
(old version) Spirit - The Sage Of The Iris

Kazuki, who has always lived alone with his master, will have to face multiple tragedies that will turn his life upside down in this world filled with magic, martial arts, corruption and lies. During his adventure he will have a series of encounters and separations, guiding him until he discovers who he really is. (this is an old version. Read the one not labeled "old version" as this one will be discontinued. Some chapters will be reworked and maybe split in two or more after developpement)

DrDrackoAlasdair · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
29 Chs


Light filters lazily through a window of a little bedroom. The bedroom is modest, having only a bed, with a blue sheet, on the right side of the room, opposed to a wooden closet and a mirror. Next to the bed, there is a library full of books talking about animals or gathering different fairy tales. The walls are navy blue, absorbing the brightness of the light brought by the window… Outside of this room, the echoes of laughter can be heard. In the corridor, a young boy passed by the door while running. By his juvenile appearance, he seems to be around 10 years old. His short hairs are of a silver-like gray. His eyes, of the same colors, brighten with youth like metal shine under the sun. Like an answer to his laugh, an old looking man chases after the kid, visibly angry. The elder man's hair looks like the kid's, however his hair is long and tied in a braid running through his back.

The youngling is wearing white kimono stained with black spots. His fits are covered in mud. The old man try to make him take a bath. The kid has been playing outside after it rained but refused to take a bath afterwards, leading to this chase. 

 "- Kazuki, come back here! You must wash yourself! It's not the time to play!" 

-Catch me, Master! Or else I won't take a bath!"

The laughter of the young boy keep to resonate in the empty corridor. The wooden floor is covered in mud as the chase progresses. The child, named Kazuki, turns right into a room that unfortunately happens to be the bathroom. There is no way out. His master block the exit. A basin of water is already there, ready for him to take a bath. In an attempt to sneak in, Kazuki slips due to his dirty feet. He landed in the basin of water, the exact opposite of what he wanted to do.

"- Hey Master, it's not fair! 

-It'll teach you to listen to your elders. Now, clean yourself. 

-But you didn't catch me, so I won!" 

The master lets Kazuki strut around the Domain after giving him a proper bath. He watches as the boy proclaims loud and clear that he is better than his master.

"I beat Master Yi! I'm the best! I am stronger than Master Yi!"

A smile flashes across the old man's face as he sees the child laughing out loud. Its echo fills the space of the deserted domain. This laugh, which he never ceases to hear day after day, sounds like the most beautiful harmony to the master's ears. The day goes by as the child gets tired. The Old Tian-Han watches the sun set down beyond the domain's walls. Kazuki sit to his master's left and, from the fatigue of running all day long, rests his head against the old man to slowly fall asleep. 

Then comes the night, slowly settling over the Yi domain. The sky has never been clearer, revealing its beauty to the starhunters and other dreamers looking up at the purplish canopy. Kazuki too looks at the stars, from his bedroom window. The sparkles illuminating the skies make the eyes of the admiring child shine, reflecting a perfect image as in a clear lake. He would like to be able to touch these lights. They seem so close but yet so far. The concept is still complex for him. He stretches out his hands in an attempt to catch the stars, but it's only the coolness of the night breeze that comes to greet his palm with a kiss on his bare palm. 

Suddenly, a door opens behind him as Kazuki leans over to try to catch the sky. The old master then sees the child topple over and slowly move from the floor of the room to the void beyond the window. He's running to catch him, but he's not fast enough. As a golden aura surrounds his body, he immediately disappears. At the same time, a golden hand appears on the edge of the window. It emerges from a bubble of the same color over the void, in which Tian-Han holds Kazuki tightly. The little one clings even tightlier to his master's clothes in which he hides his face. He's rigid, the fear of the fall that has happened paralyzing him. The master brings them back into the room. He feels Kazuki slightly shake against him, crying on his Kimono. 

"-Sorry Master.. I just wanted to.. I just wanted to catch the stars..

" -Kazuki... I was so scared.. Please don't go to the edge of the window anymore.

- I'l' be careful, Master. I'll be careful, I promise!" 

- Very well, then. It's time for you to go to sleep. Good night, Kazuki."

Kazuki fell asleep from exhaustion. A sweet thought envelops him as his calm breathing indicates a deep sleep. His subconscious gives him a feeling of warmth. 

He is lying in the grass of a meadow, facing the sky, and the sun's rays touch his skin, in a soft and pleasant touch. The grass, still damp, cools the atmosphere around him by tickling the skin that his gray kimono lets show. The wind swept away his hair, which had grown long, and caressed his face. He could have stayed here for an eternity. He feels like time in this dream is passing just like it would have in real life. How long has it been since he closed his eyes? He doesn't care. The gentle caresses of the wind, the moist touches of the weary grass, and the warm gaze of the sun told him that nothing more pleasant awaited him. Then, as if called, he gets up and turns to the wood just to his right. He doesn't see anything. However, a whistling of the wind caused him to hear distant words. A voice keeps repeating the same thing, and the whistling becomes audible words "Kazuki! Kazuki! Kazuki! Wake up!" That voice is that of an old man. He doesn't know who it belongs to, and then like a stone thrown at his head, it comes back to him. He doesn't know who it belongs to, and then like a stone thrown at his head, it comes back to him. This old man is his master calling him and waiting for him. He hastens to get out of this dream by leaving this "body". He then wakes up on his master shaking him by the shoulders. Next to him is a tray filled with breakfast for Kazuki.