "Oh you are ready? That is perfect and where is Frank we are leaving now." As Lucy hugs Mr.Kapoor, "Oh, MR.Kapoor I am so glad you are okay. I was so worried about you". Lucy said with fake tears. "Oh yes Lucy i am good thank you and I did not know that you cared for me that deeply." an uncomfortable Kapoor replied. "You have no idea how much I care about you in the whole world." Lucy said after trying to bear the pain she got from the smell of the fart. "That is nice Lucy." Mr.Kapoor slowly pushes away the Lucy who was grabbing him like a Koala hugging the tree trunk. "Let's go and where is Frank by the way?" Lucy starts to panic but soon she gets her control back and replies, "oh he will come soon, he is using the toilet i think. Anyways can i tell you one fun fact about Kerryswille?" Lucy said while trying hard to buy more time for Frank.

"See Lucy, i don´t know since when you became so polite and talkative especially with me but we don't have time but okay just one fun fact." "So you know in United States the legal drinking age is 21 but in Kerryswille it is 17. This bill was passed by Mayor Sir Devin Thakans in 1950 April 11 by presenting the argument that if you can go to the army, you can buy arms and you can smoke by age of 18 then why you have to wait till 21 for alcohol. I learned from the wine-making class and well I love to make home-made wines-" Mr. Kapoor Cuts off Lucy and says, "I am sorry Lucy it is already 19:40. Get Frank and let's roll". Lucy replies, "Yes sir. Just a minute I will call him."


Frank was still slow-dancing as she was so much enjoying it and could not stop, "oh fuck i am getting late… I am dancing to the 5th Spanish song now! Unbelievable! "while the lady kept humming the Spanish song. Now Frank had to do something so he slowly started to move towards the empty closet while doing the dance steps. As soon as he reaches the closet, he twists her around quickly and pushes her into the closet. He quickly grabs a nearby chair to hold the doors of the closet. "Sorry, Darling!! I will love you forever!!" Frank ran towards the car and the lady kept bashing the door while screaming. He quickly starts the car and starts to honk constantly. Panicked Lucy runs towards the window and sees Frank. As she ran out of the room. "What happened? Lucy, wait.." Mr.Kapoor ran behind her. Frank drives the car to the main entrance. Lucy runs as quickly as possible, "My stomach oh god." The whole school group with Ms. Perry sees her in the hotel. "Come on Babe…" Frank gave her hand in the car and drove away with maximum gas. As he could see Kapoor, Perry and other students from the side-view mirror. "What the hell took you so long?!! Idiot, I think my water broke." Lucy replied in pain. "Baby you are probably 2 weeks pregnant and we still do not have exact confirmation." "whatever. What took you so long?" Lucy asked after she started to feel a little better. Frank explained his situation by concluding "Anyways, that housekeeping lady got horny I think after a while." "Join the club" As Lucy Chuckled.