

Owen was reincarnated to a new world full of wars and conflicts with his useless system. How will he survive? could he even survive? No.

BlueVeil · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

To battle

Owen looked around him and everyone had a face full of fear. His homeland, the Bereth Kingdom is currently at war with the Onix Empire.

The Empire. The strongest powerhouse in the whole land, that's what their fighting against.

Owen didn't know the reason why but it didn't matter either way.

Owen knew that their fate is sealed, he knew how powerless he was.

He was reincarnated from earth to a world that is full of war. Born as a commoner in a medieval world with a system that can't do anything.


Name: Owen

Race: Human

Type: Soldier

Rank: Tier-3

Title:[Captain late]


Life Points:60/60

Mana Points:30/30











[Combat Sense(Passive)]<Level 1>

[Swordsmanship(Passive)]<Level 3>

[Archery(Passive)]<Level 2>

[Horseback Riding(Passive)]<Level 1>


His system could shows him his stats and the stats of others and that's all. He couldn't level up or do anything to grow stronger.

He is stronger than an average person but he was still weaker than the knights and commanders from the military.

Because of that, he was stuck as a captain of a small squad of 10. His squad will die with him in this war but he couldn't do anything.

It was their fate.

They were just cannon fodders and their job was to stall for time.

There are bombs underneath them and their job was to lure the Imperial army towards those bombs, to them.

It was a helpless and a pointless fight since whatever they do, they will die.

Owen wanted to quit out of it but since they will kill him either way, it was better to just fight.

Just as he thought of all this, he heard a loud shout from afar.

"DRAW YOUR SWORDS!!!!"a man in a golden armor shouted.

Owen and all the soldiers present draw their weapons. Everyone still fear their death. They were shaking while some were crying, Owen was not an exception to this.

He was crying, he didn't want to die but he was simply forced to his death.

'Damn it, if i survive from this i'll have my revenge. I swear it.' Owen thought to himself.

"CHARGE!!!!"the man in golden armor shouted.

"C-Charge!!!"a soldier shouted.




And so, the whole bereth army charged towards the imperial army. The imperial army did the same and both forces clashed with each other.

Cries and screams could be heard everywhere.

Blood spatters everywhere as heads, arms, and limbs were sent flying.

Owen slashed here and there, cutting every imperial soldier he could see. He gave it his all as he knew that it would be his last.

"RAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Owen shouted as he charged forward.