"So? Who is it? Is it that Selina girl?" I asked.
He nodded his head, "Y-Yeah, it is."
Sota sat down on my bean bag chair and nearly sunk in. He sighed and looked out towards my balcony door.
"So, how did you and Yaoyorozu meet, sir?" Sota questioned.
"Oh! Well, we... Uhm... It's quite a bit to explain! We met last year right as I got to Japan. She was trying to stop this weirdo in a huge robot from destroying a bank and I saved her. It's hard to believe that was almost 2 years ago now!" I explained.
Momo nodded in agreement, "Yeah, then we finally saw one another here at U.A. We both got in by recommendation, he didn't realize who I was until after the first day of school! And, well, everything else is history."
"I see... So, was it easy for you to tell her how you felt?" Sota asked.
"Well, I actually didn't have to say a whole lot. Momo's the one that asked me, but if I were in her shoes, I'd say it probably would be a bit harder to do than what you think!" I told him.
I offered to help him out at lunch tomorrow after class, Sota left my room through the balcony door. My room door opened and Shoto stood in my doorway.
"Alyx, I have a question," He said, "Nobody in the dorms would do it with me, but I figured you'd like to."
I tilted my head a bit, "What is it?"
"A Soba eating contest. Nobody has beat me yet." Shoto told me.
"Oh boy would I!?" I shouted with glee.
[The Next Day...]
At lunch today, Sota came up to me and our plan began!
"Okay, now, what you wanna do is simply walk up to her and pull her aside. Then, tell her how you feel! The worst thing that can happen is her saying, 'No', and DO NOT act all sad or mad about it. It's okay if they don't feel the same, as long as you're honest about your feelings, it'll be fine! I'll stand over here while you do your thing." I explained.
Sota nodded, he slowly walked towards Selina and I stood to the side. Kirishima walked up to me.
"Whatcha doing, bro?" He questioned.
"I'm watching a young love blossom. Maybe. Depending on their answer." I replied.
"Ooo really? Can we watch?" Kirishima grinned.
I looked behind me. Sero, Shoto, Kaminari and Hagakure were standing behind Kirishima. I turned around and noticed that Sota and Selina were gone.
"Leonidus!" Sota shouted.
He scared the hell out of me! I nearly jumped through the roof!
"G-Geez! Just tap me on the shoulder next time!" I exclaimed.
Sota was giddy with excitement, "I did it! I had to agree on something though."
"Hm? What was that?" I asked.
I heard Selina's voice from outside of the lunchroom, "SEEEENSSSSEEIIII!"
In seconds, she was in front of me with the biggest smile on her face. Sota stood next to her and it was like they both had the same look on their faces!
"Sota, c-can I talk to you in private?" I whispered.
I pulled him aside and we huddled, "What in the hell did you do?"
"She wanted to train with me but I wasn't sure what to do so I told her about our training, Sensei." Sota explained.
"What? Sensei? What does that mean?" I wondered.
Sota chuckled, "It means 'Teacher', Leonidus!"
T-Teacher?! Me?! Oh sweet fuck, just when I thought I didn't have to teach anyone else...
"Sensei! When can we start training?" Selina asked me.
I heard the others giggle and laugh.
I stood up straight, "Well, if you're wanting me to teach you things, don't expect it to be easy. I want you to be at your best, both of you, alright?"
They both nodded, "Yes, Sensei!"
[3 Hours Later...]
I stood outside of the dorms in my gym gear with Selina and Sota. I sat there and did those stretches Aoyama taught me, they actually have helped out a lot!
"Okay... Are you two ready?" I asked.
"Yes sir, Sensei!" They exclaimed in unison.
I tied a blindfold around my eyes, "Okay, first thing's first, I want the both of you to try and tag me."
"Uhm... Leonidus, why are you using a blindfold? Won't you need to see where we are?" I heard Selina question.
I smirked at them, "Trust me, I don't need my eyes to determine your location."
We stood there quietly, then I heard movement to my right and a "boing" sound. I felt the vibrations in the air change, someone was coming towards me. I stepped out of the way and heard a thud on the ground. Then, I felt something wet hit my forehead. It was coming down on top of me, I dodged out of the way and I heard a huge "THWACK" echo off the ground!
I slid off the ground and stood back up, "If this is all you've got, you both can forget about training with me."
I narrowly dodged a ball as it flew past my face, I heard it zip back towards me. I went into Mode One and ran, jumping off of the ground and surrounding trees. Selina's ball was still following me! I didn't think she could make tracking balls!? It rammed right through the tree I jumped off of, I heard a vine crack in front of me, it wrapped around my legs and pulled me towards it. I felt two hands go towards my face, I smirked and slammed myself into the ground, ducking under their hands. They fell forward, I guess I got cocky though, because they fell onto me! I took my blindfold off and laughed.
