
(BL) Rising The Moon

Short story about the Moon Child. An incredible series of events led to the merging of two different worlds. How it will all turn out?

_MengYao_ · LGBT+
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9 Chs


Hong stood there still, the blade still stuck between his hands. The fingers clenched around him were bleeding, drops of thick blood falling onto the wooden table. There was such a terrible silence that he could actually hear more drops falling down. His heart was beating incredibly fast and hard. He couldn't get over the shock he experienced. How did he do it? After all, he had never held a sword in his hand, and now he was literally holding it between his fingers as if nothing had happened.

Seo looked at the shorter one, wondering what kind of coup was taking place here. He looked at the severed head of one of the ministers and tilted his head to the side. He didn't recognize him, but he knew almost all of them. Could this be a carefully planned attack on him? He had to admit that he was quite weak. Especially when such a fragile and unknown creature managed to protect him.

The sword fell from the boy's hand and he looked at his hands in horror. They were cut and bloody. The younger man immediately felt worse, he even felt dizzy from these sensations. If it was a dream, it must have been a madman's dream!

- Are you okay? - For the first time he heard the prince's voice. He was short and warm in reception, although the whole crowd seemed rather terrified.

-Of course he's fine, Prince.-Assured one of the ministers, tugging the boy's wrist.-It's just a scratch! -He shouted indignantly and the rest started commenting on what a gentle boy he was, another wave of unfavorable comments towards him made him boil internally. He may not have been able to fight, but he certainly had other skills as well. He may have been different from his surroundings, but that didn't mean he was the worst.

He looked back and the prince was still standing there. He brazenly looked him in the eye, not caring about the etiquette. If it weren't for the fact that Seo himself felt rather interested in the young man, he would most likely have been punished. They looked at each other, Seo had no intention of letting go. Same with Hong, he didn't lower his gaze even for a second.

-What impudence.-The general snorted under his breath and reached for the hilt of his sword, intending to punish him. However, Seo stopped him by placing a hand on his wrist.

-What's your name?- He asked, waiting for an answer.

- Kim Hong-Joong. - He replied calmly, although he was far from it. In response, he heard only a grunt from the Prince. He didn't speak again and moved forward with his entourage.

-Crazy... He could at least say thank you.- Hong muttered to himself, feeling a little frustrated with the whole thing. At the same time, he felt that he was returning home with nothing. Because apart from the wounds he received during this meeting, he achieved nothing more.

When he returned, his father was waiting for him with a clearly dissatisfied face. Apparently he had already heard the news, though he wasn't sure which one. He felt strange here, although this world was alien to him, to some extent he felt at home here. It was a nice change because in the times in which he lived every day, he felt completely alien. And here? Despite the strange looks and insults, he felt exceptionally calmer. But maybe he should start panicking? Or... Maybe... This is not a dream but a paradise? Or, conversely, the hell that awaits him? He frowned slightly and, standing a few steps in front of the elder, hesitated.

-Hong.- He said dryly and narrowed his eyes, holding a heavy stick in his hand. Seeing this, he shuddered. And although he was already changed and his hands were bandaged, traces of the previous incident were still visible.

-But I didn't do anything wrong.- He stated as soon as the man raised his voice. Seeing his searching look, he flinched slightly and cleared his throat

-I wanted to punish you for another fucked up training. But I received some interesting information. - He stated and put his hands behind his back, turning around and heading towards the interior of the mansion. The younger one followed him slowly and uncertainly. After all, he couldn't be sure whether he wouldn't get hit on the head as punishment. Although he didn't feel entirely guilty about the situation.

He was about to open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't. This was not given to him in any way.

-As far as I know my son, I know that you probably can't fight. Every time you get into trouble, you end up face down in the mud or somewhere else. Never mind. It's not that important now. - He raised his hand before Hong tried to say anything again, telling him to just shut up and stop trying to argue.

-Be glad you didn't end up like that guy. You were very lucky because the prince himself showed you a lot of grace. However, this is the last time I'm sending you anywhere. You only bring me shame. It will be best if you never leave our lands again. Understood Hong? - He murmured and ended his statement. The man made it quite clear that he was not interested in his son's answer. He didn't care at all. At the same time, he did not punish him in any way. Apparently he felt that the wounds on his hands were a big enough punishment and deserved.

The boy stood there in the middle of the path leading to many corners of his father's estate. It was basically his property too. Although he didn't feel safe here.


Seo couldn't help but admire how quickly and efficiently the boy protected him. He was sitting at his massive wooden table. There was the smell of incense sticks and white tea which he loved to drink so much. But right now, he wasn't in the mood to drink tea. He moved his brush across the paper to complete the new regulation. Every now and then he looked up, waiting for his general. But he didn't show up. He sighed heavily and put down the brush, looking at the document. He placed the official royal seal on it and set it aside. He couldn't stop thinking about this boy. No one had ever shown him so much impudence and boldness at the same time. It made him wonder every time he remembered how the boy had simply grabbed the blade in his hands. Without thinking, in the blink of an eye. Before he realized that he was under attack, he was already protected.

-Strange... I've never seen anyone with such abilities.-He whispered to himself and looked up.

-Unusual.- The man opposite admitted.- I only experienced something similar once when I was a child.- He replied, rubbing his chin.

-Hmm? What are you talking about, Tiang? - He asked gruffly and raised his head higher with interest. Until he narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice, as if someone was eavesdropping on them.

-I do not know. I was a child then. Then I saw the most beautiful creature in the world. She was beautiful, really!-He began dreamily.-Her face was white and delicate like porcelain, her hair too... White like summer clouds. Blue eyes..-Seo interrupted this statement by hitting his hand on the counter.

-Keep your drunken delusions to yourself.-He said dryly, feeling as if the other man was joking with him. Offended, he turned sideways to him and rested his chin on his hand, lost in thought.

-What was this boy's name?- He asked nervously and took a dice in his hand.

-Er?- asked a man who had obviously swam somewhere. He didn't know where, apparently. -I don't remember. Some Kim. - He shrugged indifferently. Kim, it didn't mean much to him. Even though he asked him his name and surname, he actually didn't remember it very well.

-You're all useless as hell.- He said after a while and looked up at the man. -You're supposed to find him and bring him here. That's an order.