
TFW x Reader

This sucked. Our only lead was a hunter that lived in the middle of nowhere, and Sam and I didnt even know if she was still alive. All we knew is that she could have credential information about the Mark of Cane, and how to decipher the code to remove it.

    So of course, this being our only lead, we headed to a old rotting mansion in the middle of Kansas, at least it was close to the bunker. So after driving on a barely visible dirt road in the middle of a thick forest, a large brick mansion came into view, with boarded up windows and dead planta poking out everywhere, it was like the place people always stay during a zombie apocolypse.

"Dean, im pretty sure this Bel is dead..."

"Well, maybe she kept the information somewhere, we can always snoop around."


Sam and I got out of the car and closed the doors. We walked up the steps and Sam started getting out his lock picking set, and I knocked on the door. She could still be alive, never know. Sam sent me a face and was about to open the door, when it opened up from the inside.


A young girl, with long curly h/c hair pulled back into a ponytail, and bright green orbs that could almost make you happy in the worst of times. What caught my eye was the swarm of freckles covering her cheeks and nose.

    She looked back from me to Sam and rolled her eyes, about to close the door when Sam stopped her. She suddenly kicked Sam in the soft spot and me in the shin, sending up both laying on the ground in pain.

"Get away you freaks!"

    Well that went well. When Sam and I both recovered, which was slow due to Sam, we knocked on the door again. The same girl opened it and seemed to be gettig ready to scream, when it was I this time who stopped her.

"Woah woah woah, we mean no trouble ok? We are from the FBI and-"

"FBI? Well why didnt you say so? Come in! I made peppermint tea!"

The girl smiled and showed off her mouth, which had its two front teeth missing, probably getting older teeth. She towed us into the house which was like the inside of the queens castle, everything was clean, she dragged us into a room that had two fancy couches and a coffee table.

    The girl left to supposedly get the tea, and Sam and I couldnt stop looking at the painting hanging on the wall, it was the Mona Lisa, I swear the real Mona Lisa. I had to put my hand on the table to support myself, when someone swatted it.

"Get your hands off of that! That is real gold and is very gentle!"

I immediately retreated my hand and looked at the table. Dang this place the Queens castle. The Girl set silver teacups in front of us with tea in them, and then she sat on the couch in front of us criss crossed sipping her tea.

"So, FBI, what brings you here?"

"Well, were really looking for Bel, is she your mom?"

"Oh. Yes she was my mom. Was."

"Oh, so shes dead?"


"Is there anyone else here?"

"Nope, just me."

    The girl took another sip of her tea and acted as if nothing had happened. How on earth could a girl like her live on her own in a house like this? Suddeny Sam burst into the conversation.

"So that painting, I just have to ask, is it a fake? It looks suprisingly real."

"Oh thats real."

Another sip of her tea.

"Wait... What? So the one in the museum or whatnot is fake?"


"How did you get it?"

"I took it."

"Like, what.... how... wha-"

"Simple, I just snuck in through a secret tunnel at night and knocked out all of the gaurds and swiped it with a super realistic fake one that I had and put it up, the left. No one suspects a 11 year old girl to steal a painting, they still dont even know it was stolen."

Another sip of her tea. Who was this girl even? She was a badass. Stealing the Mona Lisa? Woah. She acted as if it was no big deal, but why was she telling us? We said we were FBI, she would basically be turning herself in.

"You do realize we are FBI right? That you just told us you commited a federal crime?"

The girl burst out laughing and set her tea on the table in front of us. She shook her head and pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arma around them, still chuckling.

"Haha, you really think you could trick I am a hunter you know, and I know a fake badge when I see one."

I leaned back as Sam and I exchanged looks, ok, this girl had to be lieing. Then something occured to me, she could be a demon, a demo possessing a young girl. I quickly pulled out my flask of water and splashed it on her, careful not to get any on the couch of course.

    She made a bithface and spit the water out. So not a demon, dang. This girl really was badass.

"Yeah, not a demon Winchester."

"How did you know my name?"

"Because Dean, I think I know my dad when I see him, and my uncle to, I didnt forget you Sam. Oh yea how are you my dad? Well lets just say eleven years ago you did my mom and the protection broke, making me, thanks alot by the way."

I was taken aback, I had a daughter, and this was her? I didnt even know her name yet. All I knew is that daughter stole Mona Lisa. Awesome.

"Ok, im not going to ask how you know all this, but I need help with the Mark of Cain. There might be some information here?"


"Uh... ok."

The girl got up and left the room, and came back a while later with a old book that was covered in alot of dust with a weird symbol on it.

"I dont know what its called all I know Is it will help you. I think its time for you to go, heres my phone number if you need help, or just come back, since you guys are only 30 minutes away from my house."

The girl pushed us out the front door and waved. She was about to close it but I stopped her with a question.

"Wait! Whats your name?"

"Y/n. Also its too soon for me to move in with you two, sorry. Love you dad, bye."

Just like that the door closed. Sam and I were left standing on the porch shocked.

The actual hell just happened.

P.S: you dont have to bow down to me because I love you all~♡