"Nice! I guess I got a bit cocky at the finish there." I laughed as I sat back up.
"Does that mean I can train with you?" Selina eagerly asked.
I nodded at her, "Of course! I just said those things to get you guys pumped!"
Twinkles surrounded them, "REALLY?!"
"Good grief... Yes, really." I sighed.
[20 Minutes Later...]
After I gave them both a training regimen, I walked back inside of the dorms. There was nobody in the common room, where was everyone? I sniffed the air; the familiar smell of lavender tea filled the air. I followed the smell up to Momo's room. I opened her door and peered in from the doorway. It was just a pot of freshly made lavender tea sitting on a fancy looking wooden tray on her bed. I closed the door and heard the bathroom door open.
"Oh, I didn't think you were home. Where's everybody else at?" I asked Momo.
She put her hair in a bun before responding, "Jiro and Kaminari insisted on getting dinner from this newly opened Greek Restaurant, Aoyama is catching up on his beauty sleep, Midoriya & Uraraka are studying, everyone else is over at 2-B's Dorms watching a movie."
"Ah, okay." I replied.
"Also, I need to show you something." Momo continued.
I followed her into her room, "Notice anything... abnormal?"
I looked around her room, everything seemed fine to me, except for the pot of tea. A bed is kind of an odd place for the tea to be sitting.
"Well, that tea pot seems kind of out of place." I responded.
She shook her head, "No, not that, this!"
She pointed to her balcony door. There was something taped to the outside of the door. I walked over and opened the door and ripped the thing off. It looked like a box of some sort, whatever was inside of it was surprisingly heavy! I set it down on her bed and we both looked at it.
"How much do you wanna bet it's a bomb?" I joked.
Momo smacked the back of my head, "Don't say that! The last thing we need to worry about is some sort of serial bomber."
I rubbed the back of my head and noticed that the box had a keyhole. I created an Overdrive Blade to pick the lock. After a couple of minutes and a lot of "Fucking damn its" from me, I finally picked the lock!
"Got it!" I shouted out.
Momo got close to me and I opened the box. Inside, there was... HPSC documents? I looked over at Momo, she was just as confused as I was!
"What in the world? These are from the Hero Public Safety Commission. Who brought this here?" Momo wondered.
We read through the documents; they all were about the Quartet Girls. They were members of the Hero Public Safety Commission? But how? They're villains, right?
I shook my head, "No, this can't be right. How would the Quartet Girls be members of the HPSC? None of this makes sense."
"Wait, look at this!" Momo exclaimed.
I glanced over at the document she was holding, it talked about transactions of chloroform and something labeled, "ARTI. ITEMS, ID: 506." The seller was none other than the former president herself, she sold them to Doe Setsuko.
"They've been working with each other ever since they first became villains. Look at the dates on their forms." Momo mentioned.
They all joined a few days after my 16th birthday. We put the documents back into the box. Momo let her hair down and I sat behind her on her bed. I combed her hair.
"So, what do you think about all of this?" Momo asked.
I sat there for a bit, "Well... It all doesn't seem right, but I guess I can't really doubt it. The HPSC was capable of pretty much anything before Mt. Lady, Hawks, and I put a stop to it. At least I hope we did."
"Hopefully, but if the Quartet Girls are members, I doubt they didn't take advantage of the President's death. Knowing them, they've already asserted themselves with the new President. Which must be why those documents were delivered here." Momo inferred.
"Good point, does that mean that...?" I was interrupted by Momo's balcony door sliding open.
Both Hawks and Mt. Lady stepped into the room!
"Sorry for dropping in, kid. I suppose you two've already went through the papers in the box?" Hawks asked.
I nodded my head, "Y-Yeah, we did. How'd you even get those documents?"
"Well, I may have done some snooping around the Commission's building and I "accidentally" stumbled upon them." Hawks winked.
"Good grief... So, what are you here for?" I questioned.
Mt. Lady piped in, "We need your guys' help. We've already talked to Eraser Head about the situation at hand, he's told us that we can take just four of you with us."
Only four of us? Must be an easy mission then.
"We've already chosen the other three, or well, Eraserhead has." Hawks told us.
They told us that alongside myself, Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto would be coming along with me. After that quick "briefing", Hawks and Mt. Lady left. I laid down on Momo's bed and stared at the ceiling.
