

Wanda flew towards her brother at an inexplicable speed. Her hair shifted back as she beamed with crimson light. It was impossible... Pietro couldn't be dead. What about the perfect future they envisioned?

Tony Stark, still hovering above the ground, had already started to retreat from the scene when suddenly another attack plummeted from the rear. It was much more powerful and descended on his body from above like a wave tumbling against the stones. Before even realizing it, Tony already got drilled into the ground.

"Jarvis, what is happening?" Tony whispered, still feeling numb from such immense force. For a moment, he felt the pressure ease a bit. Side glancing to the side, he saw Wanda holding her dead brother.

She was crying. Tears didn't stop rolling down her cheeks even for a moment, and her veins overflowed with rage. Crimson light enveloped her entirely, gratifying her hands bloodied in her brother's blood.

"No...why?" Wanda's whole body trembled as she looked into Pietro's lifeless eyes. His body already started getting cold. Tony Stark still didn't rise from the ground, looking at the unfolding scene with anxiety.

He wanted to say something, but words just didn't escape from his mouth. In the end, he was the one who killed Pietro... there was no changing that. Pietro may have attacked him first, though Wanda didn't seem like she intended to listen to him at all.

"Jarvis, when is the Jade Giant arriving?" Tony felt the ground tremble from Wanda's immense powers. Crimson light excluded from her eyes as she looked at Tony with a piercing gaze.

"26 seconds," Jarvis answered, letting Tony sigh in relief. Wanda appeared much stronger than it was stated in the documents... did she also take that drug? No, it was just the outcome of her pure anger.

'I have to distract her before Jade Giant appears.' Tony thought, preparing to release hundreds of rockets. From what Tony knew, Wanda's powers were incredibly versatile.

A difficult foe, to say the least.

"Why is it that it's always you?" Wanda released her brother, gently putting him on the ground. She no longer screamed, no longer cried. However, this silent behavior and constantly pulsating light made her look even more dangerous.

"My parents... and now my brother?" Wanda focused her sharp gaze on Tony, who couldn't help but stay silent. She extended both of her hands towards him. "Why did you have to take everything away from me?!"

As her words echoed throughout the city, a vast sphere formed from Wanda's hands as she propelled it forth. Tony tried to dodge sideways, yet his legs got coated in crimson light.

"Jarvis?" Tony fell to his knee, trying to resist the pressure attracting him to the ground. The sphere flew at a slow speed, but it carried an immense sense of dread. Death was inevitable if he faced it head-on.

"It's here," Jarvis answered in his passive voice. Just as the sphere was about to overwhelm Tony, a piece of metal hit Wanda in the back. Subconsciously, she stopped concentrating on Tony and glanced back, concurrently letting Tony dodge the sphere.

"Yeah, this is much better." Tony felt the weight on his body increasing each second, and soon the entire Jade Giant was complete. Wanda, who already had her eyes set on Tony again, didn't appear fazed by the new huge armor.

He could use as many tricks as he possibly wanted. Wanda would still kill him - Tony's death was inevitable, and it would happen today. Memories of her brother flooded her mind as she advanced.

"I am sorry, but I have little time." Tony casually lifted both his hands, releasing hundreds, if not thousands, of little rockets. Reacting quickly, Wanda used her powers to halt them in the air.

As she was about to propel them back at Tony, all of them exploded in the air. Smoke dispersed throughout the horizon, causing both of them to disappear from the sight of each other.

Anger boiled inside of Wanda and crimson light excluded from her body, causing the smoke to dissipate away. Instead of seeing Tony's huge armor, she witnessed a beam of light approaching violently. It collided with her own powers, forcing her to slide backward.

Noticing Wanda's heavy breathing, Tony plunged towards her from above. She reacted in time. However, Tony's armor weight was too great. Unable to stop his fall, Tony landed a punch on Wanda's face.

"No..." Wanda felt her face going numb as her eyes beamed in crimson red. Another punch landed on her face, yet her anger only intensified. It was not yet the time to fall. This man had to die today!

"That's enough, Wanda." A voice, which she didn't expect to hear at all, reached her heeds. Looking past Tony's enormous body, she witnessed Nagato hovering above them. "You can rest now."

"What...what are you doing here?" Tony couldn't keep his face empty of emotions as he turned around to face Nagato. Wanda used this moment to create another sphere with her hands, pushing it into Tony's body.

His armor shattered into multiple pieces immediately, and the force sent him flying multiple feet away. Hitting his head against the wall, some of Tony's forehead revealed itself from underneath the material.

"Jarvis, inform Thor and all the Avengers. We have another problem." Tony whispered, feeling his whole body going numb. It was a grave situation. Better to retreat now and come back with all the forces - he couldn't deal with this monster alone.

"Danger detected from above." Jarvis enunciated, forcing Tony to glance upwards. Two purple eyes greeted him as he felt a hand landing on his shoulder. He longed to defend himself or at least raise his weapon, however, his whole body just didn't listen anymore. What was this monster doing here in the first place?

"Almighty push," Nagato used his absolute powers, forcing Tony to drill deeply into the ground. The buildings around the area collapsed in the blink of an eye, and even Wanda got pushed away by the incoming force.

The armor deformed from the pressure, sharp pieces of metal entering his skin. The force didn't stop for a moment, and soon Tony felt his internal organs getting pierced as well. He was so powerless.

He couldn't even lift a finger.

Soon, his eyes started closing on their own, and he felt weakness spreading throughout his muscles. Death loomed over his shadow, having its violet eyes set on him. He gasped loudly and his eyes closed entirely, causing yet another Avenger to disappear from this world.

Nagato regarded Tony from above, then glanced at Wanda, whose body still beamed with crimson light. The magnitude of her powers heavily depended on her emotional state, hence making her unstably dangerous right now.

However, the pain she is feeling will never disappear from her heart.

So far, the plan was proceeding excellently.

Now, Nagato only had to persuade her to serve under him without a single reservation.

