
(One Piece) Start Of A New Jounrey

Not all Heroes are good and not all Villains are evil, the world is filled with hypocrites and liars. People will lie to get money, wealth and fame. They will do the such heinous acts all for a coin of gold. In a world filled with such atrocities, A young boy sets out for his adventure. An adventure to find the greatest treasure of all, to find the One Piece

AnAverageWriter · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

The Salvador Family.

Lee had made his way out of the Black Market and was now walking around the streets of Hallywopd kingdom.

Lee could feel his stomach rumbling so he knew that what he needed right now was food. 'Man where are the restaurants in this place.' Lee put his hand on his stomach as he continued to search the kingdom.

During his search he saw a couple shady things happening in the place, people were robbing eachother and he was sure he had seen a drug deal happening.

'Man this place has bad security.' Lee said as he watched another person being robbed from afar.

"Should I help him?" Lee asked himself while looking at the man being robbed infront of him inside an alley.

'Fine.' He thought after a few seconds.

Lee made his way to the two people.

"Please Help me." The man being robbed said.

"Hey brat if I were you I'd get out of here as fast as possible." The robber a women holding a gun said.

"Nah I don't think so." Lee said while looking at the two.

"Kid this is the matter of the Salvador Family, If you go now, I'll let you live." She said with annoyance.

"Who the hell are the Salvador family?" Lee asked in confusion.

"You don't know the Salvador Family, I guess I know why you're so cocky now." The woman said while chuckling.

"Well kid the Salvador family is the Tenth largest Crime Family in all of West Blue, since you're so cocky I'll show you why you shouldn't mess with us." The woman said threateningly.

During the time they were talking the man being robbed had ran off into the distance while screaming that he'd call for gaurds.

"Now look at that, you let my target go. How are you gonna compensate for that." The women said while sighing.

"Maybe a few organs should pay for it." The women said while grinning.

"Yeah I don't think I'll be giving you an organ." Lee said.

"Well I guess I'll have to force you to give them." The woman raised her gun and pointed it at Lee.


The woman shot the gun as the bullet zoomed towards Lee.

At that momen something changed in Lee's eyes, his eyes dilated and time seemed to slow down for him.

His eyes looked at bullet , the bulled had the speed of a man walking towards Lee.

With a tilt of his head the bullet passed by Lee. His eyes became normal again and time started to move on at normal speeds.

"The Hell." Before the woman could manage to utter something else she was punched right in the jaw by Lee.

Her head flew backwards as she held her dislocated jaw. Lee followed his puch with a kick to her stomach and finally he knocked her out with a spinning kick.

"That was easy." He said to himself with a smile.

Lee started to walk off but was suddenly stopped when the man from earlier ran in the alley.

"She's he-." The man stopped talking as he saw the woman laying on the ground knocked out and Lee standing besides her.

Another man came into the alley and Lee recognised him. "Hey it's you." Lee said while looking at the cowboy.

"Why do you have to get into trouble so much?" He asked while sighing.

"Hey I helped a man from getting shot." Lee told him.

"You can go now sir." The cowboy ignored Lee and told the man next to him to leave.

"Now you, what the hell do you think while doing stunts like these?" He said while turning his head to Lee.

"What, I was helping people." Lee replied with annoyance.

"The gaurds are here for a reason kid, don't try to be a hero in place where there is no need for one." The man said with disdain.

"What place doesn't need a hero?" Lee asked curiously.

"You are naive, the world isn't the rainbow you think it is, only a fool would ever want to be a hero." He replied.

"What about the marines, aren't they the heroes." Lee said.

"Don't make me laugh, those dogs are only good at pleasuring those damn nobles and the World Government." He said with anger.

"Hey, you don't really like the marines do you." Lee said while smiling.

"So what if I don't." He said with anger. "You're gonna rat me out?"

"Of course not, you know we're quite similar. I don't like the marines either, so what do you why not join my crew." Lee said while extending his hand.

"PFFFT.. HHHAAHHHAAAHAHAAHHHA." The man burst into laughter as he heard Lee.

"You.. a pirate, don't make me laugh." He said while wiping the tears off his eyes.

"Hey I'm not lying though." Lee told him in anger.

"Whatever you say." The man said while still smiling.

"You're one of those who want to be the Pirate King right?" The man asked with a grin.

"No I'm not, and even if I was what's wrong with people dreaming." Lee said with annoyance.

"Oh really and what is your dream?" He asked.

"I WANT TO FREE THE WORLD." Lee screamed out.

"HAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA." The man burst out lauging once again.

"WHY, WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME." Lee said in anger.

"Oh. don't. take it too hardly. it's just that it's pretty funny. you think you could free the world. Oh and also who are you going to free them from." The man said in between breaths from laughing so much.

"You're making me angry, really angry." Lee said while calming down.

"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it?" The man mocked him.

Hearing enough of his taunting Lee punched the man in the face who dodged it. "Hey kid calm down." The man said.

"DON'T YOU EVER MOCK MY DREAM AGAIN." Lee started to punch the man.

The man started to dodge the punches and Lee stepped back. He jumped in the air hit the man's right arm with a spinning kick.

"Oye calm down before I hurt you." The man said as he grabbed his right arm.

"I'd like to see you try." Lee said with anger as he started to punch the man.

"Fine. You asked for it." The man tilted to dodge Lee's punch. He threw a punch of his own and hit him on the gut.

Lee stepped back after the punch to his gut as he lost a bit of his breath.

However he didn't get any time to rest as another punch came to his face.

Lee didn't have any time to react as the punch was right infront of his face.

However like before his pupil dialated as time began to slow down.

Lee pushed the punch away, and time moved on.

"Oh you blocked that." The man said in shock.

"Don't underestimate me." Lee said as he punched the man on the face.

The man stepped back as he barley dodged the punch, before he could react he saw a boot infront of his face.

The man went flying to a wall as blood started to come out of his face.

The man got up and wiped the blood on his face.

"You have no idea what you have done." The man said threateningly.

The two rushed each other as they threw punches after punches.

Unbeknownst to the two, The third person in the alley had reagined consciousness and had managed to sneak off.

A Few Hour Later.

Both Lee and the man were exhausted from all the damage they had done to each other.

Lee had a broker nose which had blood coming out of it and many more cuts on his whole face. While the man had a broken arm and a fractured rib.

"What the hell are you made off?" Lee asked in confusion as he saw the man getting up again and again.

"I could say the same thing for you." The man replied while huffing.

"Anyway let's stop this, at the rate we are going this is gonna get both of us killed." The man said while grabbing his arm in pain.

"Sounds like an excuse to run away." Lee said while staring at him.

"You know your pretty strong, which is quite the contarary to how how you act." The man said as he ignore Lee's previous statement.

"The name's Leonidas by the way." He said with a smile and started to walk off.

However before he could go anywhere far he was stopped by the apperance of two men towering him, between the was a small fat man.

Behind the three was a group of over hundred people.

"Well Well Well, If it isnt Leonidas, The Descendant Of Hercules, is that what they called you. Well it really doesn't matter, you really must be quite stupid since you tried to stop an entire army with only a hundred men." The fat man said with a grin.

Leonidas upon hearing the man mocking him seethed in anger. "SHUT IT YOU FAT PIG." He said while clenching his fist.

"What. Did. You. Say?" The fat man asked.

"A Fat Pig, it's honestly a fitting title for you." Lee replied while grinning.

"Men, kill them both." The fat man oredered the group behind him.