
Chapter 5- The Return

John and his teammates are transported to earth. John woke up and is now hearing an angry voice calling him.

"John! John! John wake up!"


"Stop sleeping in my class!"

It appears that John was sleeping in his class and was caught by his teacher.

"I'm sorry teacher."

"If you want to sleep, go to your home!"

"Thanks teach, bye!"

"Come back here! Class isn't over yet!"

John left the classroom and he is now heading towards the grocery store.

"I need to stock up on supplies and meet up with my lil sis and the others."

John enters the grocery store, holding his bank card.

"Good morning! How may I help you?"

"Ummm... Can I ask a question?"

"Ask away."

"How much is this store worth?"

"About 50 million dollars including the land, building and products."

"Can I buy it? I will pay using my bank card."

"You can't. You need permission from the store owner."

"Then call him and tell him that I'm willing to pay 75 million dollars."

"Right away sir."

The cashier calls his manager and his manager allowed John to buy his grocery store.

"Thanks for the quick response!"


"Can I have the ownership of this store?"

"Okay. Here's the ownership title."


John left the grocery store and then he points his finger towards the grocery. He then shouts "store" and the grocery store was then stored in his storage ring. John is now running towards the park to meet up with the others. Five minutes later, he arrived in the park. He saw his teammates including Harry, Raymond, Rick, Steve, Aqua, Dark, Blaze, Light, Skye, Mark, Sherrie, Alice and her lil sis, Raphina.

"Hey guys, I'm here!"

"Look who showed up!"

"You're late bro!"

"Sorry. Do you know how much time it takes to buy a grocery store?! I need to ask the owner, negotiate for the price(I didn't negotiate with the price since I'm frickin loaded with money.) And then receive the ownership of the store and you expected me to be fast!"

"Sorry bro, Chill..."

"Sorry. I lost my temper."

"It's ok. Btw, where's the store?"

"In my storage ring."

"I thought you said that we can't use our artifacts?"

"We can't use all of our artifacts except for storage ring since if it's not working, then all of our stuff will be removed."

"Makes sense."

"So what are we going to do?"

"I will ask Harry to buy a five star hotel."


"Will they agree bro?"

"Yes, just tell them you're loaded and willing to buy the hotel for 1 billion."

"So you mean I will need to act like a rich prodigal's son?"

"Yes. Good luck bro!"

"Bye bro!"

"Bye! And make it quick!"

"Okay listen up! We will split into three teams. We will do trio leveling. We all will wait for the apocalypse at my house and we will reinforce my house with barricades and traps. Any questions?"

"I have a question?"

"What is it?"

"Can we bring our parents?"

"Yes but they must be willing to believe us that the end of the world is coming."

"Okay. Thank you for allowing me to do that."

"So are we good now?"


"Then let's head to my house!"

John his teammates are now heading to his house. What will await them? Find out in the next part.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading my story and please don't forget to like, share and follow me if you like my novel and comment down below on what you think I should do to improve it!