"How did I even manage to do this? I simply could've just gone upstairs into my room and decided not to turn on the T.V. in common room. Or maybe if V.I. Vanilla wasn't such a douche we wouldn't be in this mess!" I pondered.
Momo slumped on top of me, "I guess trouble follows you wherever you go, darling."
I lightly laughed, "I guess so!"
Hopefully, whatever Hawks had planned would go smoothly, but I've got a strange feeling that it's not. Then again, whatever HAS gone smoothly?
"So, I heard you're teaching now, how's that going?" Momo giggled.
"Trust me, you wouldn't be laughing if you were thrown into 'teaching' another first year. But I have to say, it's not as bad as I expected, I'm not too keen with teaching but I think I can manage." I responded.
"Speaking of training," I continued, "I found that old Halloween costume! It still surprisingly fits, it's a bit tight, but it still fits."
She looked up, "Seriously? That is surprising, especially since you've obtained much more mass since last year."
I was about to say something until I heard Kaminari's scream. I'm not sure why, but he does that every time he walks into the dorms after he brought something back from somewhere. We got up and walked downstairs, Kaminari and Jiro brought home quite a lot of food!
"Woah, how much did you spend?" Shoji asked.
"About ¥15,000. It wasn't that bad honestly!" Kaminari told us.
I never had Greek food before, and holy hell, was it amazing! As I was eating, I had another one of those visions. I saw Mt. Lady bleeding out, myself protecting someone from an explosion, and Deku and Shoto badly injured. I snapped out of it after I heard Aoyama say something to me.
"S-Sorry, what'd you say? I kind of zoned out." I asked.
"Well, I've been wondering something, mon ami. That other Quirk of yours, how would you control yourself?" Aoyama asked.
I put my chin on my fist, "Hmm, that's a good question. I'm not sure..."
An idea popped up in my head, it might be risky, but I needed to try it! I drew on a piece of paper some sort of muzzle or gag that would disperse lavender tea to keep me calm. It'll be similar to Aunt Nezuko's. I asked Momo if she could create it for me. In a few seconds, she made it! After dinner, we all went outside to test my theory out. I had Momo make spare lavender tea just in case. I tied the bamboo gag around my chin.
"You guys ready? If this goes wrong, don't worry about going all out against me." I told them.
Deku nodded at me, "Alright, go ahead!"
I put the bamboo gag in my mouth and closed my eyes. I felt that horn shoot out of the corner of my forehead. My scar grew and my whole body tensed up. It was honestly hard to keep control of myself in this state, I was starting to see red. Lavender tea dispersed into my mouth as I bit down hard on the gag. My right eye twitched and so did my hands.
"Can you hear us, Alyx?" Tokoyami asked.
I made a noise to let them know I could hear them. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I heard singing. It sounded like some sort of lullaby. It was... soothing. I stopped twitching and stood calmly. I walked towards them and they all put their guards up.
"A-Alyx?" Mineta squeaked.
I didn't know what I was doing, but it was like I forgot everything until I heard that singing. I stared at Momo, I saw that angel like figure from before staring back at me. I looked over towards Eri, who was cowering behind Mr. Aizawa.
"What's going on? Alyx, are you okay?" Mr. Aizawa questioned
I didn't say anything, as I looked at Eri, I saw a flash of Liz. I walked over to her and place my hand on her head. It was like my body was moving on it's own, I had no control of my movements or body.
"M-Mr. Leonidus? You have a horn like me!" Eri noted.
She patted the horn on my head, from behind me, I heard a familiar voice.
"Moshi Mosh!" Shinobu greeted.
I turned around and faced her. I walked towards her and looked at her.
"Uhm, dude, what are you looking at?" Kaminari asked.
Shinobu smiled at me, "My, my! I heard Nezuko mention it, but I never thought it was true! You really do have your own Demon Blood Arts. I wonder what it is though?"
She held out a vial of blood poured some onto a stick, she set it down and backed away. She gestured me to do something to it, but I wasn't sure what! I held my hand out and quickly balled up into a fist. The blood exploded!
"W-Woah! How did you do that?!" Uraraka shouted.
Shinobu smiled at me, "So, it seems as if you share the same Arts as your Great Aunt. Interesting, it also looks as if that lullaby has calmed you down."
I deactivated my Quirk and rubbed the corner of my head. I still hate how a horn comes shooting out of my head! Not to mention the little spikes that come out of my right arm.
"Y-Yeah, it actually did help out. Thank you, Ms. Shinobu!" I replied.
She nodded and waved goodbye. She dispersed into hundreds of butterflies!
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!
Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)