
What? Part 1

    Saturday Mornings were your favorite, you didnt have to worry about school the next day and you were able to sleep in and stay up all night watching netflix.

     This Saturday seemed no different than other saturdays. You woke up, and moved around in your bed for about 30 minutes, and eventually got up because you had to pee.

     You started a shower and while you were standing in the shower, you lifted your arms up and laughed at how the water looked like it was shooting out of your hands. You thought.

     As you got out of the shower and dried yourself with a towel, making your hair turn into a snail. You then got dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and walked downstairs.

"Mom, you know how you think im addicted to Netflix? Well at least- WHAT? MOM!?"

You gasped and covered your mouth at the sight of your mom, dad, and older brother laying on the floor, being eaten by another man. You screamed at the top of your lungs as the man chased after you. You felt something hit the back of your head and everything went black.

    You woke up tied to a metal pole. You wrists felt sore from the posistions they were in, and your stomach had a terrible pain in it. You slowly looked down to see a large blood stain on your shirt. With fresh blood.

     You started to scream at the top of your lungs when you noticed the scattered body parts everywhere. There was a arm in front of your with a fresh manicure, your moms arm. You and her had decided to get manicures the other day and you recognized the color as your moms, not to mention her ring was on the index finger.

    You couldnt beleive this was happening. You knew about cannibals, but were they really this scary?? You then remembered something from a survival camp you were forced to go to. If you have long enough nails, you can cut rope tueing yourself together with them. So thats what you did.

You heard a snap, and the pressurr on your hand released. You pulled away your bloody nails and slowly stood up. When you head rush was gone, you started to run out of the cave you were in. A cave, wouldnt cannibals at least have a sense of fashion? Guess not.

    As you ran out of the cave you stopped yourself when you heard two voices. One gruff and the other annoyed. You picked up a jagged rock, that was about the size of a sword, and jumped out at the men.

"Who are you? Why did you take me? How can you eat humans without throwing up???"

The men looked at you confused, and then concerned. A taller one with longish hair started walking towards you, but you held the rock up to him.

"Please, just let me go, you already took my family."

"Listen were not... cannibals we-"

"Not cannibals my ass! I caught you eating my family!"

"You did?"

"Well not you exactly but im sure your cannibals just as well."

"Listen, we are here to help you, you need to calm down. You are wounded-"

"No thanks to you Frankenstein!!!"

"Frankenstein-? Look we are hunting for the man that ate your family, its a wendigo, they are pretty torturus things-"

"Ok, well at least I know you arent the cannibal because you just called it a wendigo, and also, I think you need more help than I do if you think wendigo exists."

You loosened your grip on the rock and continued running past them, until you reached an exit to the cave. You danced in victory and found a black impala sitting by the cave. How did you know it was an impala? Well who wasnt a fan of the supernatural book series. With two characters Sam and Dean, Sam was tall with long hair, while Dean was shirter with short durty blonde hair and green eyes... kinda like thise guys back there... wait... holy shit.