
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

chapter 13 | the new battle of naboo

I dont own star wars or any anime I use in this work

{the year is 32 BBY }

jake gave them landing permission to bored one of his hanger bays and had them escorted to him as they arrived he finally saw the little kid AKA Anakin Skywalker looking around in awe Qui-Gon said " nice ship I wonder how you made it " hoping that he can get some information about how this ship came to be he believes that Jake's people have made the ship as he hasn't seen anything like it jake responds with " I dont think so mr jedi your apart of the highly corrupted Republic cant trust you with anything important about my ships " Qui-Gon understands but doesn't stop him from felling disappointed but also gives a look to Obi-Wan that says don't say anything Obi-Wan gave a look back that said I wasn't going to do anything master

the reason the jedi cant feel the dark side in Jake is because of his Force Masking that let's you to block your own Force signature from others nearby you

young Anakin Skywalker cant keep his excitement in anymore and yells " the technology on this ship is amazing I haven't even heard about ____ navigating systems before " Jake turn to look at the chosen one and said " you seem like a smart one how would you like to become one of my engineers little guy " anakin is having internal battle right now one side he can become a jedi on the other he can work with technology he has never even heard about but before he could say anything Obi-Wan answered for him by saying " he is with us to become a jedi as he is strong with the force " Jake replies with " what a waste of such a talented person you jedi wouldn't even let him mess with a droid "

anakin heard that and gave a look that says explain to jake and he does so by saying " a jedi cant have any personal belongings or emotions and to work on technology as I have seen from how you look you would enjoy it and that's a emotion and to even have a droid it would count as a personal belonging " Anakin is now skeptical about becoming a jedi but before Jake could convince him to join him Obi-Wan says " that is not true you will have plenty of time to tinker around technology with the force as training and your joy can be masked by your using of the force " jake is annoyed at Obi-Wan for that but doesn't say anything about it

Jake then says " prepare for battle everyone we arrive in 20 minutes go go go " as the jedi looked at the crew running around preparing for a battle they start thinking maybe this was the right decision to make as the Republic didn't do a thing even after everything they said Jake then gives out a order " dont let the Lucrehulk-class ships send out there fighters our fighters will be out number 5 to 1 so prepare our fighters for battle "

as they exit hyperspace you could see them sending down Transport ships down to the planet the handmaiden then says " why aren't you shoting down those ships" for jake to respond with " after we Destroy the Lucrehulk-class ships the droids will lose signal to their command ship and deactivate " as you could see visable damage on the first ship the other 2 aren't damaged yet and are starting to send out there fighters so jake says " send our fighters out now " and they did they might be out numbered but they out gun as the fighters Jake uses are the TIE Defender and the TIE Hunter which both far out class Trade Federation vulture droids and start winning the battle fairly quickly

as the fighters were having there dog fights Jake's ships finally destroyed the first Lucrehulk and started firing at the second one which got destroyed a lot faster as a few Tie DEFENDERS took out there shielding the last Lucrehulk-class ship is trying to leave through hyperspace but cant because Jake's Star Dreadnought is using its tractor beam on it which makes it impossible for there navigation system to find the entrance to hyperspace and got shot down fairly quickly

as jake saw this he then turned to the handmaiden and said "I would like a meeting with the Queen now" while giving a knowing look towards her she says " yes let me inform them the enemy has been destroyed and to give you clearance to land " jake then thinks ( I guess I can do it down there ) and doesn't point out he knows she's the Queen

as they made it to the Palace Jake turned to padme and said " so miss handmaiden or should I say queen of Naboo were will we have our meeting " Padme wondering how he knew she was the Queen asked " how did you know that " Jake makes a excuse by saying " it's the way your body guards look at you there's no way they would be so overprotective over a simple Handmaiden " Padme says " then we can have a meeting in private fallow me " Jake did just that they made it to a room that has two naboo royal guards standing on both sides they both give a bow to Padme and went outside Padme starts by saying " what did you want to talk about and how much will it cost for your services "

Jake says " there's two ways to pay the first option is you can pay us 5% of your planets GDP every year for the next 10 or you can become a vassal state of my empire there will be no changes to your planets laws or anything really except 2 fleets of ships will be stationed in your system for protection and if any reason I need to call upon your people for help you send as much man power as you can it's basically an alliance but I would be your planets official ruler while in reality you would be"

Padme then says " my people cant afford paying 5% of our GDP income we have this problem to take care of and if its basically a Alliance why cant it be just that " jake explains why by saying " if we offer you a Alliance it would show we give out our services for free but if you become a vassal it still shows we aren't a cheep and desperate group you understand that right" Padme replied with " I understand that but your not giving us much of a option I will need time to make my decision" jake says " by all means take your time my fleet will stay in the system into you make up your mind if you haven't made your mind up in a weeks time we will start a blockade over naboo so keep that in mind" Padme says " I will indeed keep that in mind"

AN ) that's the end of this chapter leave a power stone if you enjoyed it :)