
What?-Part 2


"Sam? Dean?"

You yelled into the large cave, hoping to find either Sam or Dean there, no luck. You slowly crept through a familiar passageway, and entered the room scattered with body parts again. This time is was Sam and Dean tied to the poles knocked out, and you had to save them. The wendigo was out somewhere, so you picked up a nearby flamethrower the boys had brought, and hid in the crook of a wall.

    You heard the sound of heavy footsteps... the wendigo. You got ready to pull the trigger on the flamethrower as it entered the room. It went over to Sam and was about to bite him, when you jumped out and yelled at the top of your lungs,


You pulled the trigger and the wendigo went up in flames. You smiled at the burn marks where the wendigo used to stand, and pat yourself on the back.

"Assbutt? Whats with people and assbutt lately?"

You turned to Dean who woke up from the noise, and gave him a bitchface.

"I have always wanted to do something like that. Now are you going to thank me or not?"

"Yeah yeah... thanks..."

You smiled at that. Afterwards, you became a hunter and the Winchesters took you in, and sometimes you and Dean would rock the house a lil bit.