
TWF x Reader Part 2

      Y/n had still refused to move in with us, or let us move in with her. She said it wasnt time yet, she had been ignoring the subject for four years. During thise four years we had grown incredibly close, and she was like a true daughter to me, as if I were there from day 1.

     Sometimes y/n would stay at the bunker for a while. She would help us with hunts and would help us whenever we called for anything. She was kinda like a mum to me, and I had watched her grow up into a strong brawn woman, even though she was only 15 now.

    Right now y/n was staying with us and was pretty helpful when it came to solving a case. I had told her to stay with us several times but she always refuses and then changes the subject, like she knows something.

     Today we were taking her back to her house so she could check on everything, then Sam and I were going to head out on a apparent spirit case. Everything was supposed to be fine.

    What we didnt know was that the demons had found y/ns home, and planned to kill her. So they had set her home on fire, thinking she was in it. When we arrived, it was a large pile of burnt wood, nothing survived.

    So y/n hopped out of the car, and walked over to her old home, then walked back to the car, still looking at it, then she turned to the forest, and took a deep breath. I knew what she was thinking, and she was just going to get herself killed.

"Y/n dont!"

Too late. Y/n was already off running into the forest. I took off after her and chased her for what seemed like forever, when I finally lost her, and found myself in such a dense forest that it was so dark I couldnt see.

    I pulled out my phone and called Sam, he found me and led me back to the Impala, and we headed home. I could only think about y/n. I had so many questions, why did she run off into the forest? Why didnt she just come live with us? What had happened back there? Where did she go? I loved y/n so dearly, I didnt want to lose her!

   I was pulled out of my thoughts when Sam snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I realized we had arrived at the bunker. I immediately went to my room and sat on my bed. What was I going to do now?

    I dont care how long it had been since I lost her. I will not give up looking for her, and I will not ever give up on . I had searched the forest around her burnt down home many times, and I found no traces of her. She had gone invisible to the world.

    I still wouldnt give up on her. I loved her too much to pretend I didnt care. I sat on a half burnt couch by the forest deep in my thoughts, when I got a call from Sam, bringing me to reality.

" Dean I think theres someone in the bunker, I need backup."

"Ok stay safe im on my way."

I hopped into my Impala and drove off to the bunker fast. I did care about y/n, so very much, but there was Sam too, who was growig weak from something.

   I pulled up at the bunker and pulled out my gun before barging in. When I did, I found Sam lying on the ground with a girl leaning over him, pouring a greenish liquid into his mouth. I shot at the girl but sadly missed, and she jumped up and ran away.

    I ran to Sam and he woke up, coughing, and he looked at himself, then at me. He stood up and I tried to support him, but he suprisingky didnt need it.

"That, that girl cured me of whatever i had."

"Well lets go find her!"

We ran through the bunker endlessley, and we were about to give up when we heard a crash from y/ns old room, which I hadnt opened since she ran away. I ran into it and burst it open, and right tge standing in the middle of the room was... y/n.

     She looked terrible, her hair was pulled back into a very long greasy braid, in need of a haircut, and her clothes were the same clothes she wore when she ran away, just with new patches sewed onto them, covered in dirt.

    Her feet were shoeless and instead wrapped in torn rags, so were her hands. She had several scars scattering her body, and a new cut on her cheek. She smiled at me and akwardly waved.

"Y-y/n? Is that you?"

"Of course its me, who else?"

"What happened? Why did you run off?"

"So I could find the cure for Sam, which I finally did! Your welcome!"

"What? What cure?"

"Well after the fire, Sam was showing signs of this really rare hunter disease, I call it Hunters Block, anyways it makes hunter so weak, they cant even stand up, and they are like that until they die. Well the cure is the blood of a Sycta, or what you guys call a wood nymph, and it took me longer than normal, but I found it so, your welcome."

"I-i what."

"Ok so can I have privacy to take a shower please? I am kinda dirty."


    I hadnt told them the whole story, but it was all fixed now, it was all in the past.

I was just glad to be